Category: Inoffensive Centrist Democracy | ||
Civil Rights: Very Good |
Economy: Frightening |
Political Freedoms: Good |
Regional Influence: Truckler
Location: Conch Kingdom
Political Parties of the Republic of Ruotsaland (Last Updated: 28 September 2023)
The Republic of Ruotsaland, as a parliamentary democratic republic, provides the freedom of assembly of likeminded individuals into political organisations and parties. Many of these parties rise and fall, and others stand the test of time for decades or even centuries! As of the time of update (currently: 15 January 2023), here are the parties and a little background on them:Socialdemokraterna (The Social Democrats): This party was established in 1876, arising from the industrial shipbuilding, fishing, and timber industries' labour movements of the 1800s when Ruotsaland was still a part of the Russian Empire. With the independence of Ruotsaland in 1917, the Social Democrats emerged as one of the three biggest political factions to arise in the new nation, alongside the Liberal Party and Branschpartiet. As such, it has been a strong and stalwart protector of the lower classes in the Republic, and has often emerged as the pre-eminent party in Ruotsaland outright as the 20th and 21st centuries marched onward, championing a robust welfare state, workers' unions, and pride in the republican, progressive values that makes Ruotsaland great to be a worker, in theory. The current Prime Minister, Gunnar Nattljusen, is also the leader of this party.
Arbete Och Frihet (Work and Freedom): Splintering from the Social Democrats in 1947, almost immediately after the Second World War, Arbete Och Frihet represents a more radical departure from the mission of their former ideological compatriots, desiring more direct actions to combat inequality in Ruotsi society. Among these is the desire to mandate democratic management of all workplaces, the banning of cars within city limits due to pollution concerns, and in recent years, quota systems for ethnic minorities in government and workplaces. In Ruotsaland, they have not been particularly popular for this last point especially.
Eestilandi Erakond (Estonian Union): Established in 2011, Eestilandi Erakond is a left-nationalist, centre-left party dedicated to standing up for the cause of the Estonian minority within the Republic, often being single-issue in the preservation of Estonian culture, history, and autonomy, albeit still as loyal Ruotsi citizens. Beyond these causes, they advocate for causes on a wider, general scale, of a stronger welfare state and social justice causes, among other progressive missions.
Alternativa (Alternative): This party, founded in 1999, is an almost seemingly single-issue environmental party that seeks to remove as much of the footprint that humanity makes within Ruotsaland. In its time as part of the Riksdag, it has been a significant contributor to causes of high-density housing and green spaces in cities, the exponential expansion of public transportation options across the country, and the return to styles of long, unkempt hair for men, and hairy armpits for women, this last goal being something of a miracle unseen since the Hippie Era of the 1960s. Their newest mission is to ban cars outright in Ruotsland, a cause that will be bound to make new footprints entirely.
Kommunisterna (The Communists): Begrudgingly accepting to play within parliamentary politics, this party of hardline communists was established in 1991, splintering from Arbete Och Frihet when this party began to 'betray the revolution'. A not-so-popular party, as the Ruotsa are a very touchy group when it comes to the idea of 'communism' relating to anything, it has grown in some popularity rather recently with a new chronically-online generation of voters who have yet to acquire a passport, or even a day outside, as adults. Recent legislative victories they have had include the introduction of the 35 hour workweek, free televisions dispersed to all, and classes in school curriculums on how to forge hammer and sickles from your own backyard furnace.
Liberala Partiet (The Liberal Party): Alongside the Social Democrats and now-Branschpartiet, the Liberal Party was one of the first parties to emerge in Ruotsaland, even before it became a nation. Formulated among the ferment in popular liberal uprisings that occurred across Europe in 1848, but becoming a formal, albeit underground party in 1852, the Liberal Party is the vanguard of middle class values at the ballot box, supporting the causes of free market liberalism and of the lowering of taxes wherever possible, even if it would benefit their constituents. The current leader of the party, Felix Kjellberg, once claimed fame as being one of the first YouTube stars before settling in Åland and beginning in politics.
Branschpartiet (The Conservative Business Party): Originally formed in 1867 as simply "Konservativet" "The Conservative Party", Branschpartiet, or the Conservative Business Party, stood as one of the three main political parties that developed as a result of political autonomy given by Russia, the others being the Social Democrats and the Liberal Party. The party of the upper class generally, from the noble classes on their extensive 150+ room mansions, to the urban bourgeois capitalists who owned entire apartment blocs, it was named "Branschpartiet" in 1959 when it became noticeably apparent that nobility did not exist anymore in Ruotsaland and it was a bad look to be so conservative in one's approach. Currently, Branschpartiet exclusively appeals to the capital class and wishes to uphold conservative-liberal values as what is good and true with Ruotsaland. Despite their party platform, a lot of working class people vote for Branschpartiet, hoping that they will one day become just like these titans of industry if they just put in more effort to their 12-to-16 hour shifts at the hardware store.
Ruotsademokraterna (The Ruotsi Democrats): Made up of a mix of xenophobic Social Democrats, job-anxious Liberals, and Branschpartiet members who begged the question one too many times why they can't understand funny squiggles on a sign in what should be their country, Ruotsademokraterna was established in 1977 as the answer to protecting both your pension for when you retire, as well as your daughter's chastity from an immigrant, all in one fell swoop. The convergence of social democratic economic principles with an anti-immigrant conservative social policy, the Ruotsi Democrats have expanded the welfare state while denying it to non-citizens proudly since the beginning.
Nya Borgerliga (New Citizens' Movement): Splitting from Branschpartiet in 2012 immediately after the predictions of the world ending did not in fact come true, this party was created to take Branschpartiet's views on the economy and pair it with the view that Ruotsaland is bound to end if we let in just one more "dålig kille" (bad hombre) into the country. Economically free market liberal to the point they would want the government to entirely wither away, but socially conservative enough to potentially regret that decision when it means the state cannot strictly control immigration and deport people, Nya Borgerliga is what the true citizen long as you are not brown and have a funny name.
Blod Och Järn (Blood and Iron): The furthest right-wing party currently sitting in the Riksdag, this has been a party that has long tempered a "cordon sanitaire" against it by all other parties in the parliament due to the brashness of the elected politicians in this party, the connection that all of the politicians of this party seem to possess to known neo-Nazi people and groups, and their propensity to getting banned off social media websites for flagrantly meeting disagreement with teaching brand-new slurs to thousands of people in their profanity-laden rebuttals. To call them "fascist" or "Nazi" would not be too far off, but don't say that to their face, or you might lose a few teeth in the process. This party was established in 1964, a minor party in local politics for almost a half century until one seat was gained in 2014, where it has kept a small, albeit worringly growing presence in the Riksdag, ever since. On January 1st, 2027, this party was banned by executive decree, citing their role as a state sponsor of terror within the Republic of Ruotsaland.