
by The Somewhat Democratic Republic of TyGerria. . 12 reads.

(WIP)A Quick Guide to Paradisism(Not Finished):By Church of Paradise


Qrator is the God of creation, wisdom, leadership, and Gods. He created the Realm of Paradise to seperate the Gods and glorious dead from the Realm of the Living. It is said that He created the Book of Paradise during what scientists call the "Big Bang" as a way to explain life to His creations when he felt they were worthy enough for this knowledge. Paradisians believe the Big Bang was the result of Qrator's "Becoming". Qrator then created the Realm of Paradise and gained the power of time within seconds. A million years later, He accidentally makes a tree into a God by leaving the Book within it. The tree collected power from the Book over time, came to life and became Aborvitae, Goddess of nature. Eventually she fell in love with Qrator and they had children (The second line of Gods). Qrator gave his children and wife their own little Kingdoms of Paradise, but he was the Emperor of all Paradise and Aborvitae the Empress. (To learn more about Kingdoms of Paradise, scroll down the bottom of this dispatch.)

God: Qrator

Spirit Form: Winged Lion

Aborvitae is the Goddess of nature. She is wife of Qrator and mother of the second line of Gods. Being the literal "Mother Nature", she maintains natural life on the planet. Aborvitae rules over the Rainforests of Paradise. That is home to most animals Aborvitae and Qrator have created over time. It is not a regular rainforest, for it changes climate and plant growth based on what creatures live in which region. But the trees stay the same.

Goddess : Aborvitae

Spirit Form: Giant flower tree at the top of a snowy mountain

Zathrian is the God of wrath, dragons and fire. Being the King of Hael, he is the second son of Aborvitae and Qrator. Zathrian likes to scheme with two of his brothers, Dhomios and Thanamor, to overthrow his father. Even though Dhomios would never help do anything like that, he just keeps his brothers company(And informs his father of the scheming). Zathrian gave early humanity fire, helping them evolve faster. There even is a cult Zathrian led in the mountains, though they were said to have been killed when Aborvitae saw what her son did to her beautiful mountains. Today the Zathrian Mountain range still burns.

God: Zathrian

Spirit Form: Emperor Dragon

Thanamor is the God of death, despair and illness. First son of Qrator and Aborvitae, he is king of the Valley of Death. Thanamor rules justly and equally, as death awaits all mortals. His little brother, Zathrian, likes to help torment the evil souls in Death's Valley and eventually let's him take them away to Hael (Though he doesn't know why his brother wants to take care of these evil, annoying souls). His other little brother, Dhomios, likes to come to the Valley and help guide the lost souls of warriors to Paradisium. Many lost souls wish to regain their lives, but the only way to do that is by going through the "Trial of Death", proving to Thanamor that you are indeed here by mistake and your body is laying somewhere soulless. If he finds that you are telling the truth, you return to the mortal world. In the Book of Paradise, only 2 living souls have ever been in the Valley of Death. So good luck lying to a god! (He already knows whether someone is dead or not, he just likes putting liars through the trial.)

God: Thanamor

Spirit Form: Congress of Ravens

Dhomios is the God of war, strategy and destruction. The third son of Qrator and Aborvitae, husband to Amora, he is also King of Paradisium, where the glorious dead "rest" eternally. Many believe he is Qrator's favorite son. Paradisium is a city of honorable warriors, amazing athletes and their families. They drink, fight, play all types of sports and tell stories of their lives all day and night.

God: Dhomios

Spirit Form: Giant Bear with Antlers

Nova, the Goddess of Space, is the first daughter child of Qrator and Aborvitae. Qrator gifted her the power of time and space. Aborvitae gifted her with the power of natural creation. Nova was trained for millions of years to make the never ending emptiness of space a painting of her own. Now she continues to create, visiting the Paradisian Realms every once in a while.

Goddess: Nova

Spirit Form: Shooting Stars

One day, Aborvitae took the Book of Paradise out of Qrator's Castle back to her Tree of Life to write a nice surprise in it for him. She write out all her strong feelings of love for the Emperor of Paradise with a rose pen. She then gave Dhomios the Book to give back to his father. During the journey home, a blast of blinding energy knocked Dhomios off his horse. Once he regained his posture, Dhomios saw a beautiful woman with roses in her hair, holding the Book of Paradise. God of war, strategy and destruction, frozen in awe of the beauty of this woman, who is also carrying the most important item in TyGerrian history. Dhomios didn't bring the Book back to his father that night, because he had just found something way more important. 2 weeks later, Dhomios arrives at Qrator's Castle with his new Queen. Qrator is enraged that Dhomios didn't feel the need to bring his Book back immediately. Qrator banishes Amora from Paradisium and his castle. Dhomios still finds ways to meet with his wife, with the help of Aborvitae.

Amora, the Goddess of love, fertility, sex, and beauty, is the accidental child of Aborvitae and wife of Dhomios

Goddess: Amora

Spirit Form: TyGerrian Fox Mother

Maroceani is God of the Ocean, sea storms and sea creatures.

Cielia is Goddess of the Sky, weather, and natural disasters.

Solistia is Goddess of the Sun, brightness, and day.

Nocticielo is God of the Moon, Night, and darkness.

Amictaer is God of Companionship, friends, loyalty, and commitment.

Potyrni is God of Drinks, drunkenness and foolishness

Convivala is Goddess of Celebrations, music, and art.

Monstraetor is God of the Titans and monstrous creatures.

Miaesperi is Goddess of the Ancestors, spirits, souls, and ascendance into the afterlife

Vindictae is the Goddess of Vengeance, scheming, and crime

Evovelaer is the God of building, smithing, technology, and evolution.

Gnosis is Goddess of Knowledge, memory, invention, and randomly feeling like a genius at 3 in the morning.

Somni is Goddess of Dreams and imagination.

Insomatano is God of Nightmares and other cruel/very unusual thoughts.

Maluaem is God of Mischief, lies, and scheming.

TO BE CONTINUED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
