
by The Floridaman of Zoran. . 197 reads.

National Factbook of the Confederacy of Zoran(under development)

The Confederacy of Zoran

Motto: Honor and Justice


Population: 126 million

Capital: Zoradia
Largest City: Port Oblivion

Official Language: Zoranian, Common

National Language: Zoranian

Demonym: Zoranian

Government: Anarchist Commune
- President: Apenimon Ani'-Wah'

Legislature: annual unicameral legislature
- Grand Defense Council

Unification of Tribes: March 9,820

GDP (nominal): 8.24 Trillion Zorallas
GDP (nominal) per capita: 65,363 Zorallas

Human Development Index (NS Version): 54.61

Currency: Zorallas

Time Zone: Overtime IAT +1

Drives on the: Right

Internet TLD: .zo


The Confederacy of Zoran (Zoranian: ᏃᎣᏛᎠᎾ), commonly called Zoran, is an Anarchist commune in the continent of Aura in the West Pacific. It occupies two medium sized islands along with a few other smaller islands and Zoran is Southeast of the Holy Principality of Saint Mark but North of the Kingdom of Giovanniland. Zoran has an estimated population of 126,000,000 people and it is divided into 30 provinces with 6 major cities.

The initial arrival of the first Zoranian people is heavily debated by historians as the tribe has only been discovered fairly recently by the modern world. However, historical records of other countries have vague records of trade on the islands of which the Zoranian people reside so it brings into question whether the tribes have been forgotten by the people of the world at one point or if another people were there before the Zoran Tribes took up residence. The Confederacy has had a history of an anarchic form of governance for many centuries even before unification of the 30 tribes. The tribes had a history of conflict with each other over hunting or fishing grounds but these conflicts were rare as they all depended upon trade with each other via the rivers on the two main islands and the sea. But these tribes eventually unified under the confederacy and the Defense Council on March 9, 860. Following the unification, population of the Zoranian people began to boom and a period of economic growth occurred, especially in the weaving industry.

Zoran is a fairly primitive yet modern country that has a very developed infrastructure, economy, military, education, etc. but has a primitive culture, religion, and a fairly primitive way of life in the country and in some areas of the jungles. It has a GDP of 8.24 Trillion Zorallas led by basket weaving, but with major contributions book publishing, automobile manufacturing, and soda sakes. However, the GDP per capita is considered above average compared to the average of The West Pacific at an average income of about 65,363 Zorallas. Zoran is also a member of the World Assembly and the Auran League.

Zoran was part of the Anti-Crab Resistance during the Crabbist Regime of the TWP and was a crucial member of the Resistance that led the restoration of the Meritocracy. They also have a trade agreement with Giovanniland and a defensive pact with Lanorth.


The word Zoran is a Slavic name which means dawn, daybreak. However, the people of Zoran have no Slavic origin or ties. To them the word Zoran derives from the word zor(Zoranian: ᎬᎣᏛ, gvodv), which roughly translates to a word similar to holy. Thus the word Zoran for the Zoranians means holy land. The earliest recorded use of the word Zoran can be traced back to 8924 BF from their holy text, the Zoracon.

The standard way to refer to a citizen of Zoran is as a "Zoranian".


The initial arrival of the first Zoranian people is heavily debated by historians as the tribe has only been discovered fairly recently by the modern world. However, historical records of other countries have vague records of trade on the islands of which the Zoranian people reside so it brings into question whether the tribes have been forgotten by the people of the world at one point or if another people were there before the Zoran Tribes took up residence. But based on the fact that the Zoracon was written around 8924 BF, it can be assumed that the first Zoranians arrived before that date. What is known that when the Zoranian people first arrived, they stuck to the coast and water ways as their naval tradition began before they arrived on the islands. The first tribe that was established is known as the Platypus Clan(Zoranian: ᏪᎵᎠᏔᏯᏁᎤᏍ ᏟᎵᎠᎾ, Weligoiyaneus Tliligona) and where the tribe was located, Platypus Island, is where the capital, Zoradia, of Zoran is. The other twenty nine tribes formed along rivers and along the coast and on the other smaller islands. While there were conflicts between tribes, the biggest being the Great Spirit War, the tribes primarily kept good relations with each other and traded with each other often. Traded goods included food, pottery, weapons, textiles, dyes, precious gems, works of literature, wood, etc. but each tribe had their own variant on some these goods that were exclusively made by the respective tribes.

