Category: Left-wing Utopia | ||
Civil Rights: Frightening |
Economy: Frightening |
Political Freedoms: World Benchmark |
Regional Influence: Shoeshiner
Location: the South Pacific
United States of Vietnam Overview (For roleplaying)
Official name: The Commonwealth of the United States of Vietnam (Thịnh vượng chung Hợp chúng quốc Việt Nam)
Motto: United, Freedom, Happiness (Thống nhất, Tự do, Hạnh phúc)
Capital: Hanoi
Biggest city: Bangkok
Government: Federal directorial parliamentary republic. Some states feature a constitutional monarchy.
Economic regime: Market economy with state intervention and state-owned enterprises.
Administrative division
The Commonwealth is a federation comprised of 5 republics and 3 kingdoms:
The Northern Vietnam Republic (Cộng hoà miền Bắc Việt Nam)
The Southern Vietnam Republic (Cộng hoà miền Nam Việt Nam)
The Central Vietnam Republic (Cộng hoà miền Trung Việt Nam)
The Kingdom of Thailand (Vương quốc Thái Lan)
The Kingdom of Laos (Vương quốc Lào)
The Kingdom of Cambodia (Vương quốc Campuchia)
The Republic of Paracel and Spratly Islands (Cộng hoà Các Quần đảo Hoàng Sa và Trường Sa)
Each state (Bang) has partial autonomy over government structure and laws. All states have a parliamentary government with a head of state (Nguyên thủ Bang) that represent the state in the Presidential Council (Vietnam’s collective head of state), an executive branch headed by the State Chancellor (Chủ tịch Bang), a legislature, and a judiciary. Citizens directly elect members of state legislatures and the leader of the party or coalition of parties with the majority of seats in the legislature become the chancellor of that state (directly or via formal appointment). The head of state can be a president directly elected by citizens in a republic or a monarch in a kingdom. A state can make laws that don’t contradict federal laws within its border.
Within each state are provinces (Tỉnh) or municipalities (Thành phố cấp Bang). Each province has cities and towns. Each city has wards. Each town has villages. Each municipality has districts.
The Commonwealth Government (Chính phủ Thịnh vượng chung), usually referred to as the federal government, is the central government of Vietnam. It is a multi-party directorial parliamentary republican government with three branches that check and balance each other. The Presidential Council serves as the collective head of state of the country while the Chancellor serves as the head of government.
Legislature: The Commonwealth Congress (Quốc hội Thịnh vượng chung) is the bicameral national legislature of Vietnam.
Upper house: Commonwealth Presidential Council (Hội đồng Chủ tịch nước Thịnh vượng chung). Comprises of the head of state of each state (president or monarch). The Presidential Council serves as the collective head of state for the Commonwealth in a ceremonial capacity. The Presidential Council formally appoints the Chancellor based on who can command the majority of members in the lower house. The Presidential Council can also initiate or delay motions in Congress and votes from the Presidential Council are required for certain decisions. Members of the Presidential Council can vote on their own or on recommendation from their state chancellor or legislature (usually if the member is a monarch). The Presidential Council’s business is oversaw by the Chairman. The chairman position rotates between the Council’s members every year.
Chairman of the Presidential Council: Truong Thi Mai, President of the Central Vietnam Republic.
Lower house: Commonwealth People’s Council (Hội đồng Nhân dân Thịnh vượng chung). Comprises of Representatives (Đại biểu) elected by citizens above 18 years of age via proportional representation every four years. The People’s Council is the main house and the most powerful of the two houses. It can initiate and vote on nearly all motions without the upper house. The leader of the party or coalition of parties with the majority of seats within the People’s Council is appointed as Chancellor by the upper house. Business of the People’s Council is carried out by the Speaker.
Speaker of the People’s Council: Vuong Dinh Hue.
Executive: The Commonwealth Executive Council - CEC (Hội đồng Hành pháp Thịnh vượng chung) is the body equivalent to a cabinet and heads the executive branch. It consists of 17 secretaries (Bộ trưởng) led by the Chancellor of the Commonwealth Government (Thủ tướng Chính phủ Thịnh vượng chung) or Chancellor for short. Each secretary is in charge of their respective executive department and is appointed by the Chancellor and confirmed by the People’s Council. The Chancellor is the commander-in-chief of the Commonwealth Armed Forces. The Chancellor is formally appointed by the Presidential Council based on who commands the majority of the People’s Council.
