Spotlight on:

National Flag

The Commonwealth of Southwestern Islands Republic

“United, Indivisible”

Category: Scandinavian Liberal Paradise
Civil Rights:
Political Freedoms:
Very Good

Regional Influence: Enforcer

Location: The Etherian International



The State of Southwestern Foreign Relations

Southwest Commonwealth is officially part of The Cortexist International, acting as the International's Head of the Department of Internal Party Democracy and below are the comprehensive lists regarding Foreign Relations activity of Southwest Commonwealth

- Bilateral Agreements with other nations

Eyrala : The First Bilateral Agreement (colloquialy known as Commonwealths Agreement) ever signed by Southwest Commonwealth, this Agreement aims at strengthening diplomatic ties, increasing trade and mutual respect of sovereignty of these two nations

Boredland : This Agreement (Southwest-Boredland Extensive Trade Deal), which was signed after a fatal drought had hit our nation's agricultural sector includes sales of discounted tomatoes, rices and grains imported from Boredland, strengthening ties between Southwest Commonwealth and Boredland, and Introducing programs that let Boredland students in Agriculture to work here. Which really helped us to survive thought hard times and even boosted our economy in scale no one thought would be possible

Nislavic : Nislavian - Southwestern Economical Cooperation are aimed to boosts the economy of both nations by removing heavy tarrifs on Nislavian goods and encourage investment in Southwest Commonwealth. In return, Southwest Commonwealth are encouraging it's citizen to also invests in Nislavic

Neocortexia : By far one of the most significant agreement ever signed (Neocortexia-Southwest Mutual Defense Agreement), this includes the establishment of EEZ on the Strait, military cooperation between Neocortexia and Southwest Commonwealth, and Non-aggression Pact signed by representatives of both nations
