World Assembly Resolutions
Since the rise of the World Assembly from the ashes of its predecessor, the Bureaucracy That Cannot Be Named, WA member nations have worked tirelessly to improve the standard of the world. That, or tried to force other nations to be more like them. But that's just semantics.
Below is every World Assembly resolution ever passed.
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Security Council Resolution # 508
Repeal: “Liberate Arkana Coalition”
A resolution to repeal previously passed legislation.
Security Council Resolution #505 “Liberate Arkana Coalition” shall be struck out and rendered null and void.
The Security Council,
Watching over Arkana Coalition as it was beleaguered by marauders and corsairs from across the seas, set alight in a storm of smoke and flame as its assailants sought to bring the region to its knees in a month-long occupation of colossal proportions,
Recalling the passage of Security Council Resolutions #505 and #506, setting a Liberation and Injunction of Arkana Coalition in an effort to ensure that an erasure of the regions history and reclamation by hostile forces was staved off with the hope that its natives might one day see the light of day shine over their home once again,
Enthralled as Arkana Coalition returned from the throes of certain death, surviving near total destruction just to rally under a new dawn, as liberating forces finally wrestled control of the region from belligerent hands.
Wishing now to restore the region to its original owners, who now wish for it to become a stronghold of democracy, freedom, and the future, and understanding that standing legislation prevents Arkana Coalition from setting the barriers necessary for their safety in the toil and climb that faces them on the path to perdurability and prosperity,
Hoping that though this age has undoubtedly heralded a dark shadow cast on the face of this world, almost assuredly snuffing out the little lights it claims throughout the cosmos, Arkana Coalition may stand and shine bright as an exemplar of those who battle through the darkening twilight, reaching out for the first light of daybreak,
Hereby Repeals: Liberate Arkana Coalition
Co-author: Wolflandil
Passed: |
For: | 7,562 | 81.4% |
Against: | 1,733 | 18.6% |
General Assembly Resolution # 744
Catalytic Converter Implementation
A resolution to increase the quality of the world's environment, at the expense of industry.
The World Assembly,
Aware that many land vehicles and automobiles in some member-nations are still powered via internal combustion engines, or other gasoline-powered fueling sources,
Believing that these engines, if not properly regulated, may expel many harmful gases and substances into the atmosphere, which may cause adverse health and environmental risks,
Knowing that this risk can be significantly reduced by simply fitting automobiles with the catalytic converter,
Therefore enacts the following policies in all member-nations:
For the purposes of this resolution, "catalytic converter" and any linguistic variations thereof refers to a device used to control exhaust emissions through the transformation of harmful gas, pollutants, and other harmful substances that would be emitted by an internal combustion engine into less harmful substances, by means of redox reaction.
All combustion-powered vehicles manufactured, imported, or otherwise bought and sold following the passage of this resolution, or following a nation's entry into the World Assembly, shall be equipped with a catalytic converter. These catalytic converters must be regularly inspected (at least as often as the converter's expected lifespan) to ensure their continued operation. Failure to equip a catalytic converter properly such that the catalytic converter is not actually used shall be considered non-compliance with this clause. This clause may be waived for vehicles which cannot reliably have a catalytic converter installed, and were owned within a member nation prior to this resolution being enacted in that member.
The removal of any catalytic converters is strictly forbidden, unless it is for the express purpose of installing a new catalytic converter or other technology as stipulated in clause four, or the vehicle it is used in is otherwise ceasing to be in operation.
It is the responsibility of members to institute regulations surrounding catalytic converters that have to do with the most efficient technological innovation surrounding them as practicable given the circumstances of the nation. In the event that a nation has access to more efficient or advanced technology that reduces harmful exhaust emissions, they shall be permitted to install combustion-powered vehicles with that technology as opposed to a catalytic converter, given that said technology is equivalent or more effective in reducing these emissions.
Passed: |
For: | 7,031 | 61.5% |
Against: | 4,404 | 38.5% |
Security Council Resolution # 509
Repeal: “Injunct Arkana Coalition”
A resolution to repeal previously passed legislation.
