
by Atlia sonis. . 32 reads.

Executive Order 02A [Passed]

Executive Order 02A
The Neko Act

This document explains protocols Atlia Sonis will take when 'Nekos' are involved.

Realizing that Atlia Sonis will probably become a shelter for Nekos if action is not taken,

Explaining how Atlia Sonis will prepare,

This document explains Atlia Sonis' Neko protocols.

•In Atlia Sonis, Nekos will be recognized as citizens, but will have a lower standard of living, recognized here:

•Nekos will have a smaller minimum wage.
(Human: ¥10 per hour / Neko: ¥5)

•Nekos will be able to attend public schools.

•Any Neko who disobeys the law in a major way will be imprisoned. If they are not corrected in a state facility, they will be conscripted into the military.

Hereby defines the Neko Act (Executive Order 02A).

Emperor Xatriot Yokuba Zenroc

GCP Speaker Alea Yengoku

The House of Prime Ministers of Atlia Sonis
Status: Pending Passed

Atlia sonis

