
by The Empire of New Pacific Order. . 5,364 reads.

Welcome to the New Pacific Order

New Pacific Order

Welcome to The Pacific (TP) and the New Pacific Order (NPO)! Whether you are a newly founded nation or an experienced NationStates player looking to make the Pacifican community your home, there is something here for everyone. This introduction to life in the New Pacific Order will help you learn about our community, rules, and governance so you can discover everything we have to offer. NationStates is first and foremost a social game so to get the best experience it is of the utmost importance that you participate more than just logging in from time to time for answering issues.

If you have any questions about or suggestions for this guide, feel free to message Xoriet or any other leadership official.

Getting Started

Now on to business! There are four important first steps you should take when starting out. Click on each item to view more information and a detailed tutorial.

  1. Join the World Assembly and endorse Xoriet - Joining the World Assembly (WA) and endorsing Xoriet is the easiest way you can help the region out by strengthening regional security. WA membership also allows your nation to vote on international legislation.

  2. Join our Discord server - Here members chat about NationStates, share their artistic and culinary creations, play other games together, and much more. The majority of Pacifican activity can be found on our Discord server making it something you do not want to miss out on.

  3. Join our regional forum - The forum is home to most government activities and announcements and a broader range of roleplaying activities than can be found in the regional message board (RMB) roleplay. Here you can roleplay more than just nations and even organize brand new RPs if there is not one to your liking.

  4. Apply for citizenship - Becoming a citizen is key to participating in regional affairs. Citizenship grants you to access private forums and Discord channels and allows you to join positions to become involved in the regional government.

Becoming Involved

After settling in there is more you can do to become involved in the region and its community to get more enjoyment out of your time in NationStates.

Information and Policies

The following are a series of important information and policies pertaining to our operations and organizational structure.
