Spotlight on:

National Flag

The God's Land of Shepelon Island

“Who doesn't know,teach him - The God Alexander Caesar l”

Category: Psychotic Dictatorship
Civil Rights:
Political Freedoms:
Unheard Of

Regional Influence: Shoeshiner

Location: the West Pacific



Economy of Shepelon Island

The country is closed, so little is known about the way of life in it. People do not have the right to leave the country, or to communicate with people outside it, because the country has its own internet, people are not able to access world news and events. The country does not have its own currency, because money is not used. Citizens have their own ID cards, and use them to get all their necessities. Everyone has the right to take what he needs, in relation to marital status, number of children, and occupation. Based on that, the state allocates apartments to citizens.
