World Assembly Resolutions
Since the rise of the World Assembly from the ashes of its predecessor, the Bureaucracy That Cannot Be Named, WA member nations have worked tirelessly to improve the standard of the world. That, or tried to force other nations to be more like them. But that's just semantics.
Below is every World Assembly resolution ever passed.
View: All | Historical | General Assembly | Security Council
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General Assembly Resolution # 759
Prohibition on Coerced Testimony
A resolution to improve worldwide human and civil rights.
Recognizing the inherently adversarial relationship between police and suspect,
Determining that the immense power imbalance between the state and the individual and the violence of suspect detention as inherently vulnerable to abuse by those tasked with enforcing the law,
The World Assembly hereby,
Defines an "officer" as an individual lawfully empowered to enforce the law or investigate violations thereof,
Forbids member states or their officers or officers of entities subject to member state jurisdiction from:
Coercing any form of communication from a detained individual,
Punishing or threatening to punish a detained individual for not communicating, or
Putting questions to a detained individual without either that individual's legal counsel present or that individual's explicit and uncoerced consent, or in the case of a detained minor that of their legal guardian, to take questions without counsel present,
Forbids member states or their courts or courts of entities subject to member state jurisdiction from:
Admitting evidence or considering evidence that includes communications obtained from an individual in contravention of section 2,
Admitting evidence or considering evidence consisting of polygraph tests, body language tests, or any other means of attempting to discredit verbal communication by means of assessing simultaneous nonverbal communication, or
Requiring a defendant to testify against themselves, or considering refusal to do so as evidence in and of itself.
Passed: |
For: | 7,836 | 63.1% |
Against: | 4,592 | 36.9% |
Security Council Resolution # 523
Liberate Empires Forever United
A resolution to strike down Delegate-imposed barriers to free entry in a region.
The Security Council,
Recognizing the existence of malevolent forces that seek naught but wanton destruction,
Aghast that these forces have taken to falsely representing themselves before this august body in order to sow more chaos in their bids for conquest,
Celebrating the regions which, in the face of this constant threat, bravely adopt Frontier status in order to welcome new nations into the universe and lean into the unknown,
Fearful for the future of Empires Forever United, one such region that was recently seized by a horde of invaders,
Hoping to preserve this regions lively international community which is imperiled by these diabolical actors,
Seeking, through the adoption of this resolution, to forestall the utter destruction of this community,
Hereby Liberates Empires Forever United
Co-authors: Haymarket Riot, Grea Kriopia
Passed: |
For: | 10,188 | 89.0% |
Against: | 1,265 | 11.0% |
General Assembly Resolution # 760
Repeal: “Money Markets Funds Protocol”
A resolution to repeal previously passed legislation.
General Assembly Resolution #746 “Money Markets Funds Protocol” (Category: Regulation; Area of Effect: Consumer Protection) shall be struck out and rendered null and void.
Asserting that the province of World Assembly legislation is the governance of issues of international importance, including, but not limited to, the establishment of universal rights, the negotiation of competing member nation interests, addressing nation-level decision-making on issues that have international impact, or the promotion of international harmony and peace,
Finding that the target deals with the far more granular issue of money market funds, a specific type of financial instrument that serves as a high-risk alternative to standard banking, a topic which is not only more effectively governed at the national and local level, but which does not align and may even wholly conflict with the economic system in many member nations,
Noting that, despite this, WA nations, acting through resolution-defined authorities, must both enact and make known minimum standards related to this type of financial instrument,
Particularly concerned that the language used to dictate this requirement and in many other areas of the resolution are written in impenetrable jargon that calls into question the understanding of legislators who ratified the resolution, in consideration of the highly specialized knowledge, or at least a large time investment, required to fully understand the ramifications thereof,
Unconvinced that the proviso at the end of the resolution, which leaves to member nations the privilege to decide if money market funds are sold, divests them of the imposed duties described,
Moreover reaffirming that the existence of many member nations for which money market funds are wholly irrelevant advertises the target's lack of international legislative propriety,
The General Assembly hereby repeals GA#746 "Money Markets Funds Protocol."
Passed: |
For: | 9,422 | 79.2% |
Against: | 2,478 | 20.8% |
Security Council Resolution # 524
Injunct Empires Forever United
A resolution to forbid a region's conversion to or from a Frontier.
The Security Council,
Affirming its commitment to the defense and self-determination of native communities against unwanted incursions,
Reiterating the plight of Empires Forever United as a region that is under occupation by one such incursion,
Concerned that its relatively young community, a culturally diverse and lively group that ushered nations into the world, may be forever be subjugated at the hands of hostile forces,
Confident that immediate action is required to prevent this occupation from resulting in the total conquest of Empires Forever United,
Rallying to the aid of this innocent community,
Hereby Injuncts Empires Forever United
Co-authors: Haymarket Riot, Grea Kriopia
Passed: |
For: | 9,366 | 82.4% |
Against: | 1,995 | 17.6% |
General Assembly Resolution # 761
Repeal: “Standardized Passport Arrangements”
A resolution to repeal previously passed legislation.
General Assembly Resolution #717 “Standardized Passport Arrangements” (Category: Political Stability; Strength: Mild) shall be struck out and rendered null and void.
The World Assembly,
Understanding that travel between different nations is a necessity in the current state of the world and the benefit that passports provide to nations in facilitating such movement legally;
Acknowledging that GA#717 attempted to protect passport and travel rights amongst all WA member nations with the introduction of the Passports, Nationality and Refugees Administration (PASA);
Displeased with the mandate in clause 2a that all WA member states must follow templates laid down by PASA, stifling potential passport innovation and ingenuity with unnecessary and potentially burdensome requirements;
Distraught by PASAs unabashed overreach in clause 5, wherein PASA is allowed to issue passports solely at its own discretion, with no restrictions on issuing passports to individuals belonging to a WA member nation that may otherwise be disallowed from having a passport by the laws of that WA member nation, allowing for the potential to circumvent the home rule of any WA nation;
Dismayed by the further overreach of PASA in clauses 5c and 5d, wherein with clause 5c, PASA is permitted to issue passports to citizens of collapsed WA members with no distinction on how this is to be determined thereby allowing for potential corruption of the system, and with clause 5d, wherein PASA is allowed to issue passports to individuals rendered stateless by non-WA member nations, which is a wholly unnecessary action for a WA body, and has the potential to pull the entire WA into disputes that the WA otherwise has no business being in;
Perturbed by PASAs ability to interact with non-WA member nations at its own discretion, as stated in clauses 2f and 6b, as this body feels that PASA interacting with non-WA member nations is an opportunity for non-WA members to take advantage of the WA, gaining benefits of the WA without being a member subject to any of the rules and regulations that the WA may otherwise impose;
Disappointed that the end result is a committee with powers far extending from what should be acceptable from a WA regulated organization;
Hereby repeals GA#717 Standardized Passport Arrangements"
Passed: |
For: | 10,887 | 83.4% |
Against: | 2,170 | 16.6% |