
by Conservative nations. . 280 reads.

Administrative Law

Administrative Law


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Designation: Indicates the name and designation of the law
Status: Indicates the current applicability of the law
Proposed by: Indicates who proposed the law to the Assembly
Short Description: Indicates the meaning of the law
Effective Date: Indicates the date the law took effect

Text of the Law

Designation: RA-01-01 (General Assembly Rules and Procedures)
Status: In Force
Proposed by: Logon
Short Description: A set of rules of operation for the new General Assembly to operate by.
Effective Date: May 22nd, 2020

Section I- Basic Decorum
I. Members of the Assembly shall utilize the Assembly Chambers for official business only. For unofficial business, the Assembly Cloakroom may be used. In the Assembly Chambers, members must maintain decorum, and shall not insult, abuse, personally attack, or be excessively profane in the Chambers.
Section II- Enforcement
I. The Speaker shall be empowered to warn members of the Assembly for decorum violations. If a member exceeds three violations within two hours, the Speaker may mute the member for no more than a day. The Speaker may also request a temporary ejection from the Assembly Chambers, and a majority of the Assembly must agree, and such an ejection shall last one day.

II. The Speaker Pro-Tempore shall hold the powers of Speaker whenever the Speaker is absent from debate.

Section I- Proposing a Motion
I. To propose a motion, a member of the Assembly must provide the full text of the motion and shall present it along with a phrase along the lines of “I move to adopt this motion.”

II. Motions shall be divided into numbered and unnumbered motions. Numbered motions shall be entered into the Lawbook and become official regional law, unnumbered motions shall not have a designation nor will they be entered into the Lawbook.

III. Numbered motions shall be given a designation of XX-YY-ZZ, where XX is the type of motion, YY is the session of government, and ZZ is the order in which the bill was proposed, so that the third motion of the first session shall be 01-03. Amendments shall be numbered AM-YY-ZZ-TT, where TT is the order of amendments to the same bill, so that the second amendment of 01-03 shall be AM-01-03-02.
IV. Motions shall have a time for debate, and once the time for debate has expired the motion shall enter into a time for consideration, where the Assembly shall vote on and consider the motion. Motions shall not be considered until all amendments have been adopted or rejected, and the Speaker may delay the consideration of legislation if it falls between the hours of midnight and six in the morning for the Speaker’s local time.

V. Tabled motions and their amendments shall expire at the end of a session of government.

VI. Motions which receive enough votes to pass regardless if all other members who have not voted yet had voted against it, it shall be held to have fast passed, and the same shall hold true for motions which receive enough votes to fail regardless if all other members who have not voted yet had voted for it, and this shall be considered a fast fail.
Section II- Numbered Motions
I. AB, or an Assembly Bill, which is non specialized legislation which holds the weight of law. These are passed by a majority and require the signature of the Chancellor, and shall have 24 hours of debate and 24 hours of consideration.

II. AR, or an Assembly Resolution, which is legislation that merely expresses the opinion of the Assembly and do not hold the weight of law. They are passed by a majority and shall have 24 hours of debate and 24 hours of consideration, and do not require the signature of the Chancellor.

III. CA, or a Motion to Amend the Constitution, which is legislation which changes the wording of the Constitution. They are passed by a two thirds majority and shall have 24 hours of debate and 24 hours of consideration, and require a Presidential signature.

IV. RA, or a Motion to Amend the Rules , which is legislation which changes the wording of the Rules and Procedure of the Assembly. They are passed by a two thirds majority and shall have 24 hours of debate and 24 hours of consideration, and do not require the signature of the Chancellor and cannot be vetoed.
V. IM, or a Motion to Impeach, which is legislation opening the impeachment of the President or a Justice of the High Court for possible removal. They are passed by a majority and shall have 12 hours of debate and 12 hours for consideration, and do not require the signature of the Chancellor and cannot be vetoed.

VI. NC, or a Motion of No Confidence, which is legislation expressing a lack of confidence in the Chancellor or other officers.. They are passed by a limits outlined in the Constitution with 24 hours of debate and 24 hours for consideration, and do not require the signature of the Chancellor.

VII. AM, or a Motion to Amend a Motion, which is legislation altering legislation under debate. They are passed with a majority with 12 hours of debate and 12 hours for consideration, and do not require the signature of the Chancellor.

VIII. VO, or a Motion to Override a Veto, which is legislation overriding a veto by the President. They shall have 24 hours of debate and 24 hours of consideration, require a two thirds majority, and and do not require the signature of the Chancellor.

