
by The NS Comeback King of Wymondham. . 30 reads.

Legal Code Amendment

Legal Code Amendment to the Charter of the Pacifica Democratic Union

(1)The following shall be amended into the Charter as Article II, section 11 and all subsequent Sections appropriately renumbered:
11. The president may prevent a piece of Supplementary Legislation going to referendum if they feel that said piece of Supplementary Legislation contradicts this Charter.

(2)The following shall be amended into the Charter as Article IV. On Supplementary Legislation and all subsequent Articles renumbered.
Article IV. On Supplementary Legislation.
1. Any nation may propose an item of Supplementary Legislation
2. Supplementary Legislation may not contradict this Charter
3. Voting on Supplementary Legislation shall follow the procedures established by this charter with regards to referendums
4. All items of Supplementary Legislation shall be recorded and linked in a legal code which shall take the form of a dispatch created and mainted by a nation created exclusively for this purpose which shall pass from President to President.

The NS Comeback King of Wymondham

