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The Commonwealth of Tod Dal Riata

“Ann an Dia no dhìon dìon mi!”

Category: Capitalizt
Civil Rights:
Political Freedoms:

Location: Europe

Regional Influence: Hatchling


The Commonwealth of Tod Dal Riata is a colossal, socially progressive nation, ruled by Angus Trout with an even hand, and remarkable for its rum-swilling pirates, unlimited-speed roads, and irreverence towards religion. The hard-nosed, hard-working population of 7.448 billion Tod Dal Riatans enjoy some of the most opulent lifestyles in the region, unless they are unemployed or working-class, in which case they are variously starving to death or crippled by easily preventable diseases.

The relatively small, corrupt, pro-business government juggles the competing demands of Education, Industry, and Administration. It meets to discuss matters of state in the capital city of Glasgow. Citizens pay a flat income tax of 12.7%.

The frighteningly efficient Tod Dal Riatan economy, worth a remarkable 1,223 trillion tod pounds a year, is broadly diversified and led by the Retail industry, with significant contributions from Information Technology, Arms Manufacturing, and Soda Sales. Black market activity is notable. Average income is an impressive 164,241 tod pounds, with the richest citizens earning 7.2 times as much as the poorest.

The first sword of Tod Dal Riata does not run, one can wake up in Tod Dal Riata and have breakfast in Bigtopia, unpopular cops are fired at a moment's notice by the citizens they police, and customer satisfaction with online delivery services is at an all time high. Crime is a problem, with the police force struggling against a lack of funding and a high mortality rate. Tod Dal Riata's national animal is the fox, which teeters on the brink of extinction due to widespread deforestation.

Tod Dal Riata is ranked 88,074th in the world and 425th in Europe for Largest Cheese Export Sector, scoring 3,450.18 on the Mozzarella Productivity Index.

Largest Soda Pop Sector: 2,387thFattest Citizens: 2,874thLargest Retail Industry: 3,180thRudest Citizens: 3,229thHighest Disposable Incomes: 3,395thTop
Highest Unexpected Death Rate: 3,969thLargest Gambling Industry: 5,248thLargest Basket Weaving Sector: 7,860thMost Cheerful Citizens: 7,970thMost Inclusive: 12,613thMost Cultured: 14,370thHighest Food Quality: 16,624thHighest Wealthy Incomes: 16,660thTop
Most Efficient Economies: 17,360thHighest Average Incomes: 19,814thMost Valuable International Artwork: 21,137thSmartest Citizens: 22,673rdMost Secular: 23,547thLargest Pizza Delivery Sector: 23,598thMost Patriotic: 23,749thMost Scientifically Advanced: 24,565thMost Armed: 25,380thLargest Manufacturing Sector: 25,535thMost Corrupt Governments: 28,274thHighest Economic Output: 28,591stLargest Mining Sector: 29,649thLargest Information Technology Sector: 31,302ndLargest Automobile Manufacturing Sector: 32,275thMost Pro-Market: 33,372ndHighest Drug Use: 33,904th
Largest Soda Pop Sector: 22nd in the regionFattest Citizens: 22nd in the regionLargest Gambling Industry: 23rd in the regionHighest Unexpected Death Rate: 30th in the regionLargest Retail Industry: 39th in the regionHighest Disposable Incomes: 39th in the regionMost Pro-Market: 40th in the regionRudest Citizens: 46th in the regionLargest Basket Weaving Sector: 58th in the regionHighest Crime Rates: 70th in the regionTop
Highest Drug Use: 82nd in the regionMost Armed: 91st in the regionLargest Mining Sector: 103rd in the regionHighest Wealthy Incomes: 107th in the regionLargest Automobile Manufacturing Sector: 114th in the regionLargest Pizza Delivery Sector: 114th in the regionLargest Manufacturing Sector: 120th in the regionMost Corrupt Governments: 152nd in the regionMost Patriotic: 152nd in the region

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