World Assembly Resolutions
Since the rise of the World Assembly from the ashes of its predecessor, the Bureaucracy That Cannot Be Named, WA member nations have worked tirelessly to improve the standard of the world. That, or tried to force other nations to be more like them. But that's just semantics.
Below is every World Assembly resolution ever passed.
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Security Council Resolution # 511
Commend The League
A resolution to recognize outstanding contribution by a nation or region.
The Security Council,
Unveiling the story of The League (TL), a regional community that has striven through challenge and conflict from its inception as an upstart democratic region that struggled with rogue actors and offshoot competitors, to eventually embody tenacity and adaptability as it rose from the underwood to stand tall as a resolute titan on the interregional stage,
Observing the role of TLs key domestic institutions, most notably the Consulate, a governing structure adapted to trade purely democratic ideals for a system that unilaterally drove growth and allowed TL to outlive its contemporaries, which established the Domestic Security Bureau, an apparatus that combatted the early deluge of bad actors and eventually transformed into a system protecting TLs future, the Department of Foreign Affairs, a crucial division that laid the groundwork for TLs foreign efforts, and what would become the League Defense Forces (LDF),
Remarking on TLs home world of Terraconserva, the uniting strand that bound together TLs community from the beginning and through thick and thin, characterized by:
the fight against vast dictatorships like Creeperopolis and Rakeo, responsible for atrocities like the Susla genocide, via the Alliance of Central Ecrosian States, a democratic counterbalance to the myriad autocratic powers,
a love for sports, from association and gridiron football to auto racing, with stories from those of the legendary Creeperian LaRemontada to Montcrabes three decades of dominance illustrating a sports scene that transcends politics and brings people together, and
impressive catalogs of these affairs, with thousands of articles documenting the histories of Terraconserva spurred by regional efforts to record history, ensuring that noble feats are celebrated and despotic acts are denounced,
Awed by the resilience and evolution of TLs domestic community, which took its first steps to modern preeminence in moving from the League of Conservative Nations to its current home of The League, a bold enterprise unlike and more successful than nearly any other in recorded history, with TLs population spiking past the LCNs all-time peak in months as the TL's collective drive reinvigorated its recruitment and integration, setting the foundation for TL to become a dynamic power player on the interregional stage,
Acclaiming the evolution and impact of TLs diplomacy, shaping the course of contemporary history with its:
swift integration into defending, quickly learning to work with hallmarks of the faction like the Grey Wardens, with whom they initiated the AmpëzWeisshaupt Compact in celebration of a partnership that subdued raiding in 2021, and the South Pacific, signing the Fellowship of Llamas and Eagles in the first step in a relationship that would cultivate institutions like the Aegis Accords,
critical role in looping formerly distant partners into defending, including Europeia, whose ascension into defending's upper echelons was assisted their co-signatories on the Treaty of Morya, and Balder, whose historically icy relations with defending thawed following TL's diplomatic outreach and the Treaty of Savotta and Ribe,
its proactivity in times of crisis, taking damaged relations with partners like the North Pacific and turning them into opportunities for growth, an indicator of TLs intuition in foreign affairs,
Awed at the LDF, a defender military that has led defendings most proactive initiatives as a core of its operational strength, crucially:
acting as pillars of defender operational command, with leaders like Quebecshire, Anjan Kloss (Kivu) and New Makasta being irreplacable in large-scale operation planning for years due to a domestic culture of leadership cultivation,
carrying record-breaking liberations like Trovons, China, and New Westphalia in one of the most explosive growths of a defender military ever, ensuring success in high stakes operations with the aid of TL's Civilian Militia, which drew from TL's strong WA culture to marshal leading turnout, and
heading Operation Red October in Solidarity, showcasing some of the finest displays of offensive strategy and the largest anti-raider pile in modern history,
Further amazed by Concords transformation from a last resort for fleeing fascists into the only Frontier of its kind in the world, acting not as a colony of TL but an organic extension of the community that has produced vital leaders like Consul Kivu and turned TL into one of the most vibrant spaces in the world, its existence as a mutually functioning society indicative of yet another intrepid innovation in regionbuilding matched by no other,
Certain that the scales of today's world are tipped by TL's actions, a product of years of community-building and dedication to their own tomorrow, an unrelenting drive for victory and survival that serves as a guiding light for all,
Hereby Commends The League.
Passed: |
For: | 8,624 | 76.3% |
Against: | 2,683 | 23.7% |
General Assembly Resolution # 746
Money Markets Funds Protocol
A resolution to enact uniform standards that protect workers, consumers, and the general public.
The World Assembly (WA),
Noting the use of money markets funds (MMFs) in some WA states, both for investors to access high quality, liquid debt instruments, and for debtors to gain short-term funding;
Acknowledging that liquidity is a persistent issue for MMFs due to the potential for rapid redemptions, forcing sales of financial instruments held in an MMF at potentially disadvantageous prices and hurting the interests of fund investors that remain in the fund;
Desiring a common solution to fill gaps in regulations across WA states, especially when investors buy MMFs from different WA states;
The WA hereby enacts as follows:
"Authority" means one or more government entities designated by a WA state to enforce and interpret this resolution.
