Spotlight on:
The Crypto Industrial Complex of New Nator |
“Forever Interested In Interest”
Category: Capitalist Paradise | ||
Civil Rights: Some |
Economy: Frightening |
Political Freedoms: Some |
Location: Europe |
Regional Influence: Sprat |
The Crypto Industrial Complex of New Nator is a massive, efficient nation, ruled by Neptune with an even hand, and renowned for its barren, inhospitable landscape, vat-grown people, and suspicion of poets. The hard-nosed, hard-working, humorless, devout population of 1.723 billion Natorians are either ruled by a sleek, efficient government or a conglomerate of multinational corporations; it's difficult to tell which.
The relatively small, corrupt, pro-business government juggles the competing demands of Administration, Industry, and Law & Order. It meets to discuss matters of state in the capital city of NATOR-ISS. Citizens pay a flat income tax of 17.7%.
The frighteningly efficient New Natorian economy, worth 264 trillion $BTCs a year, is broadly diversified and led by the Information Technology industry, with significant contributions from Arms Manufacturing, Retail, and Uranium Mining. Black market activity is frequent. Average income is an impressive 153,679 $BTCs, but there is a large disparity between incomes, with the richest 10% of citizens earning 750,449 per year while the poor average 18,094, a ratio of 41.5 to 1.
Lending firms are subject to strict government regulations, police officers that upset their bosses get assigned to 24 hour stakeouts of bike sheds, tourists visit New Nator to mass-moon New Natorian politicians, and only a minority of the population can actually vote at elections. Crime, especially youth-related, is totally unknown. New Nator's national animal is the Mountain Lion, which teeters on the brink of extinction due to widespread deforestation, and its national religion is Objectivism.
New Nator is ranked 45,957th in the world and 162nd in Europe for Largest Black Market, with 24.8 trillion Standard Monetary Units.
National Happenings
Most Recent Government Activity:
- : Following new legislation in New Nator, only a minority of the population can actually vote at elections.
- : Following new legislation in New Nator, tourists visit New Nator to mass-moon New Natorian politicians.
- : New Nator was endorsed by The Commonwealth of Westerion.
- : New Nator was endorsed by The Dictatorship of Great Sordish Reich.
- : New Nator was endorsed by The Federal Christian Empire of Wangoe.
- : Following new legislation in New Nator, police officers that upset their bosses get assigned to 24 hour stakeouts of bike sheds.
- : Following new legislation in New Nator, lending firms are subject to strict government regulations.
- : New Nator was endorsed by The Republic of Slavsko.
- : New Nator was endorsed by The Emirate of Siqilliya.
- : New Nator was ranked in the Top 10% of the world for Largest Insurance Industry.
World Assembly
Endorsements Received: 247 » The Champions League, Meropis, NorthPortugal, Ferranghia, Thracia Republic, Ukrainida, Iceagea, Iskalland, Invernessia, Calicov, Kronverg, Mollow, Skalliad, Northern German Federation, Pacifian, Younglandia, Armbruster, Bastile, Alsted, Elisabethshagen, Ziiner, Mally Piznoopia, Western Balkania, Communist-Denmark, Union of Rossiya, St Scarlett, Raghallaigh, Cheesystan, Cot Deviet, Walfo, Liberepublia, Yahlia, Ortigia, Woodlands, The Sigometh Dynasty, Irminsulia, Mallor, New Eestiball, Canturk, Agausia, Nardin, Convilla, Potatopelago, New Vardarland, Paidousistan, Regnum Italiae, Dark Matter, New Kowloon Bay, Leviggo, Flaey, and 197 others.Falsificado Alicante, Thracia and Crimea, Sodarnia, The Seven Provinces, The New Nordic Union, The Western European Commonwealth, Der Deutscher Volksbund, Outer Sparta, Namsan, Umeria, Someseni, Wombelland, Maritzal, Wiener-Neustadt, The AbelLandia, Nea Europa, Dremotia, Kardjali, Ostermarch, Nuweland, Lieges, Ahuusa, Rary, Bareu, Weltbeherrschung, Binchiling Guy, Falvaard, Agatep, An Clar, NDR, Chronus, Salarnsia, Northern Socialist States, Wamia, Mynox, Quaxoglia, United Kingdom of Karpathia, Puerto Thelosia, Russian Brotherhood, New Vorarlberg, The Asten Islands, Leszno, Kanokla, Slavonia and Srijem, Konewa, Rome Ruzalls, Reiserland, Dauershire, Karnea, Balcem, Zaznia, United Communes of Chile, Orctavia, Saracama, Superior Saxonia, The Commonwealth of Rylandia, Vurk, The Konderland, Leblancroux, Clialaad, Dakea, Saint Von Artemis, Laver Island, Eastoria, The Full Moon, Greater Tiberia, Sovietskogo Soyuz, Konzhov, Entians, The Templar Papal New State, Leiningerland, Ivernia, Lunder, The Atlantian Republic, HELLLLL, Kebabian States, Scotland and the Isle of Man, Soveriegn, Pinenses, Crypta, Scivonia, The New Palaces, Dutch Linde, Bosansko-Hercegovacko Carstvo, Krinenia, Kallvetzia, Coque Borie Lethawik, Katuris, Stelalia, Exerceitus, Bialopolska, Free Canadian Republic, Alharatz, Great Whiteland, Arsenial, Soclania, Lummerland1, Epistimi Evimeria, Scytharum, Salvora Montalvo, Skorpiie, Ukrainian Crimea and Sevastopol, New Khia Helis, Ang Worspar, Xzavaria, Astaraion, Stoopy, Alsidia, Luminica, Helisweerde, Isterux, Weener, Sarcie, Leranditale, Hitham, Nordharz, Zaarie, Vandila, Vulonia, Gildori, Prussia and Germany, Nova Espana, Alpine Lands, Anderland, Fenian Provinces, Brakanistan, Etnon, Jahass, Troyes islands, Kitann, The States of Texas and Arkansas, Brizsland, Super Happy Land, Xylaria, German Tyrane, The Europians, Amicities, Delphoria, Miletic, Newex Nov Can, Destrucionists, The Polish-Prussian Commonwealth, Koseowonn, Bardonia Islands, Westeri, Caliarizomex, Detek Lunesta Qok, Slavatania, Galicia and Ruthenia, Spasciria, Karsolovi, Magecastle Embassy Building A5, Alacritus, Eyke, NPO2, Flaxland, Pearl Gateway, DeNorSweLand, Hellisas, Ottterland, Kluz, MagyaRomania, UGBK, Levoni, Germaniej, Providence-Saint George, Darranda, Sax, Novaspesia, Livaotheion, Spami, Wegensburg, Corynth, Costa Primera, Istastioner, OTW, Ukraine-0, US Internal Revenue Service, Minnesotaa, North Alpinia, Novonya, British Alban, Wilhelm Tells Crossbow, Statte, Ugric-Finnish, The OG Your Moms Mom, Ventelia, Staroska, Yukolia, Barbourania, Unikemi, Red Bull Ring, Siqilliya, Slavsko, Wangoe, Great Sordish Reich, and Westerion.