General Assembly Resolution # 646
Repeal: “Suppress International Piracy”
A resolution to repeal previously passed legislation.
General Assembly Resolution #20 “Suppress International Piracy” (Category: International Security; Strength: Significant) shall be struck out and rendered null and void.
The World Assembly,
Acknowledges the efforts of the target resolution to combat piracy;
Concerned that Clause 1 of the target introduces the concept of privateers but without specifying their relationship with the government (if any), resulting in substantial ambiguities in the application of the resolution when, for example, member states are at a stage of undeclared war, or if governments give tacit but not explicit approval to piracy activities, or other ambiguous circumstances;
Dismayed that clause 7 of the target that anybody who is accused of having served knowingly as crew aboard any vehicle being used by international pirates, but who can not be linked to any specific offences, shall be subject to appropriate charges of criminal conspiracy" and that "proof of that service shall constitute adequate proof for conviction on those charges, unless they prove that they were forced into that crew on pain of death and served only as a non-combatant" create a travesty of judicial principles in requiring that the burden of proof of the lack of a conspiracy (or the requirement of a threat of "pain of death" but not other forms of threats) has to come from the accused, thus indirectly deeming the accused guilty of an offence unless proven innocent;
Hereby repeals GAR#20 Suppress International Piracy.
Passed: |
For: | 12,794 | 83.5% |
Against: | 2,533 | 16.5% |