
by The Clean and Green Corponation of Kursibar. . 37 reads.

TU Standard Rank System [TUSRS]

I. Land Army enlistees, in order of ascending rank, will be named thusly:

   1. Privates (PVT) are regular soldiers.
   2. Gunners (GUN) are regular soldiers of the artillery corps.
   3. Specialists (SPVT) are regular soldiers of the special forces.
   4. Corporals (CPL) lead Squad-size [5-14 troops] untits on the ground.

II. Land Army non-commissioned officers will be named as Sergeants (SGT).

III. Land Army commissioned officers, in order of ascending rank, will be named thusly:

   1. Officer Cadets (OCA) are officers in training or instruction.
   2. Second Lieutenants (2LT) are officers directly subordinate to Lieutenants.
   3. First Lieutenants (1LT) are officers directly subordinate to Captains.
   4. Captains (CPT) lead Company-size [80-250 troop] units.
   5. Majors (MAJ) lead Battalion-size [300-1000 troop] units.
   6. Brigadier Generals (BRG) lead Brigade-size [900-5500 troop] units.
   7. Major Generals (MGN) lead Divisions [6000-25000 troops].
   8. Lieutenant Generals (LGN) lead an Army Corps [25000-45000 troops].
   9. Generals (GEN) lead less than six Army Corps, or one Army.
   10. Field marshals (FMS) lead either more than six Army Corps, or multiple Armies.

IV. Naval enlistees will be named as seamen (SMN), and are the naval equivalent to Privates.

V. Naval non-commissioned officers, in order of ascending rank, will be named thusly:

   1. Petty Officers (NPO) are junior non-commissioned officers.
   2. Warrant Officers (NWO) are senior non-commissioned officers.

VII. Naval commissioned officers, in order of ascending rank, will be named thusly:

   1. Officer Cadets (OCN) are officers in training or instruction.
   2. Midshipmen (MID) are junior officers.
   3. Lieutenants (LTN) are second in command on a small war vessel [<10000 tonnes displacement].
   4. Lieutenant Commanders (LTC) command one small war vessel.
   5. Captains (CPT) command one Cruiser-size [>10000 tonnes displacement] vessel.
   6. Commodores (CMD) command more than one but less than five war vessels.
   7. Vice Admirals (VAD) are junior admirals that are second-in-command for a fleet [>5 war vessels].
   8. Admirals (ADM) command a fleet.
   9. Grand Admirals (GAD) command multiple fleets.

VIII. Air Force enlistees will be named as Aviators (AVT) and are regular pilots.

IX. Air Force non-commissioned officers, in order of ascending rank, will be named thusly:

   1. Petty Officers (APO) are junior non-commissioned officers.
   2. Warrant Officers (AWO) are senior non-commissioned officers.

X. Air Force commissioned officers, in order of ascending rank, will be named thusly:

   1. Flight Cadets (ACN) are officers in training or instruction.
   2. Flying Officers (FGO) are members of aircrew.
   3. Squadron Leaders (SLD) command one Squadron [12-24 aircraft].
   4. Wing Commanders (WGC) command one Wing [36-72 aircraft].
   5. Group Captains (GCT) command one flying station or training installation.
   6. Air Commodores (ACD) command more than one but less than four Wings.
   7. Air Vice-Marshals (AVM) command a Formation [>4 Wings].
   8. Air Marshals (AMR) command multiple Formations.
