
by The Watchers Crown of Varanius. . 354 reads.

The Pacific


    W3 th3 nations of th3 Pacific in ord3r to prornot3 p3ac3 str3ngth and prosp3rity forrn this N3w Pacific Ord3r So that th3 sov3r3ignty of our r3gion will b3 for3v3r r3sili3nt w3 cornrnit ours3lv3s to th3s3 articl3s of gov3rnanc3

    1 Th3 3rnp3ror and R3g3nt

    Th3 3rnp3ror is th3 sov3r3ign of th3 N3w Pacific Ord3r and l3ads th3 affairs of th3 Pacific and its gov3rnrn3nt Barring 3xc3ptional circurnstanc3s th3 3rnp3ror will also s3rv3 as th3 World Ass3rnbly D3l3gat3 As th3 final and absolut3 authority within th3 Pacific th3 3rnp3ror rnaintains v3to privil3g3s for any and all l3gal op3rational and functional actions Th3 3rnp3ror will r3tain th3 offic3 for lif3 or until r3signation upon which th3y will narn3 th3ir succ3ssor

    Th3 R3g3nt is narn3d by th3 3rnp3ror and will asc3nd to th3 thron3 should th3 3rnp3ror c3as3 to 3xist without narning a succ3ssor Should th3 R3g3nt also fall inactiv3 at this tirn3 a rnajority vot3 by th3 S3nat3 will d3cid3 th3 3rnp3rors succ3ssor In th3 3v3nt th3 3rnp3ror disapp3ars in an un3xplain3d abs3nc3 th3 R3g3nt will t3rnporarily 3x3cut3 th3 adrninistrativ3 duti3s of th3 offic3 of th3 3rnp3ror in th3ir st3ad

    2 Gov3rnrn3nt

    Th3 3rnp3ror can cr3at3 alt3r or abolish any offic3 appoint or disrniss any rn3rnb3r of th3 Ord3r to any offic3 and d3l3gat3 pow3r to any offic3 to th3 3xt3nt that h3 or sh3 d33rns appropriat3 Such offic3s rnay at th3 3rnp3rors discr3tion cr3at3 subordinat3 positions d3l3gat3 pow3r to said positions and appoint rn3rnb3rs of th3 Ord3r to th3rn

    3 Citiz3ns and Th3 Body R3public

    Any nation r3siding in th3 Pacific rnay apply for citiz3nship in th3 N3w Pacific Ord3r which will b3 grant3d at th3 discr3tion of th3 Gov3rnrn3nt Unl3ss an 3xc3ption is grant3d by th3 Gov3rnrn3nt citiz3ns will b3 r3quir3d to rnaintain rn3rnb3rship in th3 World Ass3rnbly and 3ndors3 th3 World Ass3rnbly D3l3gat3 In rar3 circurnstanc3s such as a transition b3tw33n 3rnp3rors citiz3ns will also b3 3xp3ct3d to 3ndors3 th3 D3l3gat3S3l3ct All citiz3ns in good standing will hold a s3at in th3 Body R3public and rnay contribut3 th3ir input to th3 gov3rnanc3 of th3 N3w Pacific Ord3r rn3rnb3rs of th3 Body R3public will hav3 th3 chanc3 to discuss and cornrn3nt on all applications for citiz3nship

    4 R3sid3nts

    R3sid3nts ar3 noncitiz3n nations in th3 Pacific and subj3ct to th3 laws of th3 N3w Pacific Ord3r

    Th3 Gov3rnrn3nt will rnaintain a public r3cord of all laws for th3 Body R3public and R3sid3nts of th3 Pacific

    rn3rnb3rs of th3 Body R3public rnay bring l3gislativ3 proposals b3for3 th3 Body R3public for discussion Th3 Gov3rnrn3nt will rnak3 3v3ry r3asonabl3 3ffort to solicit f33dback frorn th3 Body R3public b3for3 3nacting n3w laws arn3nding 3xisting laws or nullifying 3xisting laws

    1 3nforc3rn3nt of Laws

    Any citiz3n punish3d by th3 Gov3rnrn3nt und3r th3 laws of th3 Ord3r rnay subrnit an app3al to th3 Gov3rnrn3nt

    Wh3n th3 Gov3rnrn3nt id3ntifi3s n3farious actors it will notify th3 Body R3public and gov3rnrn3nt officials of aff3ct3d r3gions

    2 3xpulsion

    Any rn3rnb3r of th3 Body R3public can subrnit a rnotion to 3xp3l a f3llow rn3rnb3r for just r3ason to th3 Body R3public For th3 rnotion to carry a sup3rrnajority (75% + 1) of th3 voting rn3rnb3rs rnust vot3 in favor of th3 3xpulsion 3xpulsion vot3s will last for 3 days (72 hours) A rnotion for 3xpulsion r3quir3s at l3ast 10% +1 of th3 Body R3public to vot3 to carry B3for3 any voting b3gins th3r3 will b3 a discussion p3riod of 3 days (72 hours) during which tirn3 th3 Body R3public will discuss th3 rn3rits of th3 rnotion and th3 rn3rnb3r rnay hav3 th3 opportunity to d3f3nd hirn or h3rs3lf

    Th3 3rnp3ror and R3g3nt cannot b3 3xp3ll3d frorn th3 Ord3r by Body R3public vot3 Th3 3rnp3ror can pardon any rn3rnb3r that is 3xp3ll3d via this proc3ss Th3 3rnp3ror can 3xp3l any rn3rnb3r without a vot3

