
by Baumpatal. . 4 reads.

Succession to the Baumpatalian Throne

Succession in Baumpatal is a very important matter, as the monarch is not entirely a figurehead, they are limited by the constitution, but hold quite a lot political power.

As with all nations, there are many rules regarding royal succession in Baumpatal. If the monarch has children, the eldest living "blood heir" of the monarch inherits the throne. Blood Heir means legitimate biological descendant, it does not apply to children that are born out of wedlock or adopted. If the monarch dies without a blood heir, adopted children are next in line, otherwise, the line of succession moves to the bloodline of the monarch's eldest legitimate sibling. If the monarch has no siblings, then the nearest cousin's children inherit the throne. Any potential successors can be disinherited by monarch.

Sex does not effect inheritance. In ancient times, Baum Poks used a system of female primogeniture, however, this practice was ended by Ualebu the great, as he perceived his son to be a stronger leader (In the case of Ualebu, empress Jatlana was largely a figurehead, and went along with whatever he decided). The last remanent of matriarchy in Baumaptal is the fact that men marry into their wife's family.

If a monarch is under 15 years old, then the nation is run by a regent or agency council until they come of age. In the modern era, parliament serves as a regency council, but is not allowed to change any laws regarding the monarch.

