
by The Confederacy of Undivulged Principles. . 532 reads.

The CUP Alliance

The CUP Alliance is a military and political alliance consisting of the following nations (in order of membership):

Undivulged Principles

One of the Most Developed Nations in NS, both militarily, economically, socially & culturally, The Confederacy is also the long established though frequently disputed leader of the CUP Alliance. The most advanced technology, highest trained military supported by a highly skilled intensely weaponized populace. A long proud history of military success under intrepid leaders acts as a breeding ground for those inspired by such a culture and seeking the best opportunities to provide it.

Liberal Liberals

A bastion & beacon of freedom in social political and environment. One of the pinnacles of education in NS the Community is a font of creative thought and a peaceful influence on the all too aggressive intentions of the other members. Having lived much of its existence under the military protection of The Confederacy, it repays this service by granting most favored nation rights to The Confederacy and providing limited resources (mostly labor) to it in return.


The ancient heartland of The Confederacy itself, the province remains the only monarchy left and as such is a major source of internal tension. The province is an extremely potent source of wealth and one of the three industrial epicenters of the Alliance. It's manufacturing and high tech firms are a leading source along with The Confederacy of the Alliances' military hegemony. Decadent but highly advanced cosmopolitan society with a highly self weaponized people.


The second largest military of the Alliance is also its most recalcitrant member. The political views of the nation don't coincide with those of the other members but the benefits of trade and military hegemony within the Alliance make compliance with the other members wishes a primary if not overwhelming influence domestically.

Cup new yorkers

Refugees & expats from New York who desired to remain within The Confederacy successfully created what is perhaps the most dynamic and creative of all the member nations. Along with The CUD is almost as advanced as The Confederacy itself and is beginning to rival the imperial province as a source of leading intellects.

The grove of eladen

The most aggressive of the Alliance, the newest member is also the most isolationist, elitist and militarily most powerful per capita of the Alliance and perhaps NS as a whole. A combination of the best technology, pristine environment & a xenophobic society.

Military Strength

A significant portion of each states military is earmarked towards the Alliance which allows the Confederacy to maintain a bare hegemony over the other members in order to compell it to its will (most of the time). This focus towards the Alliance makes it a foremost military power from a single nation standpoint, while a full deployment would create a military apparatus that alone could contend regionally. Combined with a populace with an average intellect ranking in Top 1% of NS and a highly developed state in all but two nations gives the Alliance a decided advantage in all encounters.
