Trading Cards
Earn Trading Cards by answering issues. Each issue has a chance of granting a new pack!
Junk cards you don't want and receive a small amount of bank by tapping the top flag area!
Buy and Sell cards in the Market!
Gift a card to any nation by paying a transfer fee!
Read more thrilling details in the FAQ!
Miserando Atque Eligendo
Not there!! Winter! 2000?
Pride and Industry
Inb4 9003 drops to rare
Woof Woof
In hoc signo vincitur inimicus
You Can't Stop Progress
The God, the Army, the Kaiser
We Will Endure
Hummanty is at risk we must FIGHT
Hummanty is at risk we must FIGHT
Hummanty is at risk we must FIGHT
Unity, Discipline, Work
None shall separate us from the love of Christ
God Is A King