Spotlight on:
The Rapping Sensation of PhDre |
“This is the Millennium of Aftermath”
Category: Inoffensive Centrist Democracy | ||
Civil Rights: Very Good |
Economy: Frightening |
Political Freedoms: Some |
Location: Europeia |
Regional Influence: Diplomat |
The Rapping Sensation of PhDre is a gargantuan, efficient nation, ruled by Big Fat Booty with an even hand, and remarkable for its museums and concert halls, absence of drug laws, and stringent health and safety legislation. The hard-nosed, hard-working population of 19.084 billion PhDreans have some civil rights, but not too many, enjoy the freedom to spend their money however they like, to a point, and take part in free and open elections, although not too often.
The enormous government prioritizes Education, although Industry, Healthcare, and Welfare are also considered important, while Spirituality receives no funds. It meets to discuss matters of state in the capital city of Pha. The average income tax rate is 80.4%, and even higher for the wealthy.
The frighteningly efficient PhDrean economy, worth a remarkable 1,821 trillion doughs a year, is quite specialized and dominated by the Book Publishing industry, with significant contributions from Tourism, Cheese Exports, and Pizza Delivery. State-owned companies are common. Average income is 95,436 doughs, and evenly distributed, with the richest citizens earning only 2.9 times as much as the poorest.
People think garlic bread counts as one of their "five a day", footballers are doing aerobics in the sauna to build their hot weather endurance, factories are regularly demolished to make way for low-cost housing areas, and there's a lot of babies crying for milk in the middle of the day. Crime is totally unknown, thanks to a capable police force and progressive social policies in education and welfare. PhDre's national animal is the Koala, which frolics freely in the nation's many lush forests.
PhDre is ranked 242,590th in the world and 974th in Europeia for Most Primitive, scoring -151.3 on the Scary Big Number Scale.
National Happenings
Most Recent Government Activity:
- : PhDre endorsed The Republic of Malicon.
- : PhDre endorsed The United Republic of Massechusetts.
- : PhDre was endorsed by The Armed Republic of Charge Island.
- : PhDre endorsed The Grand Duchy of Corvus Clag.
- : PhDre voted for the World Assembly Resolution "Commend Yodle".
- : PhDre endorsed The Royal Empire of The United Ariabics.
- : PhDre endorsed The Best Football Club of Mancheseva City.
- : PhDre endorsed The Armed Republic of Charge Island.
- : PhDre endorsed The Unified Commonwealth of Haunover.
- : PhDre endorsed The Federal Republic of Bir Matras.
World Assembly
Endorsements Received: 161 » Geektopia, Unogonduria, Valdion, Cutias, The Steam-Gardens, Gooblaria, Akeland, Eloscape, Gertyx, Luxcrest, Darenraman Nasan, Louck Volligemonarytopia, Aevana, Elaeria, Ordimus, Cherfully Candid People, Forged Great Amphibiland, Nova Angelus, P0ptr0pica, Arvigiel, Weathertop, Bursken, Abardis, Aran Prasad, Cortlandt Manor, Cauchistan, Jobenheim, Decacon, The United Sovereign State, EAsprts, New Islington, Moryazvia, Terraustra, The State of New Braiden, Pomerena, Republic Of Bruhlandis, Arma Empitester, Mizrham, Vape of Good Hope, Dat Countreh, Republica de la Costa Soleada, Raustria, Fololavakia, Ters Khus, SusanneMariaPula, Greatnessity City, New Libraria, Grande pudimland, Shisterdonk, New Bubastis, and 111 others.Camtropia, Klatonia, Nexxus Chroma, Nabradia, Ptakria, Az Merchaz, Capitalilism, Pazhakia, GermanEmpire of kaisereich, Lievenland, Saexeland and Gymbria, Foradini, Zhurek, Kotat, Cato2, Maurdea, Blitznia, Foxili Conahic, Stefo, Paulotzia, Nosvowa, Kamdakkor, DAFHP3, Kaverdland, Wootionich, Butuni, Abaloniz, Kasaria, The Free States of Rome, Zentestia, Pushistia, Panlansia, Reader, Cyberpunk Nation, Sanjurika, Kasdados, Concordum, Drestenland, Scaletta, Bogtha, Vigard, Azell, S state, Concecenet, Fernlanda, Ilurianempire, United Vietussia, Algorithmburg, Bir Matras, Krabanka, Kindanio, Momtia, Poloki, Pella Nonna, Szczawnica, RIBBON EELS, New AnorLondo, Greater Francia and Territories, Lenlyvit, Vlazinova, Darcness, Clythene, Ambrella, Crulane, Mancheseva City, Magic De, Haunover, Im going to yell, Brilatiana, Grecke, Thaumania, Woodleland, Elsenguard, Pland Adanna, Hykonica, Saint Terraza, Primorye Oblast, Half Caf, Westinor, Salkvloodds, Narkastan, Seora, New Aibhinn, Corkonia, Jonstone, Spuzz City, Suitkon, Ant Superhero, Hollis Refuge, Middle Synia, The Ultra Society, Zabudeh, Rabiit, Steium, King HEM, JayDee II, Almendron, Vixania, Franchela, Gamelia Federation, Scheimmar, Livuenia, Duxitia, Le Libertia, Yasss Drag Queendom, Zainarus, Sincluda, Vallospia, Lilly Land, Kroll Union, and Charge Island.