Security Council Resolution #506 “Injunct Arkana Coalition” shall be struck out and rendered null and void.
The Security Council,
Observing as the Age of Frontiers paved the way for the birth of many a community, from gamblers seeking to balance the risk of Frontierdom to bright-eyed upstarts seeking to emblazon their name across the land,
Understanding that the onset of Frontiers also augured the accession of gathering malevolent forces, near unparalleled in ferocity and size for much of history, into a menace whose reach could threaten regions of the multiverse in ways hardly seen ever before,
Saddened that countless realms and regions have fallen forever from the gaze of history, never to grace the pages of storybooks aside from as a mark or trophy of the avaricious vultures who claimed them,
Acknowledging that many of these regions fell under the protection of this Council, which made efforts to and, oftentimes, heartachingly failed to protect the communities that came under its wing,
Gladdened, however, that Arkana Coalition did not receive this same fate, surviving one of the largest convergences of invading forces in modern times and looking death in the eye, only to return to native possession once more,
Understanding that Arkana Coalitions rightful protectors and owners wish to preserve the region for ages to come,to serve as a constant reminder to all of the tenacity required to survive even the bleakest winter, and that repealing the Injunction that stands on the region will help facilitate this action,
Hereby Repeals: Injunct Arkana Coalition
Co-author: Wolflandil
Passed: |
For: | 7,823 | 84.2% |
Against: | 1,464 | 15.8% |
General Assembly Resolution # 745
Promoting Climate-Resilient Farming
A resolution to increase the quality of the world's environment, at the expense of industry.
The World Assembly,
Recognizing the significant global impact of climate change on crop production, which threatens the livelihoods of millions of farmers and the economies of agriculture-dependent member states worldwide;
Acknowledging the vulnerability of crops to changing weather patterns, including increased temperatures, altered rainfall patterns, extended periods of drought;
Understanding that sustainable crop production is crucial not only for economic stability but also for preserving biodiversity and cultural heritage;
The WA hereby enacts as follows:
"Climate change" refers to significant variations in average weather conditions over extended periods, leading to changes such as increased temperatures, altered precipitation patterns, and more frequent extreme droughts.
"Biodiversity" encompasses the variety of life on a planet, including terrestrial, marine, and desert ecosystems, and the ecological complexes they are part of.
"Temperature Shifts" denote changes in the frequency and distribution of specific temperature ranges over time.
"Early Warning System" comprises hazard monitoring, forecasting, disaster risk assessment, and preparedness activities to mitigate climate-related risks in agriculture.
Establishes the International Council of Agricultural Research, hereinafter referred to as "the Council," which shall:
Promote climate-resilient farming practices worldwide, focusing on enhancing agricultural productivity and sustainability in the face of climate change impacts such as droughts, floods, and extreme weather events;
Assist member states in formulating and implementing national policies aimed at climate resilience, including the establishment of early warning systems tailored to local agricultural needs;
Conduct comprehensive assessments of the vulnerability of farming regions in member states to climate change impacts, including shifts in temperature, precipitation patterns, and areas prone to drought;
Organize regular international conventions and workshops, in collaboration with relevant organizations, research institutions, and regional farming industries, to develop and disseminate climate adaptation strategies;
Foster collaboration among member states to integrate climate-resilient practices into agricultural policies and practices.
The WA General Fund may be used to support the functioning and research activities of the Council.
Member states may adopt various measures, such as:
the use of genetically modified climate-resilient seeds for commercial or for sustenance purposes;
investing in irrigation projects;
supporting sustainable agricultural practices like crop diversification;
reclaiming cultivable wastelands and;
using improved planting methods.
Member states must provide technical and financial assistance to small landholding farmers for implementing climate-resilient agriculture practices as mentioned in clause 4, except where member states;
experience severe financial constraints and may apply for temporary exemption from financial obligations under this clause, subject to approval by the Council.
have already made significant investments in agriculture, as evidenced by established agricultural policies and substantial budget allocations, and may request exemption from additional financial obligations under this clause.
Affirms the commitment of member states to collectively ensure the long-term sustainability and resilience of global crop production systems in response to climate change.
