
by The Harbinger of Destruction of J o J. . 207 reads.

Clarifications on BLM, Racial Issues, and LGBTQ Issues

Racial Issues and Black Lives Matter

First off, J o J has never and will never condone racism or discrimination. Any cooperation with regions in the past that harbored racist nations was for the purpose of combating common foes, never in this nation history has it supported racial discrimination. With that said, the following viewpoint clarifications need to be reiterated:

1: The Black Lives Matter phrase and statement is a good thing
2: The Black Lives Matter organization is a bad thing
3: There is no institutional racism created by legislation or the system in the United States
4: The rioters are not the same as the peaceful protestors

Each of these three statements are extremely important for understanding the truth behind the entire Black Lives Matter and social justice movement going on in the current era. The idea that black lives matter is not a bad thing at all, because all people matter, and for the individuals that want to help and develop black communities, they deserve commendation. On the other hand, we also have opportunistic ne'er-do-wellers who abuse this movement as a method of getting away with rioting and criminal actions. They are the same old criminals who we always have to deal with that are just using the unrest as a way to further their mischief, and they should not be lumped together with the idealistic protestors who are marching in peace. (Exclude the nuisance road blockers who think obstructing everybody else's lives is a good way to get positive attention to their cause!) I am happy to see this many individuals getting involved in politics and using their first amendment right, but only when they do so peacefully and responsibly as everybody else does. The rioters, disruptors, thieves, and road blockers are bad people and need to be stopped and isolated from the good people.

Apart from the people, there is the organization. The organization is a horrible and corrupt entity that does not care about the people at all in regards to the leaders and organizers. Why? There are many reasons. First of all, the Black Lives Matter founder Patrisse Khan-Cullors recently spent millions of dollars on several luxury homes in white neighborhoods, rather than spending that money on improving the lives of her constituents. Several organizers and leaders have already been caught with corruption. Many BLM city sects claim they are, among many things, anti-capitalist, feminist, and so on, demonstrating that they are not providing their entire focus to their supposed mission statement. Black Lives Matter Nashville even bizarrely claims they are committed to disrupting the nuclear family structure. (Which would only help to make the problem of broken up black families and absent fathers even worse) Most damning of all, however, is that the BLM organization as a whole is extremely secretive and shady about their finances, but what they have shown regarding their finances is that only a quarter of their funds have gone to actual charitable use. My guess? They'll probably be (and likely have already been during the recent Presidential election last year) funneling money to the democratic party because of the political support that BLM receives from the Democratic Party. So clearly, the organization is trash. The people supporting it are generally good, but not the organization. This is why I oppose the general movement, because the people at the bottom of it, the masses, have been tricked into supporting an evil organization which must be eliminated. If that wasn't bad enough, the virtue signaling from large corporations and businesses, and even the President, has reinforced the idea that this organization is good in the minds of the supporters. However, when looking closer, you can see that most of the promised funds from big business never came, and that the President still drags his feet on legislation regarding BLM stances and has even accidentally slipped the N word during a speech to the Munich Security Conference. Ouch. I did not capture Black Lives Matter for the sake of racism, but for the sake of helping to wipe out this harmful organization which is abusing black people and their problems.

The last thing I want to touch on regarding this general topic is this misconception regarding "institutional racism". I have been shown many statistics about black incarceration rates, showing they are sentenced to longer prison terms than whites, among other interesting statistics. To this I acknowledge there is a problem that needs solved, but I refute the idea that is an issue with our legal system or governmental system. This is a problem with a handful of bad individuals in said systems, combined with a higher rate of violent crime amongst black Americans due to socio-economic problems in black communities. If you want these problems to be fixed, the judges and officials in the system that are racist need to be targeted, and we as a collective people need to work towards a solution which helps all communities and races flourish. Those judges who sentence black offenders to longer sentences than white offenders should be targeted, not the system they represent. This is a pretty simple thing to understand if you think about it for a few moments, because nowhere in U.S. code or legislature is there any racist or discriminatory legislation on the basis of race.

Gender, Sex, and Related Issues

I'll start this section off with another important disclaimer: I don't discriminate against homosexuals, transgender people, or anything like that at all. In the distant past I used to, but life and time have a way of refining your ideas as you learn and age.

With that said, the following viewpoint clarifications need to be reiterated:

1. It is not homophobic or transphobic for a religious individual to disagree with a homosexual or transgender individual, as their religion is an integral part of their lives, and they were often born into its teachings by their parents.
2. You can't force people to use your pronouns. He/his, she/her, and they/them are the only reasonable pronouns you should expect all people to use and refer to you as.
3. There's nothing wrong with being transgender, homosexual, or part of the LGBTQ community from a secular point of view.
4. Pride Month is not important or necessary.

A lot of people try to say that religious individuals like Christians are homophobic or transphobic because of their religion, but when people make blanket statements like this and assume that all religious people are bigoted towards them they are making a mistake. For instance, Christians are taught to love their fellow man and to treat others with respect as per their holy scriptures in the Bible. If a religious man refuses to bake a gay wedding cake because it goes against his conscience and religious views, that isn't bigoted, he's just following God in his mind. Like in many religions, God is an all powerful being of great wisdom, and as such it is not right for you to try to force them to go against that God just to make yourself feel better. They aren't going out of their way to target you with any discrimination, they're just going about their business and following the Lord. If they don't think homosexuality is right as per their religion, you can't do anything about it and you shouldn't seek to. I know very many Christians and I know for a fact that almost all of them would do what they could to help a transgender person or homosexual person if they needed help because they realize we are all human, and they wouldn't let their religious or political views prevent them from exercising basic human empathy and cooperation. However, for the religious people that gather in angry mobs with signs that go along the lines of "God Hates F---", you can feel free to engage them in any way you please, hostile or not. That type of behavior is simple bigotry and it is wrong for a Christian to judge others, because they are supposed to leave that up to God. The majority of Christians don't hate you, they just hate the sin their God proclaims you are engaging in. In turn, if you must hate something, then hate that God, not them.

On the topic of pronouns, there's nothing wrong with wanting to be referred to as and referring to others as anything you want, it's a free country after all. However, you can't force other people to adhere to whatever you came up with or found online. It's that simple. He/him, she/her, and they/them are the only pronouns you should feasibly expect anybody to refer to you by consistently, because the rest are not commonly encountered, do not have biological counterparts, and are not formal English terms. That being said, do not misconstrue what I am saying. Your pronouns and identity are fine and valid as much as anybody else's, but you can't expect everybody to use them right off the bat when you pick something new.

Pride Month is not really necessary. You should be proud of who you are 100% of the time in a normal and non-rambunctious/disruptive way. There’s no need for a special month where you demand big business virtue signals to you and where you get special flags plastered across the country. We are all equal and human, and as such nobody should be getting special months or other time periods designated to their glorification simply because of their skin color or identity. Pride Month isn't a terrible affront to humanity or anything serious, but I just don't think there's any good reason for Pride Month to exist.

I will conclude with this statement; I don't think there's anything wrong with being homosexual, transgender, bisexual, queer, or anything else in a secular view. I still retain my faith in God, but I also acknowledge that not everybody believes in him and as such they shouldn't be berated for that.

Furthermore, the way a large portion of the LGBTQ community thinks in regard to their political and ideological opponents, and how the majority of their members behave online, is absolutely unacceptable to me. The constant regurgitation of the idea that anybody who disagrees with them is a bigot is absolute hogwash. The culture war needs to end. This is not to say they are bad people in my opinion, but it is to say that their political and ideological rhetoric are incompatible with mine and therefore I refuse to associate with them.

The Harbinger of Destruction of J o J

