Category: Capitalist Paradise | ||
Civil Rights: Very Good |
Economy: Very Strong |
Political Freedoms: Very Good |
Regional Influence: Shoeshiner
Location: Africa
Nubian-Vinland Military Installation Lease, 13th November, 2022
Conclusion of bi-lateral talks between the Republic of Lower Nubia and the Kingdom of Vinland between 9th October, and 13th November, 2022Standard Government Form on Foreign Leasing of Nubian Land
Leasing discussions have closed with the diplomatic team of the Kingdom of Vinland, answering the questions raised by the Minister of Foreign Affairs, Maged Sidhom, and the Nubian civil service. With the Nubian delegation answering the queries and laying down what would be expected from the Vinland construction. With the finalisation of this, the lease for the land, including the conditions of the lease can be presented to the Vinland delegates.
Lease of Ownership to the Kingdom of Vinland, by the Government of Lower Nubia and the Halai'b Council
The area, formally part of the City of Port of Halayeb, leased to the Kingdom of Vinland, is defined as the area within the provided coordinates:
22°9'19.66"N 36°46'37.71"E (Point 1);
22°8'31.91"N 36°47'14.81"E (Point 2);
22°8'51.87"N 36°47'44.05"E (Point 3);
22°9'1.46"N 36°47'40.95"E (Point 4);
22°9'2.96"N 36°47'41.50"E (Point 5);
22°9'5.97"N 36°47'38.60"E (Point 6);
22°9'10.45"N 36°47'25.96"E (Point 7);
22°9'31.92"N 36°46'55.59"E (Point 8); (connecting to Point 1)
The defined land will be leased to the Vinland government for 5 years, starting after the period of construction (which can start upon ratification of this treaty) is over, which is defined as ending when a singular facility that can support occupants is finished in the defined area (above). This construction period can last no longer than one year, starting from the 1st December, 2022. From this point (either finalisation of construction, or the one year has closed), operations from the leased area will be reviewed yearly, starting from the finalisation of the construction period until the maximum period defined prior[1], in terms of acceptable operations defined in the specifications for the leased area. The lease is predicated on the following terms, and any violation of these terms will terminate, latae sententiae, the lease and it will need to be renegotiated once the violation is investigated and rectified.
Terms of Lease
1) Cost:
a) The Kingdom of Vinland will pay a yearly sum, dependent on the land value of the defined area for the lease, in Nubian Dollars, while the lease remains active.
b) The land value of the defined area will be determined each calendar year by evaluating the average appraisal of real estate within a 5km radius of the perimeter of the defined leased area and within 2 km's of the coast.
2) Naval Vessels:
a) Vessels accessing any port built within the leased area shall not enter waters covered by the Gezirat el Halai'b Kebira Marine Reserve (GoMR)[2], unless warranted due to emergency[3].
b) Vessels have entry to any port within the leased area through the territorial waters of the Republic of Lower Nubia within a 1km radius surrounding the 13km line formed between Point 1: 22°9'15.21"N 36°47'19.94"E and Point 2: 22°13'37.57"N 36°53'16.71"E, unless warranted due to emergency[3].
c) Any port built within the leased area may hold no more than either 4 Vinland military naval vessels at anyone time, or a total displaced tonnage over 110,000 by Vinland military naval vessels, unless warranted due to emergency[3].
3) Aircraft:
a) Aircraft from the designated Airstrip may not fly over: populated areas (except a 2km radius half circle approach to the landing area); restricted areas; or the GoMR[4], unless warranted by an emergency[5], by which an appropriate flight path in and out of the area is provided for inbound/outbound aircraft. Spaces outside of the defined areas is acceptable for travel by aircraft, but the Nubian Air Traffic Authority (NATA) must be informed of any scheduled flight(s) and the operating aircraft(s).
4) Population, Residents, & Personnel:
a) The total population (both resident and present[6]) to the defined area may not exceed 1,000 persons. Those resident[6] to the defined area may exceed no more than 800 personnel at any one time of the 1,000.
b) Those seeking entry to the Republic of Lower Nubia, as part of their deployment, employment, or commission, to the area, but are not themselves residents or citizens of the Republic of Lower Nubia, must be provided a work visa before entry into the Republic of Lower Nubia[7][9].
c) Those deemed residents (or citizens) of the Republic of Lower Nubia[5], may live within the area of Halai'b State (such as Port of Halayeb, or other settlements), but must receive a permit of residence by the Halai'b Council. The fee for the permit totals at $100 NUD ($129.67 USD), and lasts 1 year[8].
d) Individuals present in, or as residents[6] in, the leased area, or accompanying military vessels, may move freely outside of said area, or vessel, but must return by 00:00 EET (18:00 EST) and remain in the leased area, or their vessel, until 9:00 EET (3:00 EST), except in an emergency[10], those who are residents of the Republic of Lower Nubia, even when simultaneously residents or personnel of the defined area, are exempt from this requirement.
e) Individuals present, or as residents, who have finished their commission, placement, or deployment (as commanded by the Kingdom of Vinland), will be provided 2 months to leave the leased area, and the Republic of Lower Nubia, to the country of their residency or citizenship. Failure to leave will be met with expatriation and permanent exclusion from future entry into the Republic of Lower Nubia.
5) Criminal activity:
a) Those present, or as residents of the leased area (but not citizens of the Republic of Lower Nubia), found to be engaged in criminal activity, either by the laws of the Republic of Lower Nubia, or of the Kingdom of Vinland, will be extradited to the Kingdom of Vinland for trial and punishment and permanent exclusion from the Republic of Lower Nubia and the leased area.
b) Nubian citizens found to be engaged in criminal activity (deemed by Nubian or Vinland law) within the leased area are to be tried by a Vinland military tribunal within the leased area - lasting no more than 6 months, once the tribunal has concluded the tried party is to be handed over (regardless of tribunal sentence) to Nubian military police and reprimanded according to the tribunals recommendation[11].