IX. MC, or a Motion of Confidence, which is legislation expressing confidence in a Chancellor that has been removed by the President. They are passed by a three fourths majority, with 24 hours of debate and 24 hours for consideration and do not require the signature of the Chancellor.
Section III- Unnumbered Motions
I. Motion to Table, which are debated for 3 hours and considered for 6 hours, which moves a bill to the table for further discussion and requires a majority to pass.

II. Motion to Take From the Table, which are debated for 3 hours and considered for 6 hours, which begins debate on a bill for a standard period, and requires a majority to pass.

III. Motion to Eject, or temporarily eject a member of the Assembly for 1 day due to decorum violations, and shall be debated for 3 hours and considered for 3 hours, with a majority need to pass.

IV. Motions to Recess, which close the Assembly for debate and voting, and shall be debated for 1 hour and considered for 3 hours, and require a majority to pass, but must include a date or condition for when the Assembly shall return.

V. Motions to Reopen, which opens the Assembly for debate and voting prior to a recess motion expiring, and shall be debated for 1 hour and considered for 3 hours, and require a majority to pass.

VI. Motion to End Debate, which blocks the addition of amendments to a numbered motion or moves the numbered motion to be considered immediately for the time frame it would be considered normally, and shall be debated for 1 hour and considered for 3 hours, and requires a majority to pass if only blocking further amendments and a three fifths majority if moving to a vote immediately.

VII. Motion to Extend Debate, which extends the time from for a numbered motion to be debated, and shall be debated for 1 hour and considered for 3 hours, and requires a three fifths majority to pass, but may not be used more than once for a bill nor extend debate by more than 12 hours.

VIII. Motion to Revoke Fast Passage and Failing, which blocks the usage of a fast pass or fail for a numbered motion, and shall be debated for 1 hour and considered for 3 hours, and requires a three fifths majority to pass.

Designation: AB-01-08 (It's Only Fair Voting Act)
Status: In Force
Proposed by: West Phoenicia
Short Description: Forbids Members of the Assembly from voting on laws if they came during the vote.
Effective Date: May 30th, 2020

Ensuring the General Assembly continues to remain fair and democratic and free from corruption, deception, voting rigging and other negative traits.
Hereby enacts the It's Only Fair Voting Act[/size][/font]

Section I
(I) Once a Bill has been introduced to the General Assembly floor and seconded; any new Members of the Assembly introduced to the General Assembly floor shall refrain from voting on that particular Bill. This will ensure a fair vote.

(II) New Members of the Assembly are free to debate the Bill and voice their opinions during the time of debate.

(III) Any Member of the Assembly who willingly leaves the RCN Discord server or region during the voting of a Bill and does not return by the time the vote ends or is not exempt due to a interregional activity or other government sponsored business; shall have their vote rendered void.

Designation: AB-02-03 (Merger Constitution Ratification)
Status: In Force
Proposed by: Fluvannia
Short Description: Authorizes a ratification vote for a proposed ACS-RCN merger.
Effective Date: July 15th, 2020

NOTING that negotiations are concluding on a Constitution for the proposed merger with the Allied Conservative States as per the Agreement on Union adopted in AB-01-14;

NOTING that each region is free to determine its own method for ratification; and

BELIEVING that a supermajority is the only just way to adopt such a significant measure, as well as satisfy the requirements of our own current Constitution,

HEREBY mandates a 48-hour poll open to all RCN citizens on the NationStates region page, which shall be held as passing if two-thirds of all non-abstention votes cast shall be in the affirmative. This vote shall serve as the method of ratification on the part of the RCN.

Designation: AB-03-02 (FCN Art Museum )
Status: In Force
Proposed by:Npc west florida
Short Description: Creation of a Regional Art Museum
Effective Date: October 30th, 2020

Recognizing the fact that RCN art is only posted on discord,
Looking back at the FCN art museum,
Noting that a art museum can help non discord users, this bill passes the following articles into law,
1. The creation of a weekly art dispatch shall be created by the minister of the interior
2. The dispatch shall hold all art genres submitted to the minister of the interior that week
3. The rules applied to running the museum shall be made and enforced by the minister of the interior.

Designation: AB-03-04 (Server Rules Amendment )
Status: In Force
Proposed by: New waldensia
Short Description: Updating and expanding RCN Server Rules.
Effective Date:November 17th, 2020

Seeking to expand the #server-rules to address and clarify moderation of this server, hereby amends Rule III to read as follows:
Harassment, flaming, spam, excessive pinging, and directing profanity and/or obscenities toward server members are not permitted.

