Category: Anarchy | ||
Civil Rights: Frightening |
Economy: Frightening |
Political Freedoms: Corrupted |
Regional Influence: Dealmaker
Location: NationStates
Repeal Commendation of Mikeswill
This shall be interesting to watch as I mostly play the game in the field as opposed to the forum politics.I am flattered by Southern Bellz and
Crushing Our Enemies commentary. The opinion remains that a few "players" tend to run the Security Council at their whim and the typical Nation votes off rhetoric. As my first service is to the Region of NationStates, which has kept me the elected delegate based on endorsements for over seven years, (a mark only New texas can one day match and no other leader of a founderless region will ever surpass), I shall not participate with much frequency in the banter of enemies. I did not ask for the Commendation in the first place. In fact I was rather surprised as
Southern Bellz has already stated, as I am not your typical play ball regional leader. However, I was rather flattered and even altered our stance relative to the Security Council to accept the token of popularity emblematic of the Commendation.
Few Nations in the Jennifer Government Land will ever get to experience the trials, challenges, and responsibility that are encompassed in leading the namesake region of the game without the security of Founder powers. From humble beginnings I nurtured the region from the edge of obscurity into one time prominence and present stability. Since November 2003 at least 90% of all the Nations to have resided in NationStates have been personally recruited by me. The amount of work and diligence necessary over these eight years to maintain regional relevance while enormous real life events season by has been mind boggling. No commendation or removal of same can ever replace the personal experiences of this player who still finds the energy, loyalty, and will to maintain a connection to the many thousands of nations past and present that grace these lands.
The facts remain: the game is bigger than The Security Council, Mikeswill will continue to play as he has done since October 28, 2003, and I am incredibly flattered that I am the topic of discussion these next three days! Thank you for keeping The NationStates region relevant!
WA Delegate
I stand by each of the aforementioned comments regarding the error of the Security Council and it's infringement upon Regional sovereignty. For the record: I did not seek the Commendation nor did I have the choice to accept or reject the Commendation. My ego, which is a tad smaller than my righteous adversaries, appreciated the recognition given to me and the NationStates region for years of hard work. The conflict with my previous stance warranted a redress and subsequent alteration in policy which sought to appreciate the Commendation process while continuing to stand against the Liberation authority which is at the crux of my fundamental disagreement with this body. The fact remains, however, that this body will not tolerate differences of opinion which is a precept of democracy. Where this body could have embraced achievement and individuality, the fear of such tolerance returned this institution toward cronyism. I care not to be a member of such hypocrisy.
Over the course of time rules continued to constrain the game play of Invaders while Defenders resorted to the same activities with impunity. In time, the Security Council was created to include the power of restricting the password controls of the WA Delegate. Under the guise of “Liberation” this act left any region at risk to the whims of those who controlled the Security Council thereby destroying true regional sovereignty. At this point Mikeswill stood firm against such usurpation of the rules of play and The Highlander 1 became a more aggressive voice of dissent against the Security Council. Nevertheless, raiders who agreed with the dissent gave no quarter or security to the NationStates region. Proof of same culminated in September 2010 when Mikeswill was nearly ousted as WA Delegate by members of the three largest raider groups in play.
It is the position of Mikeswill that the dynamics of the Jennifer Government Land includes raiders and defenders ~ that the NationStates region remains subject of invasion by both parties as proven in 2010. The irony that the Invader camp has far greater respect for my out-spoken disdain toward the Security Council than do the defenders is amusing as they readily would jump at the opportunity to unseat the longest standing delegate in the game. More ironical is the defender actions of 2010 which secured my position as delegate yet knowing my position toward the Security Council.
Ah, well, such are games and this next chapter shall prove most interesting indeed.