Spotlight on:

National Flag

The Constitutional Monarchy of New England INC

“Through bureaucracy we thrive” King Powers

Category: Inoffensive Centrist Democracy
Civil Rights:
Political Freedoms:

Regional Influence: Negotiator

Location: Commonwealth of Sovereign States



King Powers Various Known Domain

"Attention all, these fine nations are frankly speaking MY PROPERTY so HANDS OFF, if you find a piece of territory that doesn't appear to be claimed then you can safely assume that is also mine or soon to be mine. Through bureaucracy we thrive, Through the League we Thrive!, Hail the Confederation!....and so on." - King Maximus Powers when questioned about the nations that were helping him during Z-Day, N-Day and more recently the Global Trade fair.

List of known nations and governors collaborating with or owned by New England INC:

NEI South Usean Raj - Governor Snow
CDF Imperial Legion XLII - Governor Groki
CDF Imperial Legion XLIII - Governor Pek
CDF Imperial Legion XLIV - Governor Delgado
CDF Imperial Legion XLV - Governor Solman
CDF Imperial Legion XLVI - Governor Vinker
NEI Beskerm - President Konstantina Vermoor
Greater Esha (player) - Princeps Hecate Balam
Artkos (player) - Governor Jaco Meetik
NEI West Usies - Governor Abisai Badrick
New Morissia - Prime Minister Sydney Athlone
Royal United Colonies Company (player) - Director Elias Thorpe
