Security Council Proposals
The following are proposals for WA resolutions. Any WA member nation with at least two endorsements can make a proposal, but it will only become a resolution (to be voted on by the entire WA) if it is approved by at least 6% of WA Regional Delegates.
As the WA currently has 894 Regional Delegates, a proposal needs 54 approvals to achieve quorum.
View: All proposals | General Assembly | Security Council
Security Council Proposal
ID: federationalia_1728762356
Condemn The Black Hawks
A resolution to express shock and dismay at a nation or region.
The Security Council,
Knowing The Black Hawks as the #1 raiding organization in NationStates, terrorizing many regions,
Appreciating that The Black Hawks had previously been condemned by this council,
Observing that both condemnations had been repealed recently, causing The Black Hawks, although formidable, condemnation-free,
Believing that The Black Hawks deserve a condemnation by raiding and destroying lots of regions, such as Kelios and Roses Without Thorns,
Further noting that these regions were far from the only ones destroyed by The Black Hawks,
Also noting that they have formed an organization called "Raider Unity", which encompasses The Black Hawks,
The Brotherhood of Malice, Osiris, Sparkalia, The Lair of the Dragon, Ijaka, and The Shadows, whose jump point is Suspicious, which enables The Black Hawks to raid and destroy even more regions, which is another reason to condemn them,
Believing that this Condemnation will stop new nations from falling into the recruitment trap,
Hereby Condemns The Black Hawks.
Approvals: 2 (Pinicada, Pecunia Nummus)
Status: Lacking Support (requires 52 more approvals)
Voting Ends:
Security Council Proposal
ID: united_disney_states_1728781286
Liberate Roses Without Thorns
A resolution to strike down Delegate-imposed barriers to free entry in a region.
The Security Council,
Recognizing the noble pillars of democracy and freedom that the nations of Roses Without Thorns care so deeply for.
Understanding that a community from all different backgrounds and countries can help bring NationStates together.
Seeing how this was purposefully struck down with the purpose of fracturing a community that was deeply important to many.
Knowing that this has splintered a once whole and peaceful community from being together as one.
Hoping that this community can be rebuilt with the expulsion of invading non-native forces hoping to fracture our community and return the community to peace and democracy.
Urging many to help an innocent community of many who believe in coming together as one.
Hereby Liberates Roses Without Thorns
Co-author: Pecunia Nummus
Security Council Proposal
ID: wonseon_1728787816
One Daguo Policy
A resolution to express a position on international affairs and obligations.
Recognizing the existence of more than one state that goes by the name Daguo,
Realizing the sheer confusion that would be caused by having multiple rival nations of the same name in our sacred council,
Taking into account the fact that the land of Daguo does in fact have one main government, albeit not fully recognized,
Enshrining into law that only one Daguo may exist in this Assembly, and in turn avoiding years of conflict and confusion,
Deciding here and now that only one Daguo shall be recognized by the WA.
Security Council Proposal
ID: izern_1728824763
Declaration on Roses Without Thorns
A resolution to express a position on international affairs and obligations.
Esteemed Security Council,
Aware of the malicious and downright terrible invasion of Roses Without Thorns
Shocked of the destruction and chaos caused by this invasion, which has caused hurt and hatred to many nations across the world.
Ashamed of the many tried and failed attempts to raise awareness, and attempt to counter, such hostility created by The Brotherhood of Malice and co-belligerents, during and after the attack on the region.
Understanding that very little can be done to save Roses Without Thorns, not even a very well written proposal.
Hereby declaring that Roses Without Thorns is truly a lost cause.
Approvals: 0
Status: Lacking Support (requires 54 more approvals)
Voting Ends: