Spotlight on:

National Flag

The Republic of Ruotsaland

“Bygd i Norr, pε vεra Fδders jord”

Category: Inoffensive Centrist Democracy
Civil Rights:
Very Good
Political Freedoms:

Regional Influence: Truckler

Location: Conch Kingdom



Riksdag of Ruotsaland (2026-2028)

[ UPDATED 01/01/2027: Two vacant seats filled]

The Riksdag, also known as the Eduskunta, is the parliamentary body of the Republic of Ruotsaland, decided roughly every 4 years by the citizens in a proportionally represented system.

The election consists of competing for 201 seats in the chamber:
• 138 of the seats are based on the municipalities within Ruotsaland, and are elected on a basis of the largest share of votes within their municipality
• 63 of the seats are given based on the 9 regions (for 7 representatives each), and are elected upon the percentage of votes within that region
Current Chamber:

Government (National Unity):
• Eestilandi Erakond- 21 (+ 14)
• Socialdemokraterna- 45 (- 7)
• Liberala Partiet- 31 (- 33)
• Branschpartiet- 33 (+ 25)

Left-Opposition (Solidarity Shadow Coalition):
• Kommunisterna- 11 (- 1)
• Arbete Och Frihet- 10 (- 10)
• Alternativa- 6 (- 11)

Right-Opposition (The Ruotsaland Citizen Coalition):
• Ruotsademokraterna- 40 (+ 26)
• Nya Borgerliga- 4 (- 2)


The Riksdag, also known as the Eduskunta, is the parliamentary body of the Republic of Ruotsaland, decided roughly every 4 years by the citizens in a proportionally represented system.
The election consists of competing for 201 seats in the chamber:
• 138 of the seats are based on the municipalities within Ruotsaland, and are elected on a basis of the largest share of votes within their municipality
• 63 of the seats are given based on the 9 regions (for 7 representatives each), and are elected upon the percentage of votes within that region

Current Chamber:

• Socialdemokraterna- 52 (- 10)
• Arbete Och Frihet- 20 (+/- 0)
• Eestilandi Erakond- 7 (+ 1)
• Alternativa- 17 (- 2)
• Kommunisterna- 12 (+ 4)

• Liberala Partiet- 60 (+ 12)
• Branschpartiet- 8 (- 6)
• Ruotsademokraterna- 14 (- 2)
• Nya Borgerliga- 6 (+/- 0)
• Blod Och Jδrn- 5 (+ 3)


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The Riksdag, also known as the Eduskunta, is the parliamentary body of the Republic of Ruotsaland, decided roughly every 4 years by the citizens in a proportionally represented system.

The election, called early for fitting in line with the Expansion Referendum of 2027 that expanded the Riksdag from 201 members to 541, consists of competing for the current 541 seats in the chamber:

  • 352 of the seats are based on the 9 regions within Ruotsaland, and are elected on a basis of the largest share of votes within their region delegated proportionally

  • 189 of the seats are given based on the entire nation, and are elected proportionally on party-list upon the percentage of votes within the entire nation

Current Chamber:

Government (Left-Wing):
• Kommunisterna- 34
• Arbete Och Frihet- 38
• Alternativa- 47
• Eestilandi Erakond- 25
• Socialdemokraterna- 157

Opposition (Right-Wing):
• Liberala Partiet- 119
• Branschpartiet- 64
• Ruotsademokraterna- 45
• Nya Borgerliga- 13


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The Republic of Ruotsaland

