Spotlight on:

National Flag

The Republic of Ziiner


Category: Democratic Socialists
Civil Rights:
Very Good
Political Freedoms:

Location: Europe

Regional Influence: Sprat


The Republic of Ziiner is a huge, safe nation, renowned for its compulsory military service, sprawling nuclear power plants, and ubiquitous missile silos. The compassionate population of 314 million Ziinerians are fiercely patriotic and enjoy great social equality; they tend to view other, more capitalist countries as somewhat immoral and corrupt.

The large, socially-minded government juggles the competing demands of Education, Law & Order, and Defense. It meets to discuss matters of state in the capital city of Zīmberland. The average income tax rate is 59.2%, and even higher for the wealthy.

The sizeable but inefficient Ziinerian economy, worth 11.7 trillion Atlantic Pounds a year, is driven entirely by a combination of government and state-owned industry, with private enterprise illegal. The industrial sector, which is fairly diversified, is led by the Book Publishing industry, with major contributions from Beef-Based Agriculture, Information Technology, and Arms Manufacturing. Average income is 37,334 Atlantic Pounds, and distributed extremely evenly, with practically no difference between the richest and poorest citizens.

4-year-olds are often found reminiscing about the 'good old days', only adults may purchase violent video games, worried-looking neonatal nurses are being deployed in place of SWAT teams during dangerous drug busts, and male cubicle workers stand up every time a woman enters the room. Crime, especially youth-related, is totally unknown, thanks to a very well-funded police force and progressive social policies in education and welfare. Ziiner's national animal is the Mamoth, which teeters on the brink of extinction due to widespread deforestation.

Ziiner is ranked 216,098th in the world and 881st in Europe for Largest Timber Woodchipping Industry, scoring 484.2 on the Tasmanian Pulp Environmental Export Index.

Most World Assembly Endorsements: 253rdTop
Most Influential: 4,061stHighest Workforce Participation Rate: 10,142ndTop
Most Income Equality: 23,980thMost Cheerful Citizens: 27,693rdSafest: 31,678th
Most World Assembly Endorsements: 57th in the regionTop
Highest Workforce Participation Rate: 134th in the region

National Happenings

Most Recent Government Activity:


World Assembly

Endorsements Received: 293 » New Vardarland, Regnum Italiae, The Western European Commonwealth, Kronverg, BiG Uganda, NorthPortugal, Nardin, The New Nordic Union, Armbruster, Thracia and Crimea, Invernessia, Leblancroux, Bastile, Meropis, Elisabethshagen, Livaotheion, Sloventa, Wombelland, Mally Piznoopia, St Scarlett, The Champions League, Western Balkania, Grego, Trixeland, Sicheslav, Lieges, Communist-Denmark, New Molsaar, Union of Rossiya, Iskalland, Wiener-Neustadt, Ferranghia, Northern German Federation, Iceagea, Raghallaigh, The Sigometh Dynasty, Thracia Republic, Pacifian, Younglandia, Ukrainida, Cot Deviet, Walfo, Skalliad, Liberepublia, The AbelLandia, Yahlia, Mallor, Ortigia, Woodlands, Irminsulia, and 243 others.New Eestiball, Cheesystan, New Nator, Agausia, Scytharum, Bathera, Umeria, Nea Europa, Chronus, Wamia, Skorpiie, Weltbeherrschung, Greater Tiberia, Paidousistan, Onereece, Someseni, Dark Matter, Rescaldinia, Quincy, Brakanistan, Arsenial, Karnea, New Kowloon Bay, Kardjali, Leviggo, Dauershire, Nuweland, Flaey, Newex Nov Can, An Clar, Rary, Celliwig, Convilla, Soveriegn, British Alban, Canturk, Saracama, Las Naciones de Habla Hispana, Scotland and the Isle of Man, Der Deutscher Volksbund, Falvaard, Puerto Thelosia, Reichinstine, Salarnsia, Jahass, Agatep, Vurk, Laver Island, Apocalypse Borg, Binchiling Guy, Super Happy Land, Amicities, Mollow, Mynox, Kanokla, The Seven Provinces, Great Whiteland, Greater Bahland, Soviet Krussia, Slavonia and Srijem, Karsolovi, Statte, The Fondor, Etruscini, Foredeland, Alsidia, Union of Eurasian Socialst Republics, Clialaad, Coque Borie Lethawik, Maritzal, Vientina, NDR, North Alpinia, New Khia Helis, Luminica, Russian Brotherhood, Flaxland, New Vorarlberg, Eastoria, Of glpockdawn, Epistimi Evimeria, United Kingdom of Karpathia, Falsificado Alicante, Leszno, Schiltia, Konewa, Reiserland, Dutch Linde, Zaznia, Sarcie, Superior Saxonia, Nocciola, Troyes islands, The Europians, The Atlantian Republic, Dremotia, HELLLLL, Xzavaria, Helisweerde, Sovietskogo Soyuz, Pinenses, Adsil Islands, Miletic, Shenny, Krinenia, X Country, Kallvetzia, New Bartholomew, She Bazoabaoba, Katuris, Free Canadian Republic, Bialopolska, Brizsland, Exerceitus, Agartia, The Asten Islands, Corynth, Levoni, The Huge Golden Empire, Pearl Gateway, The Commonwealth of Rylandia, Balcem, Butam, Northern Socialist States, Crypta, The Konderland, Wolvenss, The OG Your Moms Mom, Nova Espana, Isterux, Ostermarch, Soclania, Leranditale, Ventelia, Alacritus, The New Sardinia, Iquerian, Nordharz, Zaarie, Stelalia, Vandila, The Full Moon, Vulonia, Annamara, Ang Worspar, Weener, Qroma, German Tyrane, Pantoslavia, Kebabian States, Alpine Lands, Ratford, The TriCity, Magecastle Embassy Building A5, Rayakavkaz, Norilian, La Meuf, Atimia, Fenian Provinces, Golshingo, Salvora Montalvo, Rome Ruzalls, Capitalist Playground, Detek Lunesta Qok, Ruin Imperium, Bardonia Islands, Astaraion, Sommerreich, Argenmenia, Etnon, Kazdestan, Xylaria, Achanisia, Hambrechtia, Koseowonn, Darranda, Providence-Saint George, Red Bull Ring, Delphico, Siberian Black Leauge, Kitann, Valencia Augusta, Leiningerland, The States of Texas and Arkansas, Eastern Geenientan, Sodarnia, Spruce, Entians, Zantalio, Kluz, Harapania, The Iron Khagnate, Chicks, Hellisas, Destrucionists, Verlian, Caliarizomex, Slavatania, Galicia and Ruthenia, Calicov, Spasciria, Ahuusa, Valerguay, DeNorSweLand, Maanenland, Ottterland, Rusvostok, Ugric-Finnish, Curated, The Polish-Prussian Commonwealth, Konzhov, Sefat, KKoRea, MagyaRomania, Aroale, NPO2, UGBK, Nationdows, Barbourania, Istastioner, Franchela, Germaniej, Great Sordish Reich, Lykaon, Wegensburg, Wilhelm Tells Crossbow, Durlia, Scandivielium, Siqilliya, Northeast Siberia, Anderland, The Merinos, Antrantica, Namsan, Hitham, Costa Primera, Ukraine-0, Eastern Lapland, US Internal Revenue Service, Unionization Of European Countries, Orctavia, The United Hyborean Front, and Freedomally.