Dispatch → Meta → Reference
There is a hidden comment between this first paragraph and the second.This is the second paragraph.
Have a Governor: Want to become Frontier
Governors decision. Should be low cost / free
Have no Governor: Want to become Frontier
Have no Governor: "Natives" want a Governor
Have no Governor: Raiders want a Governor
Alternative strategy is a refound.
In the "realistic" best case:
- The delegacy can be rotated between raiders.Standard practice is to cap that number at 12.
- No Liberation is passed to remove any password.
- Delegate banjects all nations with under 240 influence. Cost1: 50% * sum of influence of banjected nations
- Secret password is added. Cost2: 40 * number of remaining nations
- Delegate ejects all remaining nations. Cost3: 33% * sum of influence of remaining nations
So best case would cost each rotating delagate the sum of those 3 costs divided by 12 (the number of rotating delegates).