
by Solarflare dispatch office. . 52 reads.

SF Political Parties

SolarFlare has three regional parties: the Dolphin Party, a centrist party; the Sun Party, a left-leaning party; and the Liberal Party, a party interested in expanding the government. Want to join a party? First please read the party's factbook and if you're interested, send the party leader a telegram. If you want to create a new party, write a factbook for your party and ask a regional officer to pin it.

Party leader: Celestial wave
Party members: Celestial Wave, Inferior America
Ideology: Centrism, anti-extremism, pro scientific advancement

Dolphin Party

by Celestial wave

The Dolphin Party

The Dolphin party is party that is headed by Celestial wave, and runs on a platform of protecting the environment, increasing civil rights, freedom of speech, and scientific advancement. We firmly stand against all extremes, most notably fascism.

We are a major party of SolarFlare, and aims to be central and be sure to help people in need while still maintaining economic freedom. We are also a secular party, and one of our aims is to completely differentiate the church and state and believe that religion should have no place in politics.

To apply to the party you must telegram Celestial wave with your request, and we will judge based on whether or not you fit the rules:
1. You are a democratic nation
2. You separate Church and State
3. You don't flip parties constantly
4. You follow all SolarFlare rules.
5. You aren't a raider.

If you meet all these guidelines, you are good to go and should be approved quickly!

Every election, we will pick one nation for the role up for grabs. I will send a telegram to all party members with the options and they will privately send me their choice. After that, the winner would go up as the person representing our party. If you want to apply for to represent us as a candidate you have to follow all rules stated above and be a member of the party for at least a month.

Sidenote:If you want the Dolphin Party to do a raid without the rest of SolarFlare, telegram me with the region you have in mind. We will not raid innocent regions. If you go off and raid a region on your own without my confirmation, good luck with that, and if I find out if it's a neutral region or an ally, you will be kicked from the party.

Head of Party:Celestial wave
Members: Inferior america

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Party leader: Sun burst
Party members: Sun Burst, Tocan Isle
Ideology: Center-left, social liberalism, socialism

The Sun Party

by Sun burst

The Sun Party is a liberal, leftist, socialist leaning party that aims to decrease the amount of inequality and poverty in the world. Our main rival is the Dolphin Party. We are a major party of SolarFlare, and want to gain power in the upcoming 2021 election.

Rules for nations that want to join the party:

1.You have to be leftist/center-left
2. You have to be at least semi-democratic
3. You have to have high civil rights

Telegram Sun burst to join. They and a couple of members will approve your submission. Once you join you can run for candidacy if you like, if you have my approval.

Some in party rules are:
1. Follow all the SolarFlare rules.
2. No constantly leaving and coming back. I understand if you want to switch parties every once in a while, but doing it constantly is annoying.
3. No going off and raiding a region without my approval.

Members: Sun burst (head of party), Tocan isle, Sysillia

Current candidates for the election: Sysillia

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DEMOCRATIC SOCIALIST PARTY (formerly the Liberal Party)
Party leader: Sierra Grand
Party members: Sierra Grand, Rivendellfolk, Northern Carpathian Union, Southern Carpathia
Ideology: Socialism, pro big government, progressivism

Federal Party
- Strong Government
- Large Judicial Branch
- Standing Army
- Intelligence Agency and Foreign Espionage
- Make SF a region to be respected and feared.

- Sierra Grand
- Applications Open

Read factbook

Solarflare dispatch office

