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The Mikes Hope Essence of Mikeswill

“Love Conquers Fear” Mike

Category: Anarchy
Civil Rights:
Political Freedoms:

Regional Influence: Dealmaker

Location: NationStates



History of Mikeswill, Mikes Hope & NationStates

In the early days of the Jennifer Government Land Regions were created without credit given to the Founder. Such is the case of the Region NationStates which dates to these times of Antiquity. Even a like Region such as 10,000 Islands has a Founder to its credit.

On May 28, 2003 our Region contained 4 Nations and Painesville-Ghetto was the Delegate through July 7, 2003. On August 7, 2003 msida_ was the Delegate as our population skyrocketed to 10 Nations. Said Nation would serve through the month and we would drop to 2 Nations. On September 13, 2003 Winky Woo (A Raider) would serve as Delegate for less than one week. She would later tell me that our Region was a battle ground between Raiders and Defenders. The Defender Yerwhat would validate her story.

According to Yerwhat and Wink Woo, a truce was agreed upon along with the Nation, Jennifer Gov 2, whereby they would cease battling for the Region. Nations began to arrive and Imagineering was made Delegate on November 5, 2003 as the Region achieved 21 Nations.

Days prior, on October 29, 2003 Mikeswill was created and he asked his friend to join who became Maiway. The Queendom of The Aire of McQuillan invited Maiway (Spankin) to our Region and he, in turn, invited me to join. I created Mikes Hope at that time Imagineering was Delegate to be my Nation in the then UN (now WA).

Mikes Hope began recruiting and on November 12, 2003 he became UN Delegate as our Region total had grown to 68 Nations. On November 19th we hit 105 Nations; 231 Nations on December 5th; 456 Nations on December 27th; 524 Nations on January 2, 2004; 603 Nations on January 13th; and a high of 647 Nations on January 27th. At this time NationStates was the largest Player Created Region in the Jennifer Government World. The reason Mikes Hope continued to serve the Region as Delegate is that he was the Nation most responsible for recruitment into this Region and Nations seemed to want to reward him with their Endorsement.

To keep in prospective, 10,000 Islands had up to 5 recruiters at this point and Grub, their Founder, could concentrate on creating Regional Government; Defense Organizations (TITO); and various other extras such as a multi-dimensional Forum as he never had to fear Invasion. NationStates, on the other hand, was always subject to Invasion from without and within. The Delegate has been tasked to keep the Region safe and stable from outside interlopers. At one point Yerwhat and I requested that Moderation grant Mikeswill with Founder status given his work in the Region but either they were unable or unwilling to grant this wish.

To keep this Region safe from Invasion we have taken a position of Neutrality relative to the actions of both Defenders and Invaders which has often been unpopular. We have seen the egresses of both sides and maintain contacts on both sides albeit the intrigue is less volatile than in those early days.

In December 2003 Mikeswill created NationStates 2 capitalizing on the future interests of the Name and Game. In February 2004 this Region was open and filled with Nations mostly residing in Europe. Onn became the Delegate of this Region as it grew to over 100 Nations. The split nature of recruiting for two Regions suffered and my efforts moved back to our present Region whilst the population in NS2 declined.

By September of 2004 our Region had contracted to 321 Nations per the cyclical nature of this endeavour when Mikes Hope was deleted by the Moderators in a misunderstanding. After a ten day power struggle Mikeswill replaced Insomnia Monkeys as the new UN Delegate of this Region. Though many Nations left the Region to for a new Region (Free States of Gaia), amidst cries of Tyranny, Mikeswill’s recruitment efforts revitalized our Region anew surpassing 400 Nations on October 17th; 500 on December 18th; and 600 on February 13, 2005. Again, Mikeswill was rewarded with continued support as UN Delegate by the Nations he recruited into this Region.

The cyclical decline in population took place and we dropped to 365 Nations on 07/10/2005. A new injection of Fall Nations grew our numbers to 448 Nations on 10/16/2005 when a surprising decline began. Part of this decline could be attributed to Mikeswill’s change of careers to become a school teacher thereby limiting his opportunity to recruit. However, a new cycle had entered the dynamic: disinterest after an initial growth spurt due to new schoolmates’ entries. The JenGuv Land also had more competition in the Web Realities.

Mikeswill would not recruit again until 10/07/2006 when our Regional population dropped to 107 Nations. Fighting the Fall decline, we grew to 264 Nations on 03/15/2007. Recruitment became more competitive as more Regions were using the methods Mikes Hope devised while staffing their efforts with multiple Recruiters. Additionally, more Nations whose only endeavour was to deride, attack, harass, and criticize began to arrive and erode the community of though we enjoyed in late 2003; 2004; and 2005.

The Spring decline of 2007 was minimized by constant efforts to keep our population steady but on 09/30/2007 our Region fell to 200 Nations. In addition to teaching, real life issues resulted in limited recruitment combined with the Fall decline and we began 2008 with 131 Nations.

From 01/11/2008 until 03/21/2008 we grew to 240 Nations. From 03/22/2008 until 08/08/2008 we fell to 152 Nations. Mikeswill began recruiting again in August and we would double in size to 328 Nation on 09/19/2008. For the next year recruitment was curtailed dropping us to 78 Nations on July 3, 2009. In November recruitment resumed and by January 1, 2010 the Region again surpassed 200 Nations.

In 2010 the Region would begin the year with over 200 Nations and then gradually decline in numbers to a low of 120 Nations on June 13. Summer recruiting raised the Nation count to 174 by October 9 and then further decline to the year’s low of 106 Nations on December 18. Again end of the year recruitment would close out the year with 131 Nations.

For the first seven months of 2011 the same degree of fluctuation would continue resulting in a low of 109 Nations in February and a high of 182 in April. Then, in July we eclipsed 200 Nations for the first time since January 2010, and 250 Nations in September. By December we were at the cusp of 300 Nations closing out the year with 292.

Unfortunately, maintaining the numbers was further difficult with the onslaught of recruiting by other Regions. At present, a new Nation now receives 13 personal recruitment messages within minutes of creation. As such, the first six months of 2012 witnessed a gradual decline of 100 Nations to a low of 192 Nations on May 12.

Throughout the History of Mikeswill in the Region numerous Nations have tried to become WA Delegate, not to strengthen the Region, but to bring down the Power and Hard Work of the Delegate. Whereas other Regions can afford a more Democratic interplay, our Region is unique. With nearly eight years of effort and without the luxury of Founder status, Mikeswill continues to protect his role as WA Delegate to strive to keep this Region pertinent to the Jennifer Government Landscape.
