Spotlight on:

National Flag

The National People's Republic of S state

“In guns we trust”

Category: Psychotic Dictatorship
Civil Rights:
Political Freedoms:

Regional Influence: Page

Location: Europeia



Top Secret citizen access restricted OLD

Secret police of s state

SAFI:SAFI or s state agency for intelligence also known as the Secret police is an agency for gathering intelligence, counterintelligence, arresting pollitical oponents and arresting politicians that want to give informations to enemy nations.

Only members of SAFI and high ranking politicians know the existence of the Secret police.

The SAFI conscripts people from the police, military and illegal immigrants if a person doesnt want to join even if they are sent a email about joining they will be executed.

SAFI members wear uniform only during raids on flats, hotels and bigger houses. The SAFI has standard military rifles and pistols.

The SAFI uniform is a standard officer uniform with a red and blue peaked hat that has the SAFI symbol on it.

Note: that arresting also means getting informations during interrogation and executing non-complient individuals.
