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The United Socialist States of Ostvan

“Forgive your enemies, but never forget their names.”

Category: Psychotic Dictatorship
Civil Rights:
Political Freedoms:

Location: the Rejected Realms

Regional Influence: Hatchling


The United Socialist States of Ostvan is a huge, safe nation, notable for its infamous sell-swords, public floggings, and restrictive gun laws. The hard-nosed, cynical, humorless population of 593 million Ostvanians are ruled without fear or favor by a psychotic dictator, who outlaws just about everything and refers to the populace as "my little playthings."

The enormous, corrupt, moralistic, socially-minded, well-organized government juggles the competing demands of Defense, Law & Order, and Administration. The average income tax rate is 71.2%, and even higher for the wealthy.

The sizeable but underdeveloped Ostvanian economy, worth 21.1 trillion Debits a year, is driven entirely by a combination of government and state-owned industry, with private enterprise illegal. However, for those in the know, there is a slick, highly efficient, quite specialized black market in Trout Farming, Arms Manufacturing, Door-to-door Insurance Sales, and Woodchip Exports. The private sector mostly consists of enterprising ten-year-olds selling lemonade on the sidewalk, but the government is looking at stamping this out. Average income is 35,583 Debits, and distributed extremely evenly, with practically no difference between the richest and poorest citizens.

The industries of Ostvan are coughing all the way to the bank, the nation's orphanages and maternity wards have been nicknamed 'the Killbot Factories', teen parties are often ruined by wet blanket chaperones, and printing out government documents requires the approval of at least three admins. Crime, especially youth-related, is totally unknown, thanks to the all-pervasive police force and progressive social policies in education and welfare. Ostvan's national animal is the Shark, which frolics freely in the nation's sparkling oceans.

Ostvan is ranked 341,672nd in the world and 4,903rd in the Rejected Realms for Smartest Citizens, with 0.83 quips per hour.

Most Conservative: 610thMost Authoritarian: 3,033rdTop
Most Ignorant Citizens: 4,712thLargest Trout Fishing Sector: 16,282ndTop
Most Extreme: 25,092ndMost Income Equality: 25,479thMost Patriotic: 31,359th
Most Conservative: 8th in the regionTop
Most Authoritarian: 69th in the regionMost Ignorant Citizens: 69th in the regionMost Extreme: 103rd in the regionLargest Trout Fishing Sector: 213th in the regionTop
Most Income Equality: 437th in the region

National Happenings

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