Spotlight on:

National Flag

The Federal Republic of Zanarkandia

“By Wind and Water”

Category: Capitalist Paradise
Civil Rights:
Below Average
Political Freedoms:

Regional Influence: Minnow

Location: Lazarus



The Trade League Timeline


Adzkhri Merchant Guild


Current Chairman of Operations: Snestar
(September 19- October 4/2024)

The Adzkhri Merchant Guild is a strategic economic alliance based on trade between several countries in Adzkhri. It’s also an integrationist project with the goal of uniting the region and its people and provides 24/7 protection to all its trade routes. The Headquarters are in White Harbor, Zanarkandia. The Chairman of Operations is the head of the guild, each member holds this position in a two weeks (rl) rotation.


1- No tariffs on imported/exported goods between the members.
2- No taxation on merchant vessel between the members.
3- No Visa Requirements: All citizens from the member countries can visit any member country without a visa for a period of 30 days.
4- Mutual Defense Pact: If maritime trade between the member gets affected by conflict all the members shall join against the threatening nation (does not apply for ground invasion or any other attack that does not disrupt the flow of trade).
5- All members are required to contribute with its navy to the constant protection of trade routes.
6- All merchant vessels shall carry the guild’s banner and its country’s banner.

A permanent merchant delegation from each of the members is present in the city of White Harbor. All decisions are voted by the members, with each member having one vote. In case of tie the vote from the Chairman of Operations counts as two votes.

All public resolutions from the guild can be viewed in a discord channel. Telegram Zanarkandia for an invitation link.

Reference map:

Main trade routes:

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After discussions in Congress, the Senate has approved legislation for the Special City-State of White Harbor eliminating mostly all trade tariffs to all goods entering its port and reducing tax on merchant ships to 0%. This aims to set White Harbor as a trade hub for the entire region and clears the ground for the formation of the Trade League that will function as a regional economic integration initiative.

"This is the first step to the creation of the most ambitious project in the history of Adzkhri folks. One of its kind, the first regional integration project ever done; no one has done this before and we will do it. Our foreign delegations have already established fruitful talks and negotiations. This is happening folks, it’s definitely happening and it’s happening in White Harbor. I’ve done all this for you, the people, all for you folks; and the only thing I ask in return is trust, your vote. I only need your vote so I can continue to work on improving your lifestyle."

This is a quote from the President subtracted from his nation address last night. A bit populist we would say but one thing is true: major events will come in the next days and a lot of things are about to happen in White Harbor that will change the course of geopolitical relationships forever.

As always, we will keep you posted.

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The Authority of the City-State of White Harbor has finally confirmed the rumors of their intention to lead the creation of an economic regional integrationist project.

"We have just created a commission to pursue the necessary legislation for this project to become real, and we will immediately start dispatching delegations to all our neighbors. Renea, Calption, Snestar, Crossia, Paovoa, Oppalli; all of them. We will work tirelessly to make this advance further"
– Phimael Kelps Director of operations at the Port's Authority

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¡¡Breaking news!!

Rumors of an important event happening in the region are spreading. Apparently the Authority of the Special City-State of White Harbor has been working lately in an ambitious project that contemplates working towards economic integration alongside the region.

"They don’t want to make it public just yet because it’s a big deal and a lot of work has been done towards it. I don’t know the details but I can tell you something: for the past few months an unusual massive amount of political figures from all over Zanarkandia have been coming to White Harbor and many reunions have been held at the Port's Authority headquarters. For sure they’re cooking something” –stated an anonymous member of the Port's Authority at White Harbor to our newspaper–.

We never know what’s up with politics and trade this days, the government is not famous for its transparency but in general the Zanarkandia First coalition that is in power has performed generally well as of today. Although if this idea goes ahead will certainly face problems to pass Congress: the Zanarkandia First Party known for its isolationist proposals will fiercely oppose any proposal that expands trade outside the borders. The Zanarkandia First coalition will have to look for support in its rival political parties to push legislation necessary for the implementation of this "idea".

We, as always, will keep you posted about the developments of this interesting story.

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