
by The Kongúrrikki of Droiden. . 85 reads.



Droiden is a sum of its parts.

    Droiden is a composite empire of nine subsidiary provinces, each of which enjoy the ability, to a certain degree, to govern themselves as they please. Each province is denoted as a Kingdom and Grand Principality are ruled by either a King or a Grand Prince, who are equals in everything but title. These monarchs are collectively referred to as "high nobility," and many members are related, directly or indirectly, to the Kongur. Furthermore, the Crown Territory of Iceland is governed directly by the Kongur.

    Each of these provinces are permitted to oversee parliamentary elections within their own territory, grant titles of lesser nobility, and otherwise possess a right to self-determination. Their rulers maintain membership in the Noble Council, where they represent their province and its needs. They are also the overseers of each province's Alðingí, a regional parliamentary body which makes laws in accordance with the Great Edict and the laws passed by the Fólkeðínget.

    Each provincial legislature elects a speaker, who works with the King or Grand Prince to ensure the prosperity of the realm. Furthermore, they are often stylized as the Count of the provincial capital city, where they must live for their entire term. These provincial legislatures vote every two years. They also, along with their ruling monarch, the Patriarch of Ribe, and the sitting Prime Minister, may be summoned at any time in order to deliberate on Imperial or Ecumenical decrees.

    These provinces also mark the borders of Droidenian Orthodox Archbishoprics, which are overseen by an archbishop. The Archbishop is responsible for maintaining religious presence within each territory, as well as maintaining inter-faith relations with the recognized minority faiths within Droiden. Each archbishop is further a member of the Holy Synod, and has a chain of ordinance below him, allowing him to delegate religious decisions to a more local level. These archbishops maintain cathedrals within the capital city of the province they represent.


    State Name

    State Capital


    Kingdom of Denmark


    Ruled by King Leif, the Imperial Crown Prince, Denmark is considered the heartland of the Empire. It served as the birthplace of Droiden, and is home to Kongur Eirik II, Patriarch Valdemar VII, and a population of nearly 16 million people. Long a center of science and discovery, Denmark is home to the world's first "modern" observatory, situated in the city of Aalborg. It boasts the most highly educated population within Droiden, with nearly fifty per cent of citizens holding a tertiary degree. Surrounded by both the North and Baltic Seas, it is a cultural melting pot of peoples from across the empire, maintaining a diverse population. Once a major agrarian center, Denmark has expanded its manufacturing and scientific fields, boasting the greatest increase in STEM fields since the downfall of the Syndicalist regime of all provinces.

    Kingdom of Norway


    Ruled by Queen Alis, the daughter of Kongur Eirik, Norway is situated along the coast of the North Sea, and is the second of the Major Scandinavian Kingdoms. Parts of the southern coast, now known as Agdír, were among the first incorporated into Droiden upon its founding in 1057. The rest of Norway was incorporated by subjugation by the pagan rulers of Droiden and then by conversion and submission. It is culturally very similar to Scandinavian Culture, though its forms of artistic expression are distinct across the entire realm. Its population of 13 million work mainly in the oil industry, though much of the province is powered by renewable hydroelectric energy. Fishing is also a sizeable portion of the Norwegian economy, producing the greatest amount of Salmon, Cod, and other fish and fish-related products.

    Kingdom of Sweden


    Ruled by King Stenkil II of the House of Estridsen, Sweden is situated in the Central Region of the Empire, and is the third of the major Scandinavian Kingdoms, also being the last to be Christianized. Sweden was incorporated into the empire as a result of the First Northern Crusade in the late 13th Century. Its population of 28 million comprises more than a fifth of the total population of the empire, thus making it quite economically frightening, boasting the highest provincial GDP in the empire. Though culturally similar to the Scandinavian cultures of its neighbors, Swedish Culture is still influenced in some ways by pre-Imperial culture, one example of which is runewriting, a form of poetry and recitation thereof which originated in the pre-Christian Swedish religion. A leftover from the Syndicalist regime, Sweden is heavily dominated by industry, providing almost a third of all industrial production within Droiden. Sweden's engineering sector contributes to 50% of the nation's output and exports, with the telecommunications, automotive, and pharmaceutical industries also playing crucial roles.

    Kingdom of Finland


    Ruled by King Heikki of the House of Savolainen, Finland is situated in the Northeastern region of the empire, and has a rich history before and after its incorporation. Culturally much different to the more Scandinavian majority, the sizeable Finnish population of 7.5 million enjoy sauna, kalevala, and animal husbandry. Finland was incorporated into Droiden in the 14th century following the Third Northern Crusade. King Heikki, Finland's king, once served as Kongur Eirik's Minister of Treasury, and is a popular figure among the people of Finland. Finland was the home of Kongur Eirik during the Syndicalist Regime between 2020 and 2036, where he ruled the Droidenian Imperial Government in Exile. Finnish culture is vibrant, inspired by pre-imperial traditions, Droidenian culture, and a broad anti-left sentiment. Finland is endowed with significant timber, mineral resources (including iron, chromium, copper, nickel, and gold), and abundant freshwater resources. For those living in rural areas, forestry, paper mills, and agriculture are key economic activities.