"GF" means the WA General Fund.
"MMFs" refer to investment funds that invest in liquid, short-term investments with high credit ratings, as defined by each WA state, as a higher yielding alternative to bank accounts but with potentially higher risks for investors than putting their savings in a bank account. In this resolution, MMFs exclude any funds guaranteed by a bank or financial institution as to principal and interest.
"WA organs" means any of the sub-committees of the WA.
Liquidity and quality. Each authority is to promulgate minimum standards on:
liquidity in assets held by an MMF;
credit quality, diversification, and counterparty risk assessment for an MMF;
asset eligibility in an MMF, such as:
investments in non-WA states;
investments in states subject to sanctions from the WA (or discouraged or prohibited pursuant to local laws or WA resolutions);
investments in assets in currencies other than the reporting currency of the MMF;
use of derivatives for exposure to underlying assets;
the use of stand-by credit facilities from other financial institutions to meet redemption requests.
Redemption. Each authority is to ensure that:
redemptions cannot discriminate between investors from different WA states;
minimum buffers at the fund level are imposed to meet redemption requests in stressed market conditions;
no redemption gates may be imposed by a manager of an MMF to avoid aggravating investor runs;
an MMF may only impose redemption fees that allocate the costs of providing liquidity to redeeming investors to protect remaining investors from dilution when selling its holdings is costly.
Stress tests. Each authority is to ensure that:
stress tests are conducted regularly regarding liquidity, trading velocity in the event of rapid redemptions, credit risks, and other risk factors in an MMF;
the results of such stress tests are available publicly through convenient means.
Stable NAV funds.
If an authority allows MMFs to be priced on a stable net asset value (NAV) basis (such as a quoted price of one currency unit), an MMF may put in place a reverse distribution mechanism during a negative interest rate environment to maintain a stable NAV per unit.
Each authority is to determine whether stable NAV funds are permitted in that WA state.
Disclosures. Each authority is to ensure that each MMF regularly discloses:
fee structures (both actual and potential additional expenses);
policies for handling liquidity issues in times of stress;
record in compliance with all standards set forth in this resolution, and policies and procedures to ensure ongoing compliance;
liquidity position, performance, and portfolio holdings;
any other pertinent information deemed necessary for regular disclosure by an authority.
Marketing. Each authority is to ensure that each MMF is marketed and subscribed such that:
Potential investors have the knowledge, experience, and capability, as determined by the authority, to purchase MMFs;
MMFs (as defined in this resolution) as not marketed as a direct substitute as a bank deposit.
No WA state may use any funds (be it in grants, loans, or other forms) originating from GF to provide liquidity or principal protection to an MMF.
This does not preclude a WA state from providing such protection to MMFs using its own funds.
This resolution does not regulate whether MMFs can be sold at all in a WA state.
If a MMF incorporated in one WA state is being sold in another WA state, both the WA state where the MMF is incorporated and the state where it is sold has jurisdiction. The MMF must comply with the regulations of the authorities of both states, including the availability of MMFs.
In case of conflicts, the WA Judiciary Committee shall have jurisdiction on a de novo basis.
Passed: | |
For: | 6,976 | 64.0% |
Against: | 3,931 | 36.0% |
General Assembly Resolution # 747
Responsible Usage of World Assembly Funds
A resolution to restrict political freedoms in the interest of law and order.
Recognising the existence of WA General Fund, as one of the oldest resolutions passed by this chamber and which has served as an essential charter of the World Assembly's fiscal affairs, establishing the WA General Fund along with an agency to maintain it in the form of the General Accounting Office;
Cognisant, however, that the spending of the hard-earned resources pooled from member nations in the General Fund inherently requires a level of oversight both to prevent the use of shared funds even when a project can be paid for without such use, and the misuse of funds allocated to particular projects;
Noting that since the creation of the General Fund, many resolutions have allowed member nations to receive monies from the General Fund to conduct various projects, or have them conducted by the World Assembly, resulting in a range of mechanisms specifying when member nations may receive such funds from the two-pronged test of Quality in Health Services, to the approval process of Disaster Precautions and Responses, to the infamous mandates in Supporting and Valuing the Humanities which led to its repeal five months later;
Believing, for these reasons, that it is necessary to establish a standardised mechanism for when World Assembly funding may be granted and how member nations may use these funds, preventing wasteful spending on either side while allowing legislation to focus on the intricacies of its policy than on reiterating the same language as to funding; and
Desiring, therefore, to establish such a mechanism;
The World Assembly hereby enacts as follows.
General Fund: Funds from the WA General Fund shall be used to cover all administrative expenses of the World Assembly, as well as projects of the World Assembly mandated by resolution where an alternative source of funding is not prescribed.
