
by Medovia. . 6 reads.

Medovia re-establishes diplomatic relations with Neferheim and removes sanctions

The PM of Medovia, Simon Pagosov, had submitted the proposal to Parliament which would re-establish diplomatic relations with neighboring Neferheim and also remove economic sanctions. After several hours of contentious debate, the proposal was approved by the majority of Parliament, with the right wing Medovian National Front opposing the move.

In his speech to parliament, Pagosov stated that Neferheim had gone a long way to reform its country and prosecute the leadership that had perpetuated the atrocity, and showed a willingness to reform and bring their country back into the international community of civilized nations. While sanctions will be removed, economic activity with Neferheim will be slow to recover. High tarifs will be imposed on goods coming from Neferheim. Pagosov stated that he will waste no time going back to the restrictive sanctions regime if such an atrocity is repeated again in Neferheim.

The opposition Medovian National Front party voiced concerns about the border security with Neferheim and fears of an influx of migrants coming from Neferheim. The party is drafting a bill that would greatly enhance border security and bring more troops to the border. The bill is expected to have enough votes to pass. The PM, however, refuted plans for building a wall for now, while the head of the right-wing National Front party suggested that Neferheim should pay to build a wall given the migrant issue is entirely their fault.