Designation: AB-03-05 (Server Moderation Act)
Status: In Force
Proposed by: New waldensia
Short Description: Granting mod powers to all Executive Cabinet
Effective Date:November17th, 2020

Noting that server moderation authorities do not currently extend to all Cabinet members,
Hereby extends server moderation authorities to all Cabinet-level members.

Designation: AB-04-03 (The Server Rules and Moderation Standardization Act)
Status: In Force
Proposed by: Fluvannia
Short Description: Updating Server Rules and Moderation duties of the RCN
Effective Date: January 17th, 2021

NOTING the general dissatisfaction with the vagueness and inadequacy of the server rules as currently enacted, and

DESIRING to reform these rules in a manner so as to both provide a clear definition of prohibited posts as well as permit moderators to more effectively carry out their duties, then

BE IT HEREBY RESOLVED that the General Assembly adopts the following as the server rules, replacing any now in effect:
The rules outlined herein shall be enforced by officers given the power to enforce laws and moderate the server in accordance with the Constitution or other statutes passed by the General Assembly. To that end, Section II of the Administrative Positions Act (AB-01-02) shall be modified to have the phrase "Server Rules Act" replaced with "server rules".

I. "Prohibited content" shall include the following:
(A) Pornographic, obscene, or otherwise Not Safe For Work (NSFW) content, any of which shall be considered "adult content". This server permits minors to join, and as such adult content is prohibited. This definition shall not include content of a merely suggestive nature.
(B) Disreputable content, defined as content which could reasonably be expected to damage the reputation of the region if viewed by visitors, diplomatic personnel, or prospective or new residents. This includes posts by guests, visitors, and diplomats, whose presence within the RCN server possesses the potential to defame the region by association.
(C) Spam, defined as repeated identical or similar messages devoid of contribution to discussion, often posted in order to clutter or disrupt discussion and/or waste the time of other users. Spam is however permitted in the designated channel.

II. "Personal attacks" shall constitute any of the following:
(A) Flaming, defined as a an excessively vitriolic and/or abusive message directed at another user.
(B) Harassment, defined as the continued verbal intimidation of another user.
(C) Provocation or flamebaiting, defined as language intended to provoke a heated or irrational response.
(D) Profanity shall not be considered a personal attack by nature, but may be considered in context as a contributing factor to a heated discussion moving beyond the limits of acceptability into some other form of personal attack.
(E) Heated or impassioned debate shall not automatically constitute a personal attack, nor shall it automatically constitute disreputable content as defined in Section II.I(B). Moderators are given discretion over the threshold of unacceptable behavior, and are expected to refrain from moderation against posts that a reasonable individual would consider within the realm of civil albeit passionate debate.

III. "Ping violations" shall constitute any of the following:
(A) Pinging @ everyone, @ Resident, or @ Citizen for a purpose not related to a government function
(B) Excessive pinging of another user or role in a manner that could reasonably be expected to result in the recipient(s) of the ping(s) becoming disturbed, harassed, or otherwise annoyed. This definition shall not include multiple pings of the same user or role in order to gain the attention thereof where said attention is necessary in an emergency or otherwise dire situation.

IV. "Channel violations" shall constitute uses of a given channel for purposes outside that channel's proper uses and functions as outlined in its name and description.


V. "Security violations" shall constitute any of the following:
(A) Sharing of sensitive information from private channels.
(1) "Sensitive information" shall include screenshots of discussion, copied and pasted messages, and detailed retelling of conversation.
(2) "Private channels" are those which are limited in access, including but not limited to the Citizens' Lounge, the General Assembly Debate Chamber, and the Cabinet. This definition shall not include channels that limit the ability of users to post messages, but are still publicly viewable.
(B) Granting roles or other access to private channels as defined above to those who do not meet the standard qualifications for their use. This shall not include the discretionary reclassification by moderators of the ability of various users or roles to speak in #public-square or be sequestered to #visitor-lobby.
(C) Doxxing, defined as the sharing of real-world personal information of another individual without their consent.

I. The following shall be defined as a Class 1 offense:
(A) Posting of adult content as defined in Section II.I(A) by a non-citizen of the region.
(B) Doxxing as defined in Section II.V(C).

II. The following shall be defined as a Class 2 offense:
(A) Posting of adult content as defined in Section II.I(A) by a citizen of the region.
(B) Posting of other prohibited content as defined in Section II.I by a non-resident of the region.
(C) Security violations as defined in Section II.V, with the exception of doxxing.

III. The following shall be defined as a Class 3 offense:
(A) Personal attacks as defined in Section II.II by a non-resident of the region.
(B) Ping violations as defined in Section II.III.