However, one of the key events in Zoranian history is the Revelation of The Great Spirit. Close to the year 8924 BF, a young man who was training to become a shaman, this man would become known as Divine Shaman Adanvdo the Spirit Chosen, was walking through the jungle of Bro'vah in search of some herbs for his teacher when he was blinded by a bright flash of light. When he could see again, he saw a bear sized glowing white platypus standing in front of him. It spoke to him and told him that He was the Great Spirit of the Universe, the creator of all things and King of the Spirit Realm. The Great Spirit then told Adanvdo that he was to be His champion, His chosen one, and that he is reveal to the Zoranian people His Word. It is said that the Great Spirit laid his platypus flipper on Adanvdo's head and granted him the wisdom of the universe and knowledge on all things. Adanvdo then returned to the Platypus Clan and began to preach to the people, but not without resistance as he was still a learner in their eyes. However, he overcame this adversity and established the principles and beliefs of the Zoranian people and established the religion of Zonethos. Adanvdo also created the position of Divine Shaman along with having created the Holy Spirit Staff and the Robes of Guidance, both are holy relics that are passed from Divine Shaman to Divine Shaman. Zonethos is still the official religion of Zoran and the people believe that the Great Spirit shall always protect them as long as they stay true to their ways and not commit atrocities in His name.

There was a period of time after the founding of the first tribe and the Great Spirit war known as the Zoranian Renaissance. This period began in 6025 BF and ended around 3000 BF where the arts flourished and innovation thrived. It was here where the use of the Zoralla began among the tribes and where the first companies began to become established. While people had professions before this, actual companies such as the famous Tayanita Weaving Company were established and a more modern form of business was beginning to take route. Banks also became prominent as well which helped the development of these companies. It was also during this time where technology advanced at a rapid rate, prototype fire arms were beginning to be created and basic medicine began to become more common place. Literacy greatly enhanced as well which led to a increase in philosophy and ethics along with religious revival. At the end of the Zoranian Renaissance, the population of the Zoranian people increased to a large amount, but this population would go down with the Great Spirit War.

In the year 2850 BF, a heretical man named Gawonii claimed he was the true successor of Adanvdo and that the Great Spirit spoke to him and told him that he must be ruler of all the tribes of Zoran through the will of the Great Spirit. Due to his claims, he was exiled by the Platypus clan and was deemed a heretic. However, he gained support from thirteen of the thirty tribes, known as the Heretics, and led a army of 500,000 with the goal of reaching and defeating the Platypus Clan. This caused the other seventeen tribes to form an alliance, becoming known as the Believers, against Gawonii and his forces and created an army of 700,000 men. The war lasted from 2850 BF till 2700 BF, ending with the Battle of the Covenant where written accounts claim to have seen the Great Spirit appear on the battlefield on the side of the Believers and helped defeat Gawonii for good. Gawonii was executed via the Inferno Gate, a ritual sacrifice where one is burnt in a giant pit of fire and their spirit is believed to be sent as a appeasement gift to the spirits of the underworld in hopes of keeping them away, and order was restored to the land. Since then, there have been no divisions within the faith and war between the tribes has been something that has been avoided. The population decreased by 30% from the war and went from a population of 2,000,000 to a population of 1,400,000 Zoranians.

