Spotlight on:

National Flag

The Kingdom of Sans Liberte

“People, Country, Leader!”

Category: Iron Fist Consumerists
Civil Rights:
Unheard Of
Political Freedoms:

Regional Influence: Nipper

Location: The Kodiak Republic



The Kingdom of Sans Liberte

The Kingdom of Sans Liberte


Motto: People, Country, Leader!


-Population:450 million

Capital: Regnum Imperii
Largest City: Regnum Imperii

Official Language: English, Latin, Sansbrite Japanese

National Language: English

Demonym: Sansbrite

Government: The Royal Family of Sans Liberte

- King/Queen: King Yoshinoko De Yamato XIV
- Spouse of the ruler: Queen Yashima no Liberte
- Consorts of the ruler: 2nd Consort Ashia Yokomoto, 3rd consort Monoto Yoshi

- Crown Prince/Princess: – Crown Prince/Princess:
– Prince Kōdō Liberte Yamato

– Prince/Princesses by order of hierarchy:
– General Prince Arutoremu Liberte Yamato
– Chief Advisor Princess Jōzē Liberte Yamato
– Prince Hāmen Liberte Yamato
– Prince Gāteru Liberte Yamato
– Princess Erudia Liberte Yamato
– Prince Sanre Liberte Yamato
– Prince Keruvu Liberte Yamato
– Prince Derugurī Rēterēru Liberte Yamato
– Prince Jāraru Rēterēru no Yamato
– Prince Asahiro Yashima Yamato
– Princess Mikiko Yashima Yamato
– Prince Toshirō Yashima Yamato
– Prince Katsuya Yashima Yamato
– Princess Keiko Yashima Yamato
– Prince Monoyuki Ashia Yamato

- Chief Advisor: Princess Jōzē Liberte Yamato
- Advisors: Ōtori Kōzō, Rūshi Fabi, Sebutimīsu Ōtori, Taiberiusu Dekimasu, Gaiasu Makushimasu, Mākarusu Antōniusu, Kuintasu Barēriusu, Jūriusu Māseru, Okutābiusu Ēmiriusu, Kaīasu Dōmitiasu, Furabiasu Tarīusu, Paburiusu Kōneriusu, Bibiusu Pōmpeiusu, Māriusu Sebērasu, Kuneusu Shirubānasu, Dekimasu Kuraudiusu, Ōrusu Horātiusu, Kōneriusu Suipio, Taitasu Kuraudiusu, Dekima Rikinia, Antōnia Minēruva, Emiria Fabia, Biteriusu Kēzāru, Sēruiusu Karupurniusu, Fōsutusu Kurisupusu, Verusu Ōgusutus, Makushima Ēria, Jūria Rivia, Tarīa Agurippa, Kuneusu Rikinīusu, and Dekima Seberīna.

- Chief Justice: Yokiatoki Yogi

Empire: The Crystallus Empire
Joined since: 1400 AD

Land Area: 250 000 km²
Water Area: 53.8032 km²
Water %: 0.0212%

Highest Point: 540 metres
Lowest Point: -32 metres

Currency: Sansbrite

Drives on the: left

Calling code:999

We, the people of the Kingdom of Sans Liberte
Pledge to continue improving and striving for excellence,
Based on teamwork resilience and excellence,
For the honor of our empire and our kingdom.

Sans Liberte was founded in 1302 by Japanese merchant Yamikazi No Minanotoe, who together with hired samurais built an army and established the Country, the Country of Minanotoe. However, when Crystallus challenged leader Sans Liberte, consort of Queen Yoshina Minanotoe, he lost not due to number but strategy. Thus, he honored Crystallus by declaring Minanotoe a Kingdom of The Empire of Crystallus. He renamed Minanotoe to Sans Liberte to ensure that his armies of Samurais remained loyal to the Empire, as they were loyal to him.
