
by The Most Serene Republic of Pangurstan. . 18 reads.

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News Posts

Pangurstan wrote:Pangur News Network

Presidential candidate Edward Rump gave the following speech in a small town near Undervalian border: "These people in the Onyx Pact, they're great people -- very nice people. Don't listen to what our false friends in the Nationale Republik are saying. They're taking our jobs. They're taking our jobs and saying that we shouldn't be friends with the wonderful people in the Onyx Pact." President Arnold Brent criticized the speech, saying "The Onyx Pact has invaded innocent nations as the first step in their plan to impose their tyrannical rule over all of Declansburg. The Nationale Republik is one of our greatest allies, and it is highly irresponsible for any candidate to try to sabotage that relationship."

Pangurstan wrote:Pangur News Network

Billionaire and politician Edward Rump has kicked off this year's election season with a rally outside of Rump Tower in downtown Alkapol. He gave the following short speech in front of a Make Pangurstan Great Again billboard: "We are going to build a wall. A big, beautiful wall. A great, great wall. The best wall, because Pangurstan needs the best. And Undervale is going to pay for it. That's right. They're going to pay for our wall."

Pangurstan wrote:Pangur News Network

Earlier today, Foreign Minister Anthony Bernhardt released a statement that the government of Pangurstan is committed to finding a peaceful solution to the conflict and is willing to host a peace conference between the governments of Romanic Imperium, Chicago bears fan, Aslauramordia, Krimera, Necropolis 2, Straona, New Nationale Einheit, and any other Continental Shield members in the war. He stated that "Pangurstan will not abandon its allies. However, it also will not fight hopeless wars without the aid of those who are obligated to join them."

Pangurstan wrote:Alkapol Gazetteer-Herald

The government of Pangurstan has declared a humanitarian crisis in response to the large number of refugees fleeing the Necropolis 2 invasion of Corvustanias. The government is asking other nations to prepare to host refugees and to send food and other forms of aid to refugee camps.

Pangurstan wrote:Pangur News Network

The government has passed a new law which will give citizenship to all refugees from the former territory of Victoria and Cascadia. Additionally, the government is asking other nations to prepare to resettle refugees and to send materials to help the aid effort.

Pangurstan wrote:Pangur News Network

A new government, led by the Pangur Popular Front has been elected with 59% of the vote on a platform of increasing defense spending and making Pangurstan more self-sufficient in manufacturing. A spokesman for the Ministry of Defense asserts "Pangurstan is highly vulnerable to attack, and regional instability is on the rise. Pangurstan must be able to protect itself." Other issues during the campaign included a PPF proposal to include nuclear power in the nation's energy policy and a debate over the role of the ever-powerful Church of Pangurstan in politics.

A spokeswoman for the opposition coalition Alliance for Change says "Pangurstan needs to strengthen its national security, but beginning an expensive military buildup is not the way to do it. We will not allow the PPF to abandon historic policies of pacifism in the name of 'defending' Pangurstan from external threats. Additionally it is sad to see the stranglehold of the Church of Pangurstan strengthened. How will the current government maintain the separation of church and state when it depends on their union to secure votes?" It has yet to be seen whether the new government will have a more aggressive foreign policy.

edit 1: formatting

Official Government Statements

Pangurstan wrote:Official Pangur Government Statement

The Most Serene Republic of Pangurstan is currently in a state of war, and has been ever since our fellow Continental Shield allies requested CS aid. We are at war with Krimera, Straona, and Necropolis 2. We do not expect to emerge victorious fighting alone, but we are sure that victory will be achieved when the Continental Shield fights as a whole. We are sending the 1st Pangur Army Corps to Romanic Imperium and the rest of the Pangur military has been instructed to prepare to defend against invasion attempts.

Pangurstan wrote:Official Pangur Government Statement

"Give me your tired, your poor,
Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free,
The wretched refuse of your teeming shore.
Send these, the homeless, tempest-tost to me,
I lift my lamp beside the golden door!"

We cannot tolerate these blatant violations of human rights. The government of Pangurstan condemns the actions of all nations that are enslaving and committing genocide against CBFians and Romans. We are willing to host as many refugees as necessary.

Pangurstan wrote:Official Pangur Government Statement

President Arnold Brent has ordered the Pangur military to begin mobilization immediately.

Pangurstan wrote:Pangur News Network

The government has passed a new law which will give citizenship to all refugees from the former territory of Victoria and Cascadia. Additionally, the government is asking other nations to prepare to resettle refugees and to send materials to help the aid effort.

Pangurstan wrote:The government of Pangurstan has declared a day of national mourning. All non-essential activities are to cease. Aid workers will be dispatched to bury the dead, provide comfort to the dying, and shelter the living. All the president has to say is "Someday there will come a new dawn when the sun will shine again over the Cascadian land and the nation shall rise again. Until then we will let the land lie barren and empty. We do not know for how long. All we can do is prepare for that day. We shall wait for as long as necessary with the remnants of the Cascadian people."

Pangurstan wrote:Official Pangur Government Statement

The government of Pangurstan is saddened by the speed at which an international crisis turned to war, and the general unwillingness of all parties involved to seek a peaceful solution. We will rest more securely now that the rogue state of Pravitel no longer has a nuclear program and would like to work with the coalition to provide humanitarian and economic aid and rebuild Pravitel into a stable, prosperous democracy.

Pangurstan wrote:Official Pangur Government Statement

The government of Pangurstan is highly concerned by recent military buildups by neighboring countries. We urge peaceful, diplomatic resolutions to any disputes, and are willing to host any necessary diplomatic conferences. We would also like to purchase several medium-range ballistic missiles to defend ourselves if any NATO member is attacked.

Pangurstan wrote:Official Pangurstani Government Statement

We have welcomed soldiers from Necropolis 2 and Roylaii onto Pangurstani soil. They will be stationed there until the Pangurstani military is fully able to defend our nation. We are most grateful to Necropolis and Roylaii for their assistance and will do all we can to make sure that future relations remain amicable.
