Spotlight on:

National Flag

The National People's Republic of S state

“In guns we trust”

Category: Psychotic Dictatorship
Civil Rights:
Political Freedoms:

Regional Influence: Page

Location: Europeia



Youth organizations in s state

There are five youth organizations in s state.

Little revolutionaries: is a youth organization for children at the age of 5-10 years. This organization manages education, field trips and prepareation of children to become pioneers. Little revolutionaries wear light blue shorts and a work shirt with symbol.

Pioneers: are a youth organization for children at the age of 10-15 years. This organization manages education for survival in wilderness, field trips and preparation of children to join either UYW or UYCA. Pioneers wear light blue shirt, dark blue shorts or skirt and red neckerchief.

Union of young workers(UYW): is a youth organization for children at the age of 15-19 years. This organization manages agrocultural and factory education, prepares children for being a worker and prepares them for joining the military and later the LYPM. UYW members wear dark blue work shirt with dark blue work trousers with symbol

Union for youth cooperation with the army(UYCA): is a youth organization for children at the age of 15-19 years. this organization prepares children for military service and manages activities for children such as: throwing a grenade, riding a military car, firing a rifle and riding a tank. the UYCA has military structure and ranks. uniforms of the UYCA is a light blue shirt and trousers, military boots and military helmet with face shield.

compusolary military service: 19-20 years

League of young party members(LYPM): is a youth organization for teaching management and preparing young adults for membership in the party. their uniform is a blue shirt with red tie and either a skirt, shorts or long pants. the LYPM is for young adults at the age of 20-30 years but only 20-29 years is compulsary.