6) Nubian Law:
a) Use of the designated area for economic activity (distribution of goods for profit, establishment of commercial operations for profit) by the Kingdom of Vinland (as the actions of individuals, or a group) is strictly forbidden, and is warrant for termination of the lease.
b) For every 200 residents of the leased area, 2,000 metre square of green space[12] and appropriate recreational facilities must be provided.
c) Closure of the leased area for further future use - whether unilaterally by the Kingdom of Vinland, or through revocation of the lease by the Republic of Lower Nubia (due to Vinland's breach of the lease stipulations), will necessitate the Kingdom of Vinland be responsible for the demolition of any constructions within the leased area, and for any environmental clean-up of contaminants and pollutants within the leased area and from the leased area or vessels assigned to the leased area. All buildings and structures within the leased area are to be cleared and disposed of properly according to the laws of Halai'b state within a 9 month period. Contaminants or other pollutants from vessels assigned to the leased area, or from the leased area, must be bought within acceptable tolerances as determined by Nubian environmental law within the same 9 month period.
d) The leased area will be connected to the utilities of Halai'b state; water, gas, sewage, and electricity, the use of these utilities is not necessitated except as warranted by the Kingdom of Vinland. If used, the Kingdom of Vinland will pay market rate for any use of the water, gas, and electricity from Halai'b state.
e) The Kingdom of Vinland is responsible for removing and disposing appropriately of all residential or industrial grade waste produced within the leased area, any such waste can be disposed of through Halai'b state's waste infrastructure at market rate, although the state of Halai'b reserves the right to reject processing of any waste for any reason.
7) Duties of both Vinland and Nubia:
a) Throughout the period covered by this lease, the Kingdom of Vinland, and the Republic of Lower Nubia will coordinate efforts, in suppressing piracy along the Red sea and Gulf of Aden trade routes.
b) The Republic of Lower Nubia will not reveal (unless with express permission), to parties other then the signatories of this document, the location, activities, compliments, assets, or armament of military fleets, vessels, buildings, or personnel, under the jurisdiction of the Kingdom of Vinland in (or entering or leaving) the leased area. Failure to comply will result in financial compensation equal to the cost of the initial construction on the leased land, and 1 years maintenance cost, and the extension of the lease for another 5 years.
c) The Kingdom of Vinland will not reveal (unless with express permission), to parties other than the signatories of this document, the location the activities, compliments, assets, or armament of military fleets, vessels, buildings, or personnel, under the jurisdiction of the Republic of Lower Nubia within a 50km radius of the leased area. Failure to comply will result in financial compensation equal to the cost of construction on the leased land, and termination of the lease.
d) In the event the Republic of Lower Nubia and the Kingdom of Vinland enter into either formal, or informal, military conflict against one another, the Kingdom of Vinland must evacuate and demilitarise the leased area, with the Republic of Lower Nubia allowing the complete evacuation of all personnel, equipment, and vessels, from the leased area, for a minimum 6 month period, to the Kingdom of Vinland. A Ceasefire is to be enforced and followed by both nations during the aforementioned period. Any violation of this ceasefire, or violation of the evacuating procedure, or the destruction of a nations vessels by the other during this time within a 500km radius of either nations territories, shall be deemed a breach of international law, and ipso facto a war crime.
[1] Unless the treaty is extended through future negotiations, or is extended because of a breach of confidentiality (7b).
[2] Defined as the volume within 22°15'27''N 36°34'26''E First, 22°15'27''N 36°35'27''E Second, 22°16'45''N 36°35'19''E Third, 22°18'01''N 36°36'16''E Fourth, 22°18'46''N 36°35'10''E Fifth, and 22°17'00''N 36°33'25''E Sixth (connecting to the first) points.
[3] As warranted by the Nubian Coast guard, or as necessity to a vessel's emergency response.
[4] Defined as as volume expanding 3km in distance around the city limits, restricted demarcation, or GoMR, and then extending vertically 50,000 feet.
[5] As warranted by Nubian Air Traffic Authority (NATA), or as necessity for emergency landing.
[6] A "resident" of the defined area is an individual living for 100 days (of the full calendar year), of which those 100 days need not be consecutive, in the designated area, or on a vessel assigned to the designated area. A present individual is defined as one who is neither a resident of the defined are, or a resident, or citizen, of the Republic of Lower Nubia, but deployed to the leased area by the Kingdom of Vinland.
[7] The cost of the visa will be provided by the Nubian government to residential personnel authorised by the Kingdom of Vinland.
[8] This cost covers only a permit, and does not cover the cost of housing in Halai'b. This cost is based on November 2022 exchange rates.
[9] Nubian checkpoints will be present upon entry and exit from the leased area.
[10] As warranted by Nubian emergency services, or as necessity from leased area emergency alarm.
[11] Assuming the punishment is acceptable with Nubian law.
[12] A green space is defined as an area with 30% tree canopy cover, and no permanent structures except paths, water features, benches, or bins.
Ratification of the lease by the King of the Kingdom of Vinland and the Foreign Ministry of the Republic of Lower Nubia - 13th November, 2022
With the above stipulations being agreed and the subsequent ratification of this document by both parties (Nubia and Vinland), the construction and ownership, in accordance with paragraph 1, of all buildings can begin immediately.
Signed: King Gorm IX, King of the Kingdom of Vinland.
Signed: Maged Sidhom, Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Lower Nubia.