Spotlight on:
The Principality of Nidobhan Artisan 205 |
“Blepia ad astra”
Category: Father Knows Best State | ||
Civil Rights: Some |
Economy: Good |
Political Freedoms: Rare |
Location: Narvatus Card Farm |
Regional Influence: Squire |
The Principality of Nidobhan Artisan 205 is a massive, genial nation, remarkable for its triple-decker prams, complete lack of public education, and suspicion of poets. The compassionate, cynical, devout population of 3.25 billion Nidobhan Artisan 205ians are ruled by a mostly-benevolent dictator, who grants the populace the freedom to live their own lives but watches carefully for anyone to slip up.
The relatively small, well-organized government juggles the competing demands of Law & Order, Defense, and Healthcare. The average income tax rate is 13.2%, but much higher for the wealthy.
The Nidobhan Artisan 205ian economy, worth 144 trillion lemons a year, is fairly diversified and led by the Soda Sales industry, with major contributions from Door-to-door Insurance Sales, Arms Manufacturing, and Retail. State-owned companies are common. Average income is 44,380 lemons, and evenly distributed, with the richest citizens earning only 2.5 times as much as the poorest.
The nation's youth would rather watch paint dry than the news, inter-species marriages are ignored by the government, sneezing pedestrians are grabbed by alley-lurking doctors, and scenic beaches are now protected by massive concrete walls. Crime is almost non-existent, thanks to a capable police force. Nidobhan Artisan 205's national animal is the cat, which can occasionally be seen sifting through garbage in the nation's cities.
Nidobhan Artisan 205 is ranked 325,370th in the world and 505th in Narvatus Card Farm for Smartest Citizens, with 5.86 quips per hour.
National Happenings
Most Recent Government Activity:
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Nidobhan Artisan 205's influence in Narvatus Card Farm rose from "Page" to "Squire".
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Nidobhan Artisan 205's influence in Narvatus Card Farm fell from "Squire" to "Page".
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Nidobhan Artisan 205's influence in Narvatus Card Farm fell from "Hermit" to "Squire".
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Nidobhan Artisan 205's influence in Narvatus Card Farm rose from "Zero" to "Hermit".
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Nidobhan Artisan 205 relocated from Osiris to Narvatus Card Farm.
- : Following new legislation in
Nidobhan Artisan 205, scenic beaches are now protected by massive concrete walls.
- : Following new legislation in
Nidobhan Artisan 205, sneezing pedestrians are grabbed by alley-lurking doctors.
- : Following new legislation in
Nidobhan Artisan 205, inter-species marriages are ignored by the government.
- : Following new legislation in
Nidobhan Artisan 205, the nation's youth would rather watch paint dry than the news.
- : Following new legislation in
Nidobhan Artisan 205, private businesses are paving paradises to put up parking lots.