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National Flag

The Republic of Scarlet Guard III


Category: Anarchy
Civil Rights:
Political Freedoms:
World Benchmark

Location: Kanye west

Regional Influence: Hermit


The Republic of Scarlet Guard III is a massive, socially progressive nation, remarkable for its barren, inhospitable landscape, absence of drug laws, and spontaneously combusting cars. The hard-working, democratic population of 1.184 billion Scarlet Guard IIIians live in a state of perpetual fear, as a complete breakdown of social order has led to the rise of order through biker gangs.

The tiny, liberal, pro-business, outspoken government juggles the competing demands of Education, Defense, and Welfare. Citizens pay a flat income tax of 7.1%.

The strong Scarlet Guard IIIian economy, worth 52.9 trillion erfhubews a year, is driven almost entirely by the private sector, which is fairly diversified and led by the Woodchip Exports industry, with significant contributions from Uranium Mining, Door-to-door Insurance Sales, and Retail. Average income is 44,703 erfhubews, but there is an enormous disparity between incomes, with the richest 10% of citizens earning 251,738 per year while the poor average 3,914, a ratio of 64.3 to 1.

It is illegal to make racist remarks in public, the country's famous rainforests are being bulldozed by the mining industry, a large-scale revitalization of the education system is underway, and forty-year-old men are asked for their ID before watching the latest pony cartoon movies. Crime is a serious problem, with the police force struggling against a lack of funding and a high mortality rate. Scarlet Guard III's national animal is the hubedfihrwe, which teeters on the brink of extinction due to widespread deforestation.

Scarlet Guard III is ranked 110,300th in the world and 1st in Kanye west for Smartest Citizens, with 34.51 quips per hour.

Least Corrupt Governments: 18,518thMost Pro-Market: 25,864thMost Avoided: 26,764thGreatest Rich-Poor Divides: 28,789thLargest Insurance Industry: 29,230thLargest Timber Woodchipping Industry: 29,372ndLowest Overall Tax Burden: 31,241stHighest Crime Rates: 31,429thMost Primitive: 33,376th

National Happenings

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