Except where mandated otherwise by previously enacted, standing resolutions, the General Fund shall not provide monies for any project in a specific member nation if that member nation can reasonably fund the said project without World Assembly funds or otherwise posing a substantial burden to that member nation's economy or finances.
Neither member nations nor the World Assembly may use monies from the General Fund assigned for a specific project or task for any purpose other than the said project or task. Diversion of existing funds may not be used to circumvent this.
Emergency funding: Except as provided for by standing and previously enacted World Assembly law, in the event that the General Fund is insufficient to cover the operations of the World Assembly as per Section 1, the General Accounting Office shall have the authority to divert General Fund monies to projects of materially greater humanitarian, administrative or environmental importance than the projects from which such monies are diverted. Such diversion shall be with the ultimate goal of maximising the ability of the World Assembly to carry out its mandates.
Reporting: The General Accounting Office, hereinafter GAO, shall annually publish a report detailing the nature and source of all monies held by the World Assembly, whether or not in the General Fund, the extent and nature of all spending using these funds, all investments made or maintained using World Assembly monies, the extent of member nations' contributions to World Assembly funds, and any other relevant information around the World Assembly's financial status. The GAO may redact information from such reports to the extent compelled by personal privacy or national or operational security.
Interpretation: Section headings do not alter the meaning or interpretation of this resolution. Should a provision of this resolution contradict a past World Assembly resolution still in force, that previous resolution takes precedence. Absent clarification otherwise, terms in the singular include the plural thereof and vice versa.
Co-author: Bisofeyri World Assembly Mission
Passed: |
For: | 7,350 | 61.8% |
Against: | 4,537 | 38.2% |
General Assembly Resolution # 748
Regulating Per- and Polyfluoroalkyl Substances
A resolution to increase the quality of the world's environment, at the expense of industry.
The World Assembly,
Recognizing the usefulness of per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS), such as poly(tetrafluoroethylene) and derivatives, in producing non-reactive materials,
Encouraging the use of many of these substances in novel renewable energy technologies (e.g., redox flow batteries, proton-exchange membrane fuel cells) given their unique non-reactivity among organic compounds, which provides chemical stability under the harsh conditions required for many said technologies,
Concerned about the significant human and animal health impacts of fluorinated substances, including developmental issues in youth, cancer, hormonal problems, and organ failure,
Excited about the potential for further research in developing chemical recycling and upcycling of fluorinated substances,
Mandates the following:
Production of fresh PFAS is prohibited except for explicit use in research, development, and production of renewable energy technologies.
Industrial production of PFAS is otherwise limited to recycling and upcycling of previously manufactured PFAS.
Industrial PFAS producers shall test for PFAS in ground and surface water in the vicinity of, downstream in the watershed from, and within the grounds of each producing facility no less than once per year.
A report of the outcomes of the testing in (3) shall be reported to the member state that facility is located in each year.
Production of PFAS in a facility shall be immediately suspended if the testing in (3) is determined to contain any test in which the concentration of PFAS exceeds one part per trillion.
No new PFAS production facilities may be built, except to move production away from natural water sources.
PFAS waste shall be stored as far away as practicable from natural water sources, and waste disposal and associated contamination costs will be paid for by the final producers of said PFAS waste.
Co-author: Varanius
Passed: |
For: | 9,198 | 76.9% |
Against: | 2,757 | 23.1% |
General Assembly Resolution # 749
Repeal: “Timber Production and Sale Oversight”
A resolution to repeal previously passed legislation.
General Assembly Resolution #740 “Timber Production and Sale Oversight” (Category: Environmental; Industry Affected: Logging) shall be struck out and rendered null and void.
The World Assembly,
Acknowledging that food supplies are needed to prevent starvation, that reduced supplies of food increase prices for food, thereby harming ordinary people's standards of living while also posing threats to the political stability of member nations,
Accepting the fact that sometimes old growth forests need to be cut down because member nations may need farmland to grow food to feed people,
Dismayed that GA 740 Timber Production And Sale Oversight imposes substantial restrictions on the sale of timber from such farmland, making it difficult for member nations to pay for the equipment and start-up costs associated with setting up those farms (that again are needed so to have land on which to grow food to feed people),
Believing that it is unfair to entrench historic inequalities by rewarding nations that deforested first with huge advantages in arable lands for food production while, at the same time, making it difficult for hungry nations without large amounts of arable land to become self-sufficient,
Troubled by the kind of economic relations which could emerge in such circumstances which would put nations with large populations and little arable land into a forced economic dependence on historically-advantaged food producers, and
Accepting that it is likely that replacement legislation will be brought to mollify the environmental harms without these harms, hereby
Repeals GA 740 Timber Production And Sale Oversight.
Co-author: Imperium Anglorum
Passed: |
For: | 9,604 | 77.1% |
Against: | 2,847 | 22.9% |