Passed: |
For: | 8,522 | 70.5% |
Against: | 3,572 | 29.5% |
Security Council Resolution # 510
Commend Dilber
A resolution to recognize outstanding contribution by a nation or region.
The Security Council,
Recalling that Dilber came to prominence in the West Pacific (TWP) in 2004, becoming involved in defending, diplomacy and intelligence operations;
Celebrating Dilbers role in the fight against Pierconiums oppressive North Pacific Directorate, aiding in uncovering some of its members' true identities and keeping the Government-in-Exile internationally relevant during the months of occupation, as well as participating in the core group led by Stars of sky that successfully restored native control in May 2005;
Appreciating that Dilber led TWP as Prime Minister for an unprecedented three consecutive terms between 2004 and 2005, increasing the region's influence in the world stage by:
maintaining its membership in the Alliance Defense Network (ADN) while normalizing relations between TWP and the People's Republic of The Pacific (PRP), requiring diplomatic expertise since the ADN and PRP were in conflict;
expanding ties with ADN member regions such as Nasicournia via individual treaties with them;
signing a treaty with the Red Liberty Alliance, paving the way for collaborations like an innovative endorsement tracking system for major regions;
making the West Pacific Liberation Force one of the premier defender militaries of the era, notably active at all updates, and helpful in defending allies like the Rejected Realms;
Admiring the regional activity during Dilber's terms, illustrated by the Communication Rangers' effective role instituted by Dilber in getting new nations involved in the regional forums, and by the delegate Zetaone's status of most endorsed nation in the world at the time, with over 630 endorsements;
Recognizing Dilber's work towards stability during times of turmoil in TWP, using their intelligence skills to reveal important information about Minineenee's plans for the West Pacific Dominion coup in November 2005, contributing to the coup's downfall;
Pleased that Dilber returned to TWP in recent times, using the heritage of the Communication Rangers to help create the Regional Guides that engage new nations; and leading the University of the West Pacific's inaugural class, successfully training nations like the current Admiral of the Fleet Teralyon;
Celebrating Dilber's work in spearheading a diplomatic shift that greatly improved TWP's horizons, first as Minister of Foreign Affairs for most of 2020 and then as Delegate from November 2020 to January 2022, including but not limited to:
the Better Together treaty with The Pacific, forging a new alliance after two years which has been fundamental, featuring close diplomatic collaboration and cultural exchanges, including festivals such as Burning Marsupial with it and Karma;
the Memorandum of Understanding for World Assembly Affairs and Cultural Exchange with the United Regions Alliance (URA), allowing for West Pacifican collaboration with multiple member regions, including Anteria and the Augustin Alliance with which treaties were later separately signed with;
the Excellent Adventures with Karma and Treaty of the Pirates' Den with Lone Wolves United, two examples of an unique treaty style with a culturally approachable and less formal writing, a mainstay of West Pacifican diplomacy ever since;
the Cultural Agreement between The Sasquatch Republic and TWP, focused on cultural cooperation including sports, media, arts, history and regional heritage;
Applauding Dilbers efforts related to the World Assembly, having encouraged the writing of resolutions about TWP's illustrious and abominable residents, leading to the recognition of The Holy Principality of Saint Mark, Dalimbar, Wickedly evil people and Elegarth by the end of their delegacy and several more since then;
Praising Dilbers commitment to government transparency and citizen involvement as flagship goals of their delegacy, including the implementation of public Cabinet meetings that have happened since early 2021, where citizens receive updates from the West Pacifican government, ask questions, and air concerns;
Grateful that Dilber has continued to act as advisor to following Delegates after stepping down, and took on the role of Minister of Foreign Affairs once more in 2022, signing the Pax Polaris Occidens with The Pacific and The North Pacific to strengthen the relations with the former and open a new chapter in diplomacy with the latter;
Concluding that Dilber's immense contributions to developing international relations, integrating new nations and building regional communities are worthy of commendation;
Hereby commends Dilber.
Co-author: Overthinkers
Passed: |
For: | 9,140 | 85.9% |
Against: | 1,503 | 14.1% |