IV. The following shall be defined as a Class 4 offense:
(A) Personal attacks as defined in Section II.II by a resident of the region.
(B) Channel violations as defined in Section II.IV.

I. Offenses shall be penalized under the following structure:
(A) Class 1 offenses shall result in a server ban, which must be reviewed by the High Court.
(B) Class 2 offenses shall result in a server kick.
(C) Class 3 offenses shall result in a mute of no more than thirty (30) minutes.
(D) Class 4 offenses shall result in a warn.

II. Moderators may modify the structure outlined in Section IV.I in accordance with the following:
(A) Moderators may choose to verbally warn for Class 3 and Class 4 offenses and require the offending content to be deleted instead.
(B) Repeat offenses, especially when committed in rapid succession, may be penalized more harshly than first-time or infrequent offenses.
(C) Repeat Class 2 offenses or those of a particularly egregious nature may have the prescribed kick accompanied by a temporary ban of no more than one (1) hour.

III. Moderators are expected to remove adult content as quickly as possible; while other content should be kept as evidence, the nature of adult content demands that it be removed from the server with all haste.

Designation: AB 04-06 (Snap Election)
Status: In Force
Proposed by: Attancia
Short Description: Calling a snap election
Effective Date:
7th Feburary, 2021

Observing Article III Section I.XV of the constitution, which mandates a snap election should the Acting President have assumed office in the first half of the term,

Considering it is our duty to uphold the constitution,


Schedules a snap election for the 16th of February.

Designation: AB-04-07 The Constitutional Conformity Act
Status: In Force
Proposed by: New waldensia
Short Description: Appointment of a new Founding member status
Effective Date:
13th Feburary, 2021

Noting that we currently are in violation of the minimum Founder designation requirement of Article III, Section III of the RCN Constitution,
Observing that @Mr. Attan, CIA is the @OG Non-Founder,

Hereby designates @Mr. Attan, CIA as a full-fledged @Founder.

Designation: AB-04-08 The Founder Expansion Act
Status: In Force
Proposed by: New waldensia
Short Description: Appointment of a new Founding member status
Effective Date:
19th Feburary, 2021

Noting that we currently have the bare minimum amount of Founders required by Article III, Section III of the RCN Constitution,
Observing that @West Phoenicia is a faithful, dedicated, and adult member of the RCN,

Hereby designates West Phoenicia as a full-fledged @Founder.

Designation: AB-04-09 (Non-Resident Classification Act)
Status: In Force
Proposed by: Fluvannia
Short Description: Adjusting status of user classification
Effective Date:
22nd Feburary, 2021

NOTING that the current structure of non-resident roles and permissions is largely non-existent, to the extent it has encouraged suggestions for improvement from non-residents; and

BELIEVING that a more formalized classification of non-residents will help the efforts of the administration to further develop the foreign relations of the Republic;

BE IT HEREBY RESOLVED by the General Assembly of the Republic hereby enact the following:

Section I: Role Assignments

I. The Visitor role shall be applied to any nation verified as being in a region with which the Republic does not have an embassy or a region from which the Republic is in the process of withdrawing an embassy. Nations in regions in which the Republic is currently constructing an embassy will not be accorded the Visitor role.
II. The Guest role shall be applied to any nation verified as being in a region with which the Republic possesses an embassy, or a region in which the Republic is currently constructing an embassy.
III. The Ambassador role shall be applied to one nation from each such region as described in Section. I.II; this nation is to be determined by the region to which it belongs. It is advised but not required that the President confirm the legitimacy of these ambassadors via in-game telegram.
IV. The Republic reserves the right to respectfully request a change in ambassador from the relevant region; this request shall not be construed as affecting the diplomatic relations between that region and the Republic.
V. Regions held as spoils of war, puppet storage, or former incarnations of the Republic shall be exempt from embassy considerations in Section I.II, nations from such regions shall remain classified as Visitors.

Section II: Channel Permissions

I. All users shall be granted both viewing and sending access to #server-rules and #port-of-entry.
II. Visitors shall be granted identical access as in Section II.I, as well as viewing and sending access to #visitor-lobby and #memes-and-spam. Additionally, viewing-only access shall be granted to #announcements, #constitution, #law-library, and #executive-orders.
III. Guests shall be granted identical access as in Section II.II, as well as having viewing and sending access to #ns-sports, #vidya, #bot-stuff, #art-and-stuff, #debate-hall, and the General and Music voice channels. Additionally, viewing-only access shall be granted to #electoral-committee, #presidential-debates, #debate-comments-questions, and #ambassadors-chamber.
IV. Ambassadors shall be granted identical access as in Section II.III, as well as having sending access to #ambassadors-chamber.

