
by The Republic of Europeian WA Headquarters. . 37 reads.

Information for World Assembly Voters: Commend Ambrella

[center][size=150][b]Information for World Assembly Voters[/b][/size][/center]
[center][i]Please find below another volume of the Information For World Assembly Voters program.[/i][/center][hr]
[box][center][size=125][b]Resolution At-Vote: [u][url=/page=sc][color=Deepskyblue]Commend Ambrella[/color][/url][/u][/b][/size][/center]

[center][size=125][b][url=https://forums.europeians.com/index.php?threads/sc-commend-ambrella.10059289/][color=goldenrod][u]Forum Voting Thread[/u][/color][/url][/b][/size][/center]

[center][size=150][u][b]Our Vote recommendation:[/b][/u] [b][color=limegreen]FOR[/color][/b][/center][/box]
[box][center][spoiler=[size=125]Ministry review[/size]]
[align=left][box][I][b]Resolution Overview:[/b]
This proposal seeks to commend our good friend and compatriot, Sopo, known as [nation]Ambrella[/nation] gameside, for a plethora of momentous achievements and contributions throughout the NationStates world. Among those listed are his benefaction for our foreign policy apparatus?particularly in bringing together our regional allies to celebrate common successes--and his powerhouse work within all forms of the Europeian media. Lastly, the authors cite his service as a Europeian lawmaker via the spearheading of various initiatives to improve Europeian law, and similar important contributions as a legal mastermind behind [region]Caprecia[/region].

[b]Ministry Analysis:[/b]
There are some situations where a nominee may be more than meets the eye at first glance. This is one. Beyond being an esteemed Europeian and a friend to all, Sopo is the consummate statesperson and a major reason our region is in the strong position we find ourselves in today. He is undoubtably a titan in many areas, but what stands out about this proposal is the clear dedication to his chosen areas of expertise it highlights, and his commitment to embracing the new.

This IFV Recommendation was written in collaboration with our [region]World Assembly Legislative League[/region] partners.[/i][/box][/align][/spoiler][/center]
[center][spoiler=[size=125]Help Wanted in the Ministry of World Assembly![/size]][align=left][box]All of us in the Ministry of World Assembly are proud of the work we accomplish in the Ministry. If you are interested in joining the effort, if you are interested in getting more involved in the World Assembly, possibly as an author or one of our staff putting together information for voters like yourself, then join the Ministry! We want both people who are eager to learn and people who already know their way around the World Assembly and can help us do our job even better. Joining the Ministry of World Assembly is a great way to get more involved in Europeia.

If you're interested in getting involved, please contact the Minister of World Assembly Affairs, either by personal message on the forums (username: [b]Gem[/b]) or by telegram (nation: [b][nation=short]Gemeinschaftsland[/nation][/b]).

We look forward to hearing from you soon![/align][/box][/spoiler][/center]
[center][spoiler=[size=125]Other information[/size]][box][align=left]The Delegate casts the regional vote after consulting the results of the forum voting thread linked above. All citizens in Europeia can vote and discuss there, so make sure to do so!

As usual, [b]please consider endorsing Delegate [nation=short]primorye_oblast[/nation][/b], if you have not already done so. The more endorsements, the more votes Europeia has, and the stronger our voice in the World Assembly is!

If you are no longer interested in receiving these telegrams, please edit your [url=/page=tgsettings][b]Telegram Preferences[/b][/url], and adjust the frequency with which you receive 'WA Campaign' telegrams accordingly.[/align][/box][/spoiler][/center][/box][hr]
[center]If you have questions about any of the above, please contact Minister of World Assembly Affairs [b][nation=short]Gemeinschaftsland[/nation][/b].

[i]Dispatch created on behalf of the Ministry of World Assembly Affairs.[/i][/center]
[background-block=#D8DDE8][center][b][url=http://forums.europeians.com/index.php?forums/][color=010101]Forum[/color][/url] [color=bea000] ★ [/color][/size] [url=http://forums.europeians.com/index.php?threads/8891668/][color=010101]Citizenship[/color][/url] [size=125][color=bea000] ★ [/color][/size]  [url=http://forums.europeians.com/index.php?forums/59364/][color=010101]Navy[/color][/url] [size=125][color=bea000] ★ [/color][/size] [url=http://forums.europeians.com/index.php?forums/59392/][color=010101]World Assembly[/color][/url] [size=125][color=bea000] ★ [/color][/size] [url=http://forums.europeians.com/index.php?forums/59401/][color=010101]Citizens' Assembly[/color][/url] [size=125][color=bea000] ★ [/color][/size] [url=http://mixlr.com/eon/showreel/][color=010101]Radio[/color][/url] [size=125][color=bea000] ★ [/color][/size] [url=https://discord.gg/nYAwZ7f][color=010101]Discord[/color][/url][/center][/background-block][background-block=#00377c][center][img]http://static.europeians.com/img_repo/euro_footer.svg[/img][/b][/center][/background-block]
