
by Sargon reman. . 33 reads.

Endorsement Regulations Act


Founded January 15, 2016 - United December 25, 2016

Bill Details

Act NameEndorsement Regulations ActAbbreviation: RL-022

Date: 08/05/2020
Brief Purpose:An act to promulgate the basic guidelines for the WA Endorsement limits in FNR.

Endo. Reg. Act., Endorsement Regulations Act

ACKNOWLEDGING: the need for legal mechanisms to limit Endorsements for every WA nation within FNR.

UNDERSTANDING: that no mechanisms exist and that without them the WAD position will lack important stability and WA nations will endorse beyond a maximum capacity.

This piece of legislation hereby establishes the following:

Endorsement Regulations:

  1. (1) No world assembly nation within The Free Nations Region will exceed a total number of endorsements that is more than 80% of the total number of endorsements that the World Assembly Delegate of the The Free Nations Region possesses besides the Vice Delegate which will maintain 90% of the WAD endorsement count.

  2. (2) A world assembly nation within The Free Nations Region may endorse another world assembly nation within FNR as long as the endorsement does not cause the receiving nation to go over the 80% limit for WA Endorsements proscribed.

  3. (3) No other world assembly nation inside FNR can become the official World Assembly Delegate of FNR except by the process articulated within the Constitution and statutes.

Rule Violations:

  1. (4) If a nation is found to have a total number of endorsements that is higher than 80% of the total number of endorsements of the WAD, the nation must be warned to drop their endorsements to adhere with the endorsement cap.

  2. (5) If a nation is found to be endorsing a nation who, with the additional endorsement, will exceed the 80% limit for endorsements, the nation must be warned to withdraw their endorsement. Warns may be issued up to 3 times.

  3. (6) Failure to respond to the final warning within a period of 72 hours or refusal to comply will result in the ejection of the nation involved.

  4. (7) Should a nation be attempting to seize the Delegacy illegally or Vice Delegacy illegally, they will be banned from the region immediately.

  5. (8) The Founder nation and any regional officers appointed by the FNR government shall enforce these punishments when there is a breach of the regulations listed.

WAD Transition

  1. (9) During the time period between the election or appointment of the new Delegate and them becoming the official delegate of the region, the above rules will be suspended.


  1. (10) Ejection - Removal of the nation from The Free Nations Region whie retaining the ability to return to FNR.

  2. (11) Ban - Permanent ejection from The Free Nations Region with no ability to return to the region.

  3. (12) WAD- Abbreviation of for World Assembly Delegate


  1. (13) Any portion of this bill that directly conflicts with the Constitution may be rendered null and void. However, unconstitutionality shall only apply strictly to any portions that are unconstitutional and not this entire Act where portions are found to be constitutional and not conflict.


  1. (14) The President in consultation with and the approval of FNR security elements and the World Assembly Delegate, may establish special exemptions for nations that exceed endorsement requirements.

    Proposed & Signed,
    Sargon reman
    Minister of Defense

    Special note: This law was built on the framework of a law in The Kingdom of Great Britain.

Sargon reman

