
by Great solordia. . 6 reads.

The Saederic Citizen’s Report

Great solordia wrote:The Disciplinary Mission

The Saederic Military has been deployed! thousands of troops storm the dependencies of Saideria's West, in effort to crack down on the area's well known criminal activity. The decision was made by inperatas Solordiar Liftoke, and approved by his wife inperatress Kristiar Lazon-Liftoke.

"As a peoples, and as a beacon o' justice & order, it's our job to care f'r this world and its inhabitants, and we cannot do that if we cannot maintain our own imperias! Therefore, woe to those evil doers whom threaten our sovereign and our serenity; we're coming for thee."

- Solordiar Liftoke, Inperatas of Saideria. Chaperone of Fire and Order, someone you do not want to mess with.

Great solordia wrote:SCR (the Saederic Citizen’s Report)

Following the successes of the disciplinary mission, Solordiar has implemented an inquisition, a new branch in the police force tasked with taking care of ‘the illegal cults’ and their followers. He hopes this will naturally stabilise formerly-Kathrakian ‘west Saideria’ while he works on other important matters.

“‘The illegal cults’ are regarded as violent, perverse and anti-Saederic. They undermine the laws set by the state and follow the enemies of the Liftoke family. Signs of an illegal cult may include polygamy, rape, human sacrifices, demon worship and the practice of necromancy, twisted arcane. If you see anything with this description, report to the Saederic inquisition.”

~ Arcallanis, inquisition headmaster.

Great solordia

