
by The King of All Wild Things. . 212 reads.

WILD LIFE - March 2022


This month, I took a job with NS Today, splitting my efforts between here, there, and elsewhere. Any quality articles I write (such as Linkthe raid on The Mystical Council), I'll probably publish on NS Today. And all the trash I'll post here.

Note: I'd like to apologise to Quebecshire. The "Two Cents" opening paragraph as it was originally written included a short quote by him from a private Discord channel. It was wrong of me to include that quote. Further, the phrasing of the paragraph could be misconstrued to to imply that the quote referred to the later article, or the topic of that article. To clarify, the comment was not related to the article.

But if you're just thinking, "I don't care about any of this. Why did I get a notification?", then this section is for you.


The premise for Repeal or No Repeal is pretty simple. A recently passed piece of General Assembly legislation gets named, and you have to guess correctly as to whether it will be repealed before the end of the month. I plan to set up a league table for this, but have failed miserably in getting round to it so far. Maybe one day!

On 31 January, Apatosaurus ii's Access To Life-Ending Services passed with a comfortable 76.5% in favour. Surely this one would stay on the books? Apatosaurus II thought so. At first. Then they hedged their bets using another account, Apatosaurus, to say it would get repealed. And on 12 February, it did indeed get repealed. Credit where it's due for determination and literary talent, their follow-up work, Access To Euthanasia Services, passed on 20 February. Well done!

Sadly, Morover's A Treaty on Time Travel didn't make it into law. The title had piqued my interest, and this was probably the only GA proposal I ever read to the end. So instead, next month's victim of this game will be Barfleur's Addressing Domestic Abuse. How much of a battering will the GA give it? Place your bets!
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_ G.R.O.S.S.

After making repeated threats to coup Osiris on the NSGP Discord server, Quebec was declared persona non grata by Osiris. Quebec responded by posting a dispatch and forum thread titled "The Osiris Fraternal Order: A Failed State". Here's my take on events:

If you're a fan of Calvin and Hobbes, you'll be struggling with some of these character reversals. But in my head that "metaphorical tiger" became Hobbes. Meaning that their roles became reversed. And so how else could Koth be portrayed, except as Susie Derkins? Apologies to all. Though, yeah, I'm not so sorry that I'm not going ahead with publishing this!


Most of us learned at a young age that it was important to change our underwear every day. After all, if you got knocked down by a car, it would be very important that the ER doctor didn't need to surgically remove those pants before starting treatment. But as we grow older, often the wisdom we learned in our youth gets forgotten. So when did you last change your underwear? Most people said "this morning". Probably they changed it especially before voting, trying to save themselves from shame. Then there were a couple of honest voters, who'd changed in the past couple of days. And then of course there's the fearless commando! I guess that's one way to ensure that the surgeon never has to cut you out of your underwear.

Fungsland, All Wild Things, Aleixandria, Evelpia, -ShipFan, Sciandra, S t m ma sd, Turtle izland, Primo order, Lower Slobbovia, Veilacia

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The biggest raid in history was carried out in February on The Mystical Council. But wait! Wasn't the biggest raid in history carried out in January against A Liberal Haven? Yup. But this one was bigger. It seems that a month is a long time in Gameplay! LinkRead all about it in NS Today.

Hungry for more details? Satiate that appetite with first-hand accounts of the raid (and some recipes!) from the latest Osiris Oracle. Upvote if you enjoy!


We played another round of this terrible game where I write an incomplete sentence, and you have to guess what the missing word or phrase is.

My friend is such an endo-tart. She even endorsed…

It's a sign of the modern financial system that no-one chose "…a banker's cheque". Possibly none of you even knew what one was! But this month's secret answer is…

…a brand of soap powder! I thought we'd need one to keep all that underwear clean.

And like with the Repeal or No Repeal game, I didn't get around to setting up a league table. Maybe one day. But don't hold your breath!

Aquafar, Bicho raro, The New Jabanese, Holy Hawaiian Empire, The North Polish Union, Vodkaslavia, Graag brom, Explodeingtnt, Youngster Joey, Charallia, Pathoal, Voljundok, The Earldom of Fallsbury, Yemrod, Fungsland, Aleixandria, Tablinzhia, Molohonia

Click to see if we're running a poll. Need to vote some more? Check out your eligible polls.


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- done something I felt was worth writing about in an article
- voted in a recent Where The Wild Things Are poll

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- Stop doing cool stuff worth writing about
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But hopefully you enjoyed this dispatch, and don't mind the ping.
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Of Altonianic Islands, Sky point, Aleixandria, Jeeves Land, Indusse, Pathoal, Davelands

The King of All Wild Things