Designation: AB-04-11 (Amending AB-04-09)
Status: In Force
Proposed by: Fluvannia
Short Description: Adjusting status of user classification II
Effective Date:
25th Feburary, 2021

I. Section II.II shall be modified to read: “Visitors shall be granted identical access as in Section II.I, as well as viewing and sending access to #visitor-lobby, #memes-and-spam, #ns-sports, #bot-stuff, #the-tavern, and #art-and-stuff. Additionally, viewing-only access shall be granted to #announcements, #constitution, #law-library, and #executive-orders.”

II. Section II.III shall be modified to read: “Guests shall be granted identical access as in Section II.II, as well as viewing and sending access to #debate-hall and the General and Music voice channels. Additionally, viewing-only access shall be granted to #electoral-committee, #presidential-debates, #debate-comments-questions, and #ambassadors-chamber.”

III. This bill shall not take effect unless AB-04-09 is adopted by the General Assembly and signed into law.

Designation: AB-04-12 (Amending AB-04-09)
Status: In Force
Proposed by: Npc west florida
Short Description: Adjusting Debate Hall Access
Effective Date:
25th Feburary, 2021

Hereby amends AB-04-09 to the following.
1. All mentions of #debate-hall shall be removed from the law
2. A section after I.IV shall be added that reads “All members that request access to #debate-hall shall be granted it. #debate-hall shall be hidden from all others.”

Designation:AB 04-17 (The Unified Statutory Code Establishment Act)
Status: In Force
Proposed by: Fluvannia
Short Description: Enables the creation of a single code of RCN law.
Effective Date:
April 12, 2021

NOTING that Republic law is currently scattered throughout the various statutes passed by the General Assembly over the course of its existence; and

OBSERVING that the decentralized and mostly chronological ordering of laws and other resolutions passed by the Assembly has not made for a particularly accessible or concise compilation of current Republic law; and

BELIEVING that a unified and organized collection of Republic law would better serve the nations governed by the same;

BE IT HEREBY RESOLVED by the General Assembly of the Republic that the following shall be enacted:

Section I: Legal Codification
I. The collection of Assembly Bills as signed in to law shall be reviewed by the Minister of the Interior or delegate(s) of their choosing for organization in to the Unified Statutory Code (hereafter referred to as the USC), which at the first level is to be divided in to Chapters covering various broad subjects of governance (for example, Chapter I may detail the organization of the executive branch).
II. Similarly to Section I.I, bills within a given Chapter shall be organized in to Sections, which cover more specific subjects within the category covered by that Chapter (as a continuation of the above example, Chapter I, Section 4 may deal specifically with the organization and function of the Ministry of the Interior).
III. While various clauses of a given extant Assembly Bill could conceivably be separated from each other and divided over several Sections of a Chapter (or perhaps even over multiple Chapters), the clauses themselves as separated and edited should attempt to keep the same language where possible, and attempt to avoid altering the functional interpretation thereof.
IV. The laws or segments thereof whose text has been incorporated in to the USC may be designated as a Superseded Law. Superseded Laws are not officially repealed, as their function continues on within the USC, but neither do they retain any legal force or backing.

Section II: Amending the USC
Assembly Bills seeking to further amend the law after the passage of this Assembly Bill are to denote the Chapter and Section they are altering or adding, any current text contained therein, and the text as it would read as amended.

Section III: Other General Assembly Motions
I. Nothing in this Bill shall be construed as to affect the current method of treatment and incorporation of amendments to the RCN Constitution.
II. It is recommended that the following motions, if passed, be compiled in a separate text titled the Assembly Register:
(A) Assembly Resolutions
(B) Motions to Amend the Rules
(C) Motions to Impeach
(D) Motions of No Confidence
(E) Motions of Confidence
(F) Motions to Eject
(G) Motions to Recess
(H) Motions to Reopen

Section IV: Precedence and Treatment of Superseded Laws
I. Every clause within the USC taken from pre-existing law shall refer to the appropriate Assembly Bill or other relevant legislation from which it is taken.
II. Should an entire Section or Chapter be taken from the same pre-existing law, a single citation for the whole is preferred.
III. In the event of conflicting interpretations between unamended USC text and the law from which it was sourced, the source law should take precedence over the incorporated text in the USC.
IV. This precedence for a given clause is lost upon further amendments to the relevant text in the USC.

Conservative nations
