Spotlight on:
The Federal Council Republic of Pilipinas and Malaya |
“Collectively marching towards UNITY.”
Category: Left-wing Utopia | ||
Civil Rights: World Benchmark |
Economy: Frightening |
Political Freedoms: Excellent |
Location: Europe |
Regional Influence: Vassal |
The Federal Council Republic of Pilipinas and Malaya is a gargantuan, cultured nation, ruled by Darryl Soliman with a fair hand, and renowned for its keen interest in outer space, free-roaming dinosaurs, and absence of drug laws. The compassionate, democratic, cheerful population of 15.741 billion Filipino and Malayans are free to do what they want with their own bodies, and vote for whomever they like in elections; if they go into business, however, they are regulated to within an inch of their lives.
The large, liberal government juggles the competing demands of Education, Administration, and Environment. It meets to discuss matters of state in the capital city of Maynila. The average income tax rate is 98.9%.
The frighteningly efficient Pilipinas and Malayan economy, worth a remarkable 3,789 trillion Federated Pounds a year, is quite specialized and led by the Tourism industry, with major contributions from Information Technology, Book Publishing, and Retail. State-owned companies are common. Average income is an amazing 240,751 Federated Pounds, and distributed extremely evenly, with little difference between the richest and poorest citizens.
Darryl Soliman spends most of the day apologizing, The Pipe Bomb Makers' Pop-Up Book can be found in preschool libraries, Scoutmasters debate whether luxury log cabins defeat the purpose of camping, and government officials sit helplessly as they are labelled 'Pompous Womples' by celebrities. Crime is totally unknown. Pilipinas and Malaya's national animal is the Tarsier Panda, which frolics freely in the nation's many lush forests, and its national religion is Pantheonism.
Pilipinas and Malaya is ranked 284,364th in the world and 1,290th in Europe for Most Primitive, scoring -561.82 on the Scary Big Number Scale.
National Happenings
Most Recent Government Activity:
- : Pilipinas and Malaya was endorsed by The Republic of Iskalland.
- : Pilipinas and Malaya was endorsed by The Constitutional Monarchy of Eistalia.
- : Pilipinas and Malaya voted for the World Assembly Resolution "Commend Yodle".
- : Pilipinas and Malaya voted for the World Assembly Resolution "Repeal "Cannibalism Act"".
- : Following new legislation in Pilipinas and Malaya, government officials sit helplessly as they are labelled 'Pompous Womples' by celebrities.
- : Following new legislation in Pilipinas and Malaya, Scoutmasters debate whether luxury log cabins defeat the purpose of camping.
- : Following new legislation in Pilipinas and Malaya, The Pipe Bomb Makers' Pop-Up Book can be found in preschool libraries.
- : Following new legislation in Pilipinas and Malaya, Darryl Soliman spends most of the day apologizing.
- : Pilipinas and Malaya was endorsed by The Crazy🙄 but cute🥺 latina 😳 of -floptropica-.
- : Pilipinas and Malaya was endorsed by The Community of Comrades and communities.