The next few centuries were uneventful and was an era of peace. There were large periods of innovation and philosophical movements over the years and a lot more interaction between the tribes. The Zoranian Industrial Revolution began in 1190 AF where industry began to truly begin and the first factories began. Military and industrial technology thrived and progressed rapidly, especially with the introduction of electricity and the electric light in the year 1279 AF. Lives improved and people began to earn more money than before. However, people were afraid that this rapid industrialization was causing the people of Zoran to stray from the path that the Great Spirit told us to stay true to. In comparison to the outside world, Zoran was as technologically and socially equal to the outside world but the Zoranian people continued to live primitive lives and stuck to their traditional culture and way of life. Roads were established between the main towns and cities of the tribes and bigger docks were made along with larger ships for trade were being developed that allowed for easier trade and transportation between the islands. Life did improve for the people as more services became available to the people of Zoran and the economy continued to improve.

But in the year 820 AF, the society of Zoran changed a lot from being a bunch of chiefdoms to a bunch of Anarchic communes and became more capitalistic. The people enjoyed major social and political freedoms but there was a major push for a unified Zoranian state that aligns with the Anarchic style of government they have. This became known as the One Zoran Movement and this was an idea popular with the younger generation who had more experience with faster and better communication between people in other communes. Eventually, on March 9, 820 AF, community leaders from all 30 tribes arrived on Platypus Island in the small town of Zoradia and created the Articles of Unity and united the Zoranian Tribes under a loose Anarchist Commune. These leaders were brought together by the efforts of Austenaco Ah-ni-di, a writer of the Fisheros Commune newspaper. He went and traveled across the whole nation to convince the most influential and powerful members of each commune to meet him in the small village of Zoradia to create a unified Zoranian state. People described him as being bold and determined with a fire inside him that could only be quenched by the Great Spirit Himself. He didn't give up until he convinced each leader, sometimes sleeping in front of the door of a leader to be able to talk to them the next day and when he finally did he convinced his commune to send him as the commune's representative. He did all of this at the age of sixteen years old The Defense Council was established to meet once a year with nominated representatives of each commune to decide budgets for the year, defense, and sometimes laws(which is extremely rare). The first President of Zoran, none other than Austenaco Ah-ni-di, was elected a month later by all Zoranians and the official Confederacy of Zoran was established. This had a major improvement on the economy and led to the growth of Zoradia to the point where it was chosen to become the capital of the country. The unification also caused massive population growth as people moved to different communes freely and with the economy improvements allowed people to have better lives causing a major baby boom. Clothing also changed a lot during this time and people began to cover up more and clothing became less tailored and could be purchased in clothes stores. Technology also developed as the economy improved but people continued to stick to their traditional ways of life. The military also was formally established by the Defense Council but each commune was allowed to have their own provincial militias for their own defense should an internal threat appear. The Confederacy built up a large navy and army with a medium sized air force rapidly and established a set of standards for each branch. However, the national military was only to be used should a foreign entity threaten the way of life for all Zoranians, but no one knew of the Confederacy's existence.

It wasn't until March 24, 1300 that the Confederacy was discovered by an explorer from Giovanniland who was washed ashore on the coast of the northern island after a nasty storm caused his boat to capsize and the waves brought him to the shore. A regiment of the Fisheros Commune's militia found him during a training exercise and brought him in. It is believed that the Zoranian people have never encountered an outsider before this day but as stated earlier this is not certain. The explorer was astounded by the culture of the Zoranian people and learned their language and social structure. He was soon taken to the capital and met President Ani'-Wah' and told the Zoranian people about Giovanniland and other nations of the TWP and about the region in general. The Defense Council had an emergency meeting and formally established the Foreign Affairs office and rapidly trained a few ambassadors and sent a diplomat, the first Minister of Foreign Affairs Oukonunaka Ahnitsiskwa, with the explorer on a boat back to Giovanniland. The explorer spent two weeks in Zoran and he published his diary, which detailed his experience with the Zoranian people, when he arrived back in Giovanniland and it is still being sold across the region today.

The Floridaman of Zoran
