
by The Holy Christian Empire of Dominant Oppressors. . 66 reads.

Councils of The United Christian Empires of the West

A Council is a specific area of expertise. An Imperial Councillor is the head of that area of our region. All Imperial Councilors report into the Imperator (feminine: Imperatrix). An Imperial Councillor may be appointed by the Imperator or may be nominated by themselves or another member nation and a vote will be held. If an Imperial Councillor wishes to resign, they may do so via a formal message in the message boards or, if possible, a region-wide telegram. Once resigned they may not become an Imperial Councillor again for at least 2 weeks, this penalty increases by 2 weeks each time that member state resigns and is re-appointed. Assistant-Imperial Councillors may also be appointed at the request of the Imperial Councillor, the Imperial Grand Councillor or the Imperator, the request must then be approved by the Triumvirate. If an Imperial Councillor is accused of not doing their job well, a vote of no confidence may be held and the Imperial Councillor will be forced to resign if it is passed by a majority. While an Imperial Councilor gets no additional privileges as standard, they may ask to add the applicable privilege(s) if they find that they are needed for them to operate effectively and a simple general agreement is required for it to be granted to them (Please See The 'Emergency Powers Act'). The role of Imperial Councillor also gives the Imperial Councillor authority over that area, however it is strongly advised to check in with the Imperator, Imperial Grand Councillor or any other relevant member states first depending on the importance and impact of the decision(s).

List of roles and Councils:

1) Imperator: Held by the founder; also known as ‘The Holy Confederacy’s Head of State’. Role mainly described in the above section, serves as over-seer of the Imperial Councillors and is there for advice and/or input on important issues. It is important for Imperial Councilors to act in the best interest of the union and not to act behind the other members’ backs. Certain actions must be kept under wraps temporarily, however it is advisable for at least the Imperator or Imperial Grand Councillor to be aware of such actions. The Imperator also issues frequent reports to all member states on the Imperial Councilors dealings and other such activities and updates via official telegrams. The Imperator is the ultimate head/leader of the region and its dependencies. Must serve as Commander-in-chief of both the Holy Imperial Armies and the Holy Imperial Diplomatic Corps. If the Imperator/founder ever leaves the game or resigns, the position goes to the successor of their choosing, if no successor was named at the time of the Imperator’s departure, the Imperial Grand Councillor is to take over and a new IGC must be elected while the previous one serves as Imperator. If the Imperator’s nation becomes inactive and then that nation returns, they may chose to take the position back without debate. If multiple former-imperators return with claims to the title, chronology takes place (oldest first priority), if the chronology cannot be deemed, an election must be called.

2) Imperial Grand Councillor: An elected position; Also known as ‘Advisor to the Imperator’ or ‘Confederacy’s Second-in-Command’. Serves as a sort of ‘secondary Imperator’. Has a similar function to the Imperator but at a lesser rank, so to speak. If the Imperator is acting ineffectively, it is the role of the I.G.C. to address the issues so that they may be corrected. Potential Privileges: Polls, Communications, Appearance, Border Control and Embassies.

3) Imperial Councillor of Defence: Also known as ‘The Enforcement Imperial Councillor’, ‘The Confederacy’s Eyes’, ‘The Chief Whip’ or ‘Security Imperial Councillor’. The Imperial Councillor of Defence’s role is to make sure that the region’s laws are being upheld and followed and that there is order in the union. They are also to try to keep things running smoothly in an emergency and to alert relevant parties of those not following the laws or those who are being, shall we say, ‘less than friendly’. The accused will then have a chance to defend themselves or face the appropriate punishment(s). Potential Privileges: Border Control and Communications.

4) Imperial Councillor of International Diplomacy: A.K.A. 'The Imperial Councillor of Foreign Affairs' or 'The Confederacy's Voice'. Deals with creating stronger ties with foreign nations and regions. Focuses primarily on Embassy Regions. Works on negotiations and other diplomatic acts, decides when involvement of the Imperator or Imperial Councillor of Warfare is needed with a foreign power. Must serve as Supreme Diplomatic Commander of the Holy Imperial Diplomatic Corps. Potential Privileges: Communications and Embassies.*

5) Imperial Councillor of Warfare: A.K.A. 'Imperial War Councillor', 'Imperial Councilor of "Aggressive Negotiations"', 'Commander of the Imperial Holy Armies', ‘Supreme Commander’, 'Imperial Invasion Councillor' or 'The Confederacy's Fist'. Works in strong collaboration with the imperial Councillor of Defence. Must serve as Supreme Commander of the Holy Imperial Armies. You never know when you need an Imperial War Councillor, do you?... Potential Privilege: Border Control.

6) Imperial Councillor of Religion: A.K.A. 'The Grand Inquisitor' or 'The "Regional Bishop"'. Makes sure that all nations are following Christian values and laws. Tries to root out cases of heresy, apostasy and other such Religious crimes. Works closely with Imperial Councillor of Defence. Potential Privilege: Communications.

7) Imperial Councillor of Internal Relations: A.K.A. 'Imperial Satisfaction Councillor' or the ‘Imperial Councillor of Internal Affairs’. Makes sure that all members of the union are generally happy with it and tries to make the reasons for member states' dissatisfaction known to the relevant parties. Also deals with the inclusion, induction and general welcoming of new members, as well as upkeep of appearance (if needed) and celebration of important affairs. Works closely with the Imperial Councillors of International Diplomacy, Defense and History. Potential privileges: Polls, Communications and Appearance.*

8) Imperial Councillor of History: A.K.A. ‘Keeper of the Lore’, ‘The Lore Master’ or ‘The Storyteller’. Keeps track of the region’s lore and history and makes sure that it is preserved for future generations and is told to all new member-states. Potential Privileges: Polls, Communications and Appearance.

9) Imperial Councillor of Economics: A.K.A. ‘Imperial Councillor of Finance’ or ‘Imperial Financial Advisor’. Deals with the monetary upkeep of the confederacy. Advises on trade deals and other such financial decisions. Makes sure that the regional economy doesn’t crash and tries to keep overall economic output as high as possible!
Potential Privileges: Polls, Embassies and Appearance.

10) Imperial Councillor of Narrative: A.K.A. ‘Imperial Councillor of Roleplay’, ‘Imperial Councillor of Story’, ‘Imperial Councillor of RP’ or ‘The Storywriter’. In charge of regional In Character Events, such as plot lines and roleplay when it happens and coordinates them as well as creating new plot lines for the region. Works closely with the Imperial Councillor of History. Potential Privileges: Polls, Communications and Appearance.

New councils may be added over time as the need arises. May God bless you!

Record of Imperial Grand Councillors:
-Falmards: (September 2019 AD - Saturday 9th November 2019 AD)
-Falmards: (Saturday 9th November 2019 AD - Thursday 5th March 2020 AD)
-Xukong: (Thursday 5th March 2020 AD - [CURRENTLY ONGOING])

* The first person to hold these positions, Blue carnation, has kindly compiled a semi-comprehend list of the powers of these Imperial Councils; please note the lists are not 100% complete lists but are a good basis for them; please find it linked here, thank you!