World Assembly
Endorsements Received: 287 » The Poland-Lithuania Commonwealth, Imperium Anglorum, The New Nordic Union, Sinclairtown, Wombelland, Northern German Federation, Galway-Dublin, Dark Matter, Yahlia, An Clar, Chioganah, Super Happy Land, Regnum Italiae, Puerto Thelosia, Thracia Republic, Feria-Alkaline, Irminsulia, Falvaard, North of Americas, Nuweland, Maritzal, Aristeme, Ostermarch, Kardjali, Alsted, St Scarlett, Umeria, Nardin, Brakanistan, TF1 TASK FORCE 1, South St Maarten, Outer Sparta, Leszno, Druznia, Belmoren, Thracia and Crimea, Jim the Baptist, Dauershire, Seristria, Carignanum, Supcotia, Elisabethshagen, Walfo, Nieuw Gent, Trixeland, Rotenstein, Wiener-Neustadt, The Champions League, Chronus, Invernessia, and 237 others.Ausvelt, Bareu, Someseni, Savinecross, The Scandinavian Realm, Jahass, The Templar Papal New State, New Eestiball, Estellan, The States of Texas and Arkansas, Mynox, Othenhiem, Zulrich, Estonesia, Robbonia, Europe a Nation, Karnea, Ottterland, Sicheslav, Dipretorian, Mombourg, Kebabian States, Agausia, Dunsteen, Armbruster, Rary, Alpine Lands, Arsenial, Konewa, Gorzi, The Asten Islands, Soveiniesberg, Balcem, Iceagea, Leranditale, Nova Prussia, Amicities, Great Hanover, Ollenda, Slavatania, Leiningerland, Newex Nov Can, United Communes of Chile, Ferranghia, Maanenland, Scytharum, Superior Saxonia, New Vorarlberg, Malchalar, Southern Whateverlandia, Younizia, Ansington, Ostroban, Zaznia, HELLLLL, Ithania, The Oriental Empire, Liberalialand, Salarnsia, Dizgovzy, Meropis, Kkorea, Etnon, UGBK, Slovanov, Suisserland, Northern Socialist States, Askira, Kraykon, Toinetopia, Rome Ruzalls, Bechgyn Benywaidd, Yourope, Raghallaigh, United Kingdom of Karpathia, MagyaRomania, Kazdestan, Ardentiana, Avalisk, Great Clucky, Entians, Sax, Exelandia, Stumphosse Res, Bathera, Quaxoglia, Lumermeyr, Flaminia, Antrantica, Lorissa, The Konderland, East Ase Palmars, Castlenburg, Slavonia and Srijem, Wyndland, Zanexlan, Orctavia, Lunder, Spruce, The Eternal Ascendancy, Eritei, Iaepatius, Argenmenia, Dakea, Noob Farlands, Agatep, Novaspesia, Neurks Boodal, Bastile, Wamia, Wooloo Unitedstrtes, Grestovia, Great Britan and Northern Irelands, Mally Piznoopia, Slavinorika, Kallvetzia, Psikuta, Leblancroux, Saarenmaa, Troyes islands, Niemence, Katuris, Granevia, Sovietskogo Soyuz, Soleilland, Iquerian, Isla Rural, Calicov, Lumiarae, Konzhov, Ortigia, Salwonia, Panorama Paradise, Foudina, The Atlantian Republic, The AbelLandia, Alharatz, Scivonia, Astaraion, Empire of Draconia, Skalliad, Basque Dominion, Brujstan, Adsil Islands, Eastoria, Greater Tiberia, Istastioner, Apocalypse Borg, Gor Kebab, Saint Asperes, Tikonia, Namsan, Cot Deviet, The Full Moon, X Country, Reiserland, Cheesystan, Agartia, Lagene, Myanerus, Fictiobourg, Pupunese, Woodlands, Heritagela, Cambany, Kronverg, Zantalio, Hankhank, Convilla, Potatopelago, Holy Europe Empire, Adhria, New Vardarland, Pioneer Pool, Osterreich-Deutschland, Parsininsa, CSB SA Union, Saint Von Artemis, Zhotania, Western Balkania, Crucia, Waffland, Denyssia, Soveriegn, Communist-Denmark, Foredeland, Britaria, Vurk, Coque Borie Lethawik, Nocciola, Trilkassia, Destyntine, Mallor, Burvenchkaht, Quincy, The Sigometh Dynasty, Zaarie, Flopi Land, British Gambia, Francoguese, Saladonia, British Amsterdam, Greater Bahland, Great Whiteland, DeNorSweLand, Brenadin, Bendicion, Prussia and Germany, Doshnitla, Schachland, Adsuri, Canturk, Younglandia, Luccaa, Iles Vierges, Eirrige, Catis, Zepstovia, Moniyans Land of Dawn, Nova Espana, Union of Eurasian Socialst Republics, Detek Lunesta Qok, National Federation, Leviggo, Azootopia, New Kowloon Bay, Belius, Assyrian socialist government, Gildori, Vandresia, Name 0 WA Account, Franschis, Sanacjonista Polska, Comrades and communities, -floptropica-, Eistalia, and Iskalland.