Category: Inoffensive Centrist Democracy | ||
Civil Rights: Good |
Economy: Frightening |
Political Freedoms: Some |
Regional Influence: Negotiator
Location: Commonwealth of Sovereign States
The League Of Prosperous Nations
Per Foedus nos Vigent! - Through the League we Thrive!
The League was created as a response to rising alliances popping up within the Confederation and with possible large scale conflicts approaching, the league is working towards ways to profit off these conflicts and expand all members economic/military repertoire. LOPN comprises mainly of capitalist/corporate nations that have allied together to ensure total upmost profit from such a pact through international trading agreements and joint military operations. The League will aid sworn in members in matters regarding economic and militaristic profit if the League decides the venture is worthy of being pursued. To clarify, LOPN will provide League members with economic and military support if they were the defending party within a war. However, on matters of League members being the offender in a war, then it must be agreed upon within the League, if the war is worthy enough to assist League members in. Upon joining the League, nations agree upon non-aggression pacts with other member/associate nations of the League and will be met with strict punishment if they were to be in violation of said agreement. Fully sworn in members of the League will also agree upon the terms of a defensive pact with other League members and will be called to war in the event of a League members being attacked. Associate members of the League will only come under the trade agreement part of the League and will only be involved with trading, associate members of the League will not be protected if they were to be attacked unless they agree to join the League fully.
New England INC
The destroyers of christianity
Current members:
New England INC
The Yeetusa
The Dixie Confederate Union
New daul eryxCorpala
Eastern arellistanNEI South Usean Raj
Greater Esha
NEI Beskerm
NEI West Usies
The Roskayan Republic
Hms nhs
Holy fedin decrenzNew Morissia
VandburgRoyal United Colonies Company
Associate members:
The Principality of Helanago


Former members:
TrivilinThe Very Dark Place
East turzikstan
NorthumlandLodhs beard
Deman kalan
West corpala
Former associate members:
The italian islamic state
Kleptocratic maniacs
United tatumia