    Kingdom of Sáami


    Ruled by King Algebeaivi of the House of Algebavö, the Sáami Kingdom, often called "Lappland" by other nations within Droiden, is situated in the very north of the empire. It is the home of the Sami people, one of Droiden's recognized minority people groups, comprised of 6 million people. They differ significantly to the Scandinavians, identifying more with the Finnish and Karelian peoples due to their shared ancestry. Lappland was incorporated after the Second Northern Crusade, which was the bloodiest of the Four. Culturally, the Lappish are the most unchanged of the provinces, maintaining many folk traditions and even the implementation of a Syncretic system of faith, which is recognized by the Holy Synod of Ribe as a "brother-faith" to the Ripenser liturgical tradition. The Sami people are avid herdsmen, maintaining the largest herd of Reindeer within Droiden. Economically, the province is somewhat industrialized, but it is mainly agrarian, with rock mining, crab fishing, and the cultivation of grains, however the discovery of an oil field 28 miles off the coast in the North Sea has provided the people with more options in the region for labor choice.

    Kingdom of Pomerania


    Ruled by King Henrik of the House of Vorpommern, a cadet branch of the Kjaer Dynasty, Pomerania was incorporated into the empire upon the ascension of Eirik I, the Duke of Pomerania and nephew of then-Kongurinde Ingrid, who left the succession of the nation to him as she had no male heirs. It was a major territory within the Hanseatic Kingdom, until the incorporation of Pomerania led to the weakening of the state, allowing Eirik to fulfil his aspirations to rule all of the Hanseatic Kingdom. Culturally, the Kingdom of Pomerania is a unique blend of German and Western Slavic cultures, with influences from both in all aspects of life. The 21 million inhabitants of the Kingdom see themselves as one in the same, even through slight variations of culture. The Hanseatic language, a blend of Pomeranian dialects and Low German, is the lingua franca of the state, though state business is conducted in Droidenian. Economically, Pomerania serves as an agrarian centre of the empire, with grain cultivation, root vegetable cultivation, and livestock farming being the main sectors.

    Grand Principality of Livonia


    Ruled by Grand Princess Dacija of the House of Kreuze, the Grand Principality is situated in the eastern region of the empire, and is the newest addition to the Crown of Droiden, having only been consolidated after the fall of the Syndicalist Regime. Before that, under the Syndicalist regime and the Monarchy before that, it was divided into three states: Estonia, Latvia, and Lithuania. However, after the re-establishment of the Droidenian Crown, the territory was reconsolidated, and the . Culturally, the Grand Principality diverse, with the intersection of Finnic and Baltic at its centre. Fishing is a common hobby, as well as other maritime hobbies. The port city of Muuga is a centre of the arts, as well as the location of a crucial ice-free port. Estonia's cultural similarities to Finland have introduced many cultural aspects to the Grand Principality, such as sauna, while the Latvian and Lithuanian cultures bring many aspects of art and architecture to the table. Economically, though recovering, the Grand Principality is still worse off economically as a result of harsh Syndicalist policies, leaving the 10 million Livonians as some of the poorest citizens. The port at Muuga maintains a large grain elevator as well as a large docking area for ships, making the city a large maritime centre. Grain production as well as some industry dominate the Livonian economy.

    Grand Principality of Novgorod


    Ruled by Grand Prince Ilya of the House of Rurik, a cadet branch of the Kjaer Dynasty, Novgorod is centred in the Northeastern region of the empire. It was obtained after a blanket surrender of many Finnic and Slavic clans during the fourth and final Northern Crusade. It is the home of Droidenian's sizeable Russian minority of which there are 15 million. Culturally, the province is quite different from the rest of the nation, following mainly Russian traditions, including the Russian-style patronymic system rather than the Droidenian one. The Novgorodian Arts are seen as some of the greatest works within Droiden, and the Grand Museum in Pedersgard is the largest within the empire, housing many artistic wonders of the Novgorodians. Economically, the province is a trade gateway, with the Pedersgard channel being one of the main bastions of trade with Droiden's neighboring Russia. Aerospace, electronics, and nuclear production are major industries in the effective Novgorodian economy, which is the second strongest economy within the empire.

    Grand Principality of Karelia


    Ruled by Grand Prince Klaus of the House of Savolainen, the younger brother of the King of Finland, Karelia is centred in the Northeastern region of the empire. It was obtained along with Novgorod in the Fourth Northern Crusade. 8 million Karelians celebrate their Finnic culture, which is distinct for its unique music, dog breeding, and cuisine. It is said that the Karelian Hot Pot, a traditional dish home to the Grand Principality, is one of the favorite foods of Droiden. The Karelian language, which survived an eradication campaign by the Syndicalists, is an officially protected language by the Imperial Government. Economically, Karelia is an industrial center, wherein the main economic activities contributing to the gross regional product include mining , manufacturing, transportation and storage, wholesale and retail trade, and motor vehicle repair.

Thanks to The Castelian Federation for making the map!

The Kongúrrikki of Droiden

