Category: Iron Fist Consumerists | ||
Civil Rights: Unheard Of |
Economy: Frightening |
Political Freedoms: Unheard Of |
Regional Influence: Apprentice
Location: Europe
State Press
Only state-controlled media is permitted.
Parliamentarians are randomly selected.
No Marriage
Marriage is prohibited.
Same-sex relationships are illegal.
Religious worship is prohibited.
Citizens are legally entitled to end their lives.
AI Personhood
Artificial beings are legally recognized citizens.
No Smoking
Smoking is prohibited, even in private.
Law & Order
Capital Punishment
Citizens may be executed for crimes.
Corporal Punishment
Criminals may be ordered to undergo physical punishment.
No Judiciary
The nation has abolished the court system.
The nation enforces a national curfew.
DNA Harvesting
Citizen DNA must be submitted to the state.
ID Chips
Citizens are administered an under-the-skin ID chip.
Private industry is permitted within a market-based economy.
Maternity Leave
New mothers receive paid leave from employment.
Affirmative Action
Organizations are required to meet demographic quotas.
Nuclear Power
The nation is nuclear powered.
Space Program
The nation runs a space program.
Weapons of Mass Destruction
The nation claims the legal right to use WMDs.
Climate Treaty
The nation is a signatory to an international climate treaty.
No Immigration
Foreigners cannot become residents.
No Emigration
Citizens are not permitted to leave.