Chancellor: Ha Phi Hung
Vice Chancellor: Nguyen Huu Tri
Secretary of Foreign Affairs (Department of Foreign Affairs - Bộ Ngoại giao): Bui Thanh Son
Secretary of Armed Forces (Department of Armed Forces - Bộ Quân đội): Phan Van Giang
Secretary of Finance (Department of Finance - Bộ Tài chính): Adirake Sepsook
Secretary of Internal Affairs (Department of Internal Affairs - Bộ Nội vụ): Ha Duc Khanh
Secretary of Justice (Department of Justice - Bộ Tư pháp): To Lam
Secretary of Commerce (Department of Commerce - Bộ Thương mại): Le Cam Tien
Secretary of Industry and Energy (Department of Industry and Energy - Bộ Công nghiệp và Năng lượng): Vo Huy Duc
Secretary of Transportation (Department of Transportation - Bộ Vận tải): Pham Huynh Nhi
Secretary of Education (Department of Education - Bộ Giáo dục): Brosong Plaphol
Secretary of Agriculture (Department of Agriculture - Bộ Nông nghiệp): Nguyen Thi
Secretary of Social Affairs (Department of Social Affairs - Bộ Xă hội): Keo Botum
Secretary of Health (Department of Health - Bộ Y tế): Moana Phomvihane
Secretary of Urban Development (Department of Urban Development - Bộ Phát triển Đô thị): Chen Chanthou
Secretary of Environment (Department of Environment - Bộ Môi trường): Lung Thi Linh
Secretary of Science and Technology (Department of Science and Technology - Bộ Khoa học và Công nghệ): Nguyen Tu Quang
Secretary of Culture (Department of Culture - Bộ Văn hoá): Vong Vinh Quang
Secretary of National Intelligence (National Intelligence Supervision Office - Văn pḥng Giám sát T́nh báo Quốc gia): Kaloni Sayavong
Non-voting members:
Chief of the Executive Assistant Offices (Văn pḥng Hỗ trợ Hành pháp) or the Chief Assistant: Do Van Si
Notable committees within the executive branch
Commonwealth Security Committee (Uỷ ban An ninh Thịnh vượng chung)
Commonwealth Economic Steering Committee (Uỷ ban Chỉ đạo Kinh tế Thịnh vượng chung)
Commonwealth Social Issue Committee (Uỷ ban Các vấn đề Xă hội trong Thịnh vượng chung)
Commonwealth Science and Technology Steering Committee (Uỷ ban Chỉ đạo Khoa học Kỹ thuật Thịnh vượng chung)
Council of Environmental and Climate Change problems (Hội đồng các vấn đề Môi trường và Biến đổi khí hậu)
Digital Affairs Committee (Uỷ ban Kỹ thuật số)
Judiciary: Vietnam has a federal court system which has jurisdiction over federal laws only. The Commonwealth Supreme Court (Toà án Tối cao Thịnh vượng chung) is the highest federal court and the court of the last resort in Vietnam. The Supreme Court consists of a Chief Justice and 9 Associate Justices. The Supreme Court hears cases from the 14 Appellate Courts (Toà án Thượng tố). Appellate Courts hears cases from the 84 Regional Courts (Toà án Khu vực). Judges in these courts are nominated and elected by both houses of the legislature and can serve until the age of 65. The Chief Justice of the Supreme Court is elected by Associate Justices. There are also special courts for specific matters and have their own procedures and organization such as the Appellate Court for Armed Forces’ Affairs (Toà án Thượng tố Quân đội), the Commonwealth Tax Adjudication Commission (Uỷ ban Xét xử Thuế Thịnh vượng chung), the International Trade Adjudication Commission (Uỷ ban Xét xử Thương mại Quốc tế),… The Commonwealth Judiciary Support Administration (Cơ quan Hỗ trợ Tư pháp Thịnh vượng chung) provides administrative support for the federal courts.
Aside from federal judiciary, each state has its own judiciary with its own courts to hear cases concerning state laws. State courts can hear both federal and state laws-concerning cases but federal courts can only hear federal laws-concerning cases.
Notable independent positions:
Governor of the Commonwealth Central Bank (CCB - Ngân hàng Trung ương Thịnh vượng chung) : Nguyen Thi Xuan Mai
Director of Public Media (Commonwealth Media Corporation - Tập đoàn Truyền thông Thịnh vượng chung): Le Van Luyen