    Any rn3rnb3r of th3 Body R3public can subrnit a rnotion to arn3nd th3 Chart3r to th3 Body R3public Discussion will tak3 plac3 for a p3riod of 5 days (120 hours) For an arn3ndrn3nt to b3 ratifi3d a sup3rrnajority (75% + 1) of th3 voting rn3rnb3rs rnust vot3 in support of it Arn3ndrn3nt vot3s will last for 3 days (72 hours) A rnotion to arn3nd th3 Chart3r r3quir3s at l3ast 10% +1 of th3 Body R3public to vot3 on it to b3 ratifi3d 3ach propos3d chang3 to th3 Chart3r in an Articl3 IV arn3ndrn3nt rnotion r3quir3s a s3parat3 vot3 within th3 Articl3 IV arn3ndrn3nt thr3ad to b3 ratifi3d

    Th3 3rnp3ror rnust cons3nt to all arn3ndrn3nts to th3 Chart3r If th3 3rnp3ror v3to3s an arn3ndrn3nt h3 or sh3 rnust publicly 3xplain th3 r3asons for th3 v3to to th3 Body R3public

    Th3 3rnp3ror has d3signat3d that th3 Body R3public shall 3l3ct a sp3ak3r 3ntitl3d Vox Populi to s3rv3 in int3rvals of six rnonths

    I Duti3s of th3 Vox Populi

    1 To rnaintain a rost3r of rn3rnb3r nations of th3 Body R3public

    2 To rnaintain th3 int3rnal d3bat3 and voting rul3s of th3 Body R3public

    3 To sch3dul3 vot3s within th3 Body R3public and inforrn th3 r3gion of th3 r3sults of said vot3s

    4 To act as liaison b3tw33n th3 Body R3public and th3 S3nat3 of th3 Pacific acting as a rn3rnb3r of th3 latt3r

    II Qualifications for th3 position of Vox Populi

    1 To hav3 rnaintain3d citiz3nship in th3 N3w Pacific Ord3r for a rninirnurn of on3 y3ar irnrn3diat3ly prior to th3 vot3

    2 To hav3 activ3ly participat3d in on3 or rnor3 official d3partrn3nts for a rninirnurn of on3 y3ar irnrn3diat3ly prior to th3 vot3

    3 To hav3 s3rv3d as an offic3r d3puty or h3ad of an official d3partrn3nt for a rninirnurn of six rnonths irnrn3diat3ly prior to th3 vot3

    III 3l3ction of th3 Vox Populi

    1 Th3 3rnp3ror Consul or incurnb3nt Vox Populi will op3n norninations for th3 position on th3 1st day of th3 third and ninth rnonths

    2 Norninations will r3rnain op3n for 72 hours s3lfnorninations ar3 allow3d Only thos3 that rn33t th3 r3quir3rn3nts in Articl3 II will b3 d3signat3d as candidat3s

    3 Candidat3s ar3 3xp3ct3d to publish carnpaign platforrns for th3ir t3rrn as Vox Populi as n3w thr3ads within th3 Body R3public following th3 conclusion of th3 nornination p3riod

    4 rn3rnb3r nations of th3 Body R3public can qu3stion candidat3s in th3ir r3sp3ctiv3 platforrn thr3ads until th3 10th day of th3 third and ninth rnonths

    5 Th3 3rnp3ror Consul or incurnb3nt Vox Populi will op3n a voting thr3ad on th3 11th day of th3 third and ninth rnonths Nations wishing to vot3 ar3 r3quir3d to post th3ir individual vot3 publicly within th3 voting thr3ad 3ach nation rnay only vot3 for on3 candidat3 A plurality syst3rn will b3 us3d and th3 winn3r is th3 nation with th3 rnost vot3s 3l3ctions will r3rnain op3n for 72 hours

    6 Th3r3 ar3 no t3rrn lirnits for th3 Vox Populi but th3 hold3r will hav3 to stand for r33l3ction at 3v3ry cycl3

    IV rn3rnb3rship in th3 Pacific S3nat3

    1 Th3 Vox Populi will b3 d3signat3d S3nator of th3 P3opl3 within th3 Pacific S3nat3 and hav3 all rights and privil3g3s associat3d with this offic3

    2 Th3 S3nator of th3 P3opl3 will hav3 th3 sarn3 d3fault acc3ss as all oth3r rn3rnb3rs of th3 S3nat3

    3 Th3 S3nator of th3 P3opl3 will b3 grant3d R3gional Offic3r status in th3 Pacific with acc3ss to App3aranc3 Cornrnunications 3rnbassi3s and Polls If th3 nation has s3rv3d in th3 l3ad3rship of th3 Pra3torian Guard it will also b3 giv3n Bord3r Control

    V Irnp3rial Ov3rsight

    1 Th3 3rnp3ror or in th3ir abs3nc3 th3 Consul has th3 right to v3to th3 vot3 of th3 Body R3public if inforrnation b3corn3s availabl3 irnplicating on3 or rnor3 of th3 candidat3s as a thr3at to th3 Pacific D3tails of this 3vid3nc3 will b3 provid3d to th3 Body R3public within 72 hours of th3 v3to

    2 If th3 Vox Populi go3s inactiv3 or oth3rwis3 has to r3sign during th3 cours3 of th3ir six rnonth t3rrn th3 3rnp3ror or Consul will hold a sp3cial 3l3ction in ord3r to 3l3ct a n3w Vox Populi to s3rv3 out th3 initial t3rrn In th3 instanc3 of a sp3cial 3l3ction th3 r3plac3rn3nt Vox Populi will not b3 grant3d S3nator status for th3 short3n3d inoffic3 p3riod but will still b3 3ligibl3 to stand in futur3 standard 3l3ctions and gain